Deponovao sam preko $500 NZ kao što obično činim kada igram u Vulkanvegas.
Igra koju sam igrao imala je tehničku grešku za koju nisam znao šta je to u tom trenutku, greška se pojavila na ekranu više puta tokom moje sesije igre i kolutovi su se okretali, a zatim bi prestali i nastavili da se okreću dok nisam osvežio stranicu.
Probao sam 2 različita uređaja u slučaju da moj mobilni telefon kasni. Igra je i dalje kvarila. Očistio sam svoju keš memoriju i istoriju kao što mi je ranije savetovano.
Pokušao sam da kontaktiram ćaskanje uživo istog jutra, ali bezuspešno. Konačno sam stupio u kontakt sa članom tima te večeri i ona mi nije bila od pomoći. Nije mogla da mi da odgovor ili da me uputi u pravom smeru, igrao sam neko vreme, od 8 do 6 ujutru, a onda me je zamolila da pošaljem ID kruga svakog okreta koji bi bio preko 3000- 5000 okretaja. Da li se šališ na moj račun!?
Ne, nisam dobio nijedan snimak ekrana ili oblik dokaza jer ne snimam sve svoje sesije igre.
Nedostatak korisničke usluge koju sam dobio od člana tima bio je neprihvatljiv. Šta da radim povodom ovoga? Mogu li nešto da uradim ili jednostavno nije moj dan?? Sada sam zbog toga izgubio celu platu
I deposited over $500 NZ as I usually do when I play at Vulkanvegas.
The game I played had a technical glitch to which I did not know what that was at the time, an Error appeared on screen multiple times throughout my game session and the reels were spinning then would stop then carry on spinning till I refreshed the page.
I tried 2 different devices incase it was my mobile phone lagging. The game was still glitching. I cleared my cache and history as I'd been advised to do prior.
I attempted to contact live chat that same morning to no avail. I finally got in touch with a team member that evening and she was no help at all. She couldn't give me an answer or point me in the right direction, I'd been playing for awhile, from 8am to 6am and she then asked for me to send then Round ID of every spin which would have been well over 3000-5000 spins. Are you kidding me!?
No I did not get any screenshot or form of evidence as I do not record all of my game sessions.
The lack of customer service I got from the team member was unacceptable. What do I do about this? Is there anything I can do or was it just not my day?? I have now lost on a whole paycheck because of it