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Zahtjev za povlačenje od Powbet (strana 3)

 od aggelospap90
17.692 pregleda 61 odgovora |
12 3 4

Good day to you!

I'm sorry to hear that...

In order to find some references, I checked the complaint section; there is actually no open complaint, so no hints there either. Better results can be found in the user review section, in terms of results, not the rating. Check it out for yourself:

I believe giving the casino a few more days won't hurt; technically, I have no better option for now.

Would a different payment option solve the problem? It might be a question worth asking the casino.

One way or another, I'll wait for your update 🤞🤞🤞

Sve je u redu, uplata je izvršena

Automatski prevedeno:

What happy news to hear! So, how long did it take in total for you to get the winnings?

It was a week or so, wasn't it?

Da, bilo je oko 6 dana, sve je bilo u redu! Hvala na odgovoru!

Automatski prevedeno:

🙂 Happy to support you!

Hopefully, the payment will go much smoother next time you submit the request.

Speaking of which, are you staying? What is the casino like aside from this delay?

Za sada je veoma dobro, postoji veliki izbor igara u kazinu i klađenju ne treba mnogo vremena da se obradi tiket. Ako opet ne zakasne sa vaznesenjem, biće završeni.

Automatski prevedeno:

Surely! You may offer the best or most exclusive games and top-notch support, but if you fail to pay out players within a reasonable amount of time, you're soon doomed. 🙂

Same here, i ask for a withdrawal request to my credit card as they mention, a few days laters i get the below message:

Your withdrawal of 00000 EUR has been cancelled.

If you have cancelled the withdrawal yourself, no further action is required.

If you have not cancelled the withdrawal request, the failure may be due to a technical error on the part of the payment service provider.

No way to obtain any documented details about the transaction that has failed! no one knows why it failed while it was simply a refund1 i did not enter my credit card info neither any other info. all is on file on their website

this is when they ask you to try another withdrawal method 🙂 no one knows why1 while in their email they clearly specify that withdrawals will be made only to the payment method that has been used! they ask you to request a wire transfer while you deposited with a credit card

after looks to be a new technique these small casinos are using to make you revert back your withdrawal and loose everything

very long withdrawal times, that end up cancelled for NO REASON.

i had this issue already with 3 casinos and the 3 were unable to provide me any documentation or proofs that my withdrawals were processed and cancelled or refused for technical errors

in other words

Stay away from this casino... 9.5 score index for a casino that takes a week to cancel a withdrawal request and has a limit of 500 usd withrawal per week! who is reviewing these casinos please?


Hi, I'm sorry for the situation you've gotten yourself into. As for the alternative for the withdrawal method, did you use it or not ? How long has this case been going on ? If the only thing the casino can tell you is that it's always due to technical reasons, I understand that it can happen, but I don't know if it's permanent. 

However, if the problem persists and you are unable to withdraw your money, I would recommend filing a complaint here. We give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal process so if nothing changes and you have no new information I think it would be a good idea to try.

As for who reviews these casinos, it's our data team which takes a number of factors into account when checking. If you'd like to know more, here's a guide to the process

Let me know then if you have tried the complaint or not. Fingers crossed. 🤞

Zdravo dobro jutro! I meni se isto dešava! U Povbet sam stavio 250€ i sada imam 270€, hoću da podignem i ne daju mi! Pokušavam mesec dana i ništa, poništavaju mi sve isplate.

Kaže mi da nisam verifikovan i želim da se proverim, kontaktiram ih, kažem im i oni mi kažu da im verifikacija ne treba, ali naravno bez nje ne mogu da dobijem novac.

Vidite, veoma sam očajan i voleo bih da ga izvučem jer mi treba novac.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, imam isti problem i nisu mi tražili ništa da me verifikuju, kažu mi da ako im nešto treba da me pitaju. Kako ste se verifikovali?

Automatski prevedeno:

Bro how Long u waited For Withdrawal im having 3x 500€ first one i made 31.3.2024 and i still didnt recieve anything on my bank account every chat supporter told me the different story . My verifications still doesent needed. Thanks !


Please answer me

Zdravo, kako ste uspeli da izvršite verifikaciju? Ja sam u istoj situaciji

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey. Try to use the "reply" button next time. The player you'd like to write the message to will get notified that way.😉

Would you like to tell us something more about the problem you've got with the verification, perhaps? We could be able to help somehow.


Zahtevao sam povlačenje pre 10 ili više dana, i još uvek je na čekanju. Pročitao sam ovde da se ista stvar desila ljudima i to zato što nalog nije verifikovan. Ako odem u odeljak za verifikaciju, kaže mi da nije potrebno da verifikujem nalog

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey there.

Have you tried to ask the casino support about that? Usually the KYC (Know Your Customer) verification is a must, on the other hand, there are always some exclusions.

10 days sounds like enough time for the casino to move forward with your request.

I would certainly contact them to find out whether there is something wrong on your side. Could you kindly let us know once you get an explanation?


Čet ne radi i kontaktirao sam ih, ali nisam dobio odgovor

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, that's too bad. So did you send them any emails ? When the chat doesn't work, you mean it doesn't work at all? 

I have a feeling that we are getting closer and closer to a complaint, because we give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal or KYC process. 

I would be happy if this was not necessary but if you don't get any response I don't see it rosy. 

Let me know if anything changes. 

Igrao sam Povbet kazino i zatražio sam povlačenje novca koji sam osvojio (200) evra

Nisam mogao da verifikujem jer se ne prikazuje na profilu.

Ne odgovaraju na e-poštu.

U ćaskanju stalno govore da nije potrebna verifikacija, samo da sačekaju da moj zahtev obradi odeljenje finansija itd...

Stavljao sam svoju karticu da položim svoj nacionalni platni spisak dok sam isto napisao za povlačenje


Zahtev za povlačenje 10/2 .a mi imamo 15/2 ..

Šta će biti, šta da radim?

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:
12 3 4

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