Dakle, proveo sam neko vreme posmatrajući situacije u igri na desetinama (tačnije, 80) onlajn rulet stolova u realnom vremenu da proverim šta ste napisali. Posmatrao sam oko 5-6 sati uzastopno, i moje oči su se jako umorile gledajući ove brojke. Ipak, bilo je zanimljivo otkriti ovu novu strategiju za mene.
Prvo mogu reći da je to veoma dobra strategija ; igra kao što si napisao, a opklade dobijaju u većini slučajeva (rekao bih oko 98-99% vremena).
Nažalost, ne pobeđuje uvek : situacije nastaju, kao što sam pretpostavio u svojim prethodnim porukama, kada broj promašaja premaši ograničenje postavljeno vašom strategijom.
U početku sam odlučio da pogledam sve uglove koji se ne pojavljuju 26 ili više puta, pronađem tabele u kojima ima više od 2 takvih pozicija, a među njima nema preseka brojeva. Bilo je veoma informativno, ali nažalost, to je bila moja greška jer ima mnogo takvih tabela, a bilo je izazovno pratiti relevantne.
Ipak, skoro sam odmah (u roku od sat vremena posmatranja) pronašao problem (dajem slike ispod):
Kao što vidite ovde, na istaknutoj tabeli (EZugi, Oracle 360 Roulette) nalaze se dva najređa ugla — „19,20,22,23" — 56 promašaja zaredom i „29,30,32,33 " — 50 promašaja. Pratio sam ovu tabelu među mnogima gde su promašaji dostigli 26. Na drugoj slici dajem vam brojeve koji su se pojavili na ovom ruletu da biste mogli sami da računate ako mi ne verujete. Postavio sam plavi krug iznad broja kada bi opklada dobila (23 je došlo), tako da možete koristiti ovaj broj kao referencu i pogledati brojeve desno i dole po redu.
Inače, ovaj sto je u pravom kazinu gde se ljudi klade sa žetonima. Ima samo mogućnost da prihvati opklade na mreži. Ovo sam pomenuo da bih pokazao da bih u ovom slučaju, po vašoj strategiji, morao da čekam manje od 26 promašaja, što je još gore. Ipak, čekao sam 26.
Za otprilike 5 ili 6 sati posmatranja, izbrojao sam oko 12 takvih situacija gde je minimalni broj promašaja iz dva nepojavljiva ugla premašio 50, odnosno kada bi vaš napredak opklade premašio deklarisane limite klađenja. Maksimalan broj promašaja u mojim zapažanjima dostigao je 61 put, ovo se desilo na stolu Roulette Green, provajder Pragmatic Plai Live, ugao "26,27,29,30" se nije pojavio 80 puta, a ugao "8,9,11, 12" — 61 put . Nažalost, zbog umora od posmatranja, zaboravio sam da napravim snimak ekrana.
Mnogo kasnije, smislio sam da povećam granice posmatranja za tabele tako da se pri praćenju ističu samo oni promašaji koji prelaze 50. Ovo je značajno pojednostavilo posmatranje, ali sam to učinio prilično kasno. Još jedan primer za vas na snimcima ekrana ispod:
Tabela ``'Speed Roulette 1', provajder Pragmatic Plai Live, korner "29,30,32,33" — 55 promašaja, i "2,3,5,6" — 51 promašaj. Opet, dajem vam poslednjih 1000 brojeva koji su se pojavili na toj tabeli da biste mogli sami da proverite. Plavi krug iznad broja pokazuje da će ovde vaše opklade dobiti. Nažalost, bilo bi potrebno previše novca za klađenje nakon prikazanog iznosa promašaja.
Pretpostavljam da autor ove strategije jednostavno nije imao priliku da posmatra veliki broj tabela istovremeno da bi video rezultate koje sam naveo gore. Možete da igrate dugo za jednim stolom i da ne izgubite ni jednom ovom strategijom, ili možete da izgubite odmah — stvar je sreće, a autoru se samo posrećilo.
U zaključku, želim da ponovim da je strategija zaista dobra i jedino što je potrebno za njeno poboljšanje je da se sačeka ne 26 promašaja, već najmanje 40 promašaja na donjoj granici nepojavljivanja kornera da uspe.
Možete mi verovati ili ne - to je vaše pravo. Bio sam istinski zainteresovan za ovaj pristup i trudio sam se da otkrijem koliko je uspešan, i sada mogu da donosim zaključke na osnovu stvarnih podataka, a ne pretpostavki. Možda će ove informacije pomoći vama (ili nekom drugom zainteresovanom za ovu strategiju) da izbegnete gubitak novca.
So, I spent some time observing game situations on dozens (to be precise, 80) of real-time online roulette tables to check what you wrote. I observed for about 5-6 hours straight, and my eyes got very tired looking at these numbers. Nevertheless, it was interesting to discover this new strategy for me.
First I can say it's a very good strategy; it plays as you wrote, and bets win in the majority of cases (I would say about 98-99% of the time).
Unfortunately, it doesn't win always: situations arise, as I assumed in my previous messages, when the number of misses exceeds the limit set by your strategy.
Initially, I decided to look at all corners that don't appear 26 or more times, find tables where there are more than 2 of such positions, and among them, there are no number intersections. It was very informative, but unfortunately, it was my mistake because there are many such tables, and it was challenging to track the relevant ones.
Nevertheless, I almost immediately (within an hour of observation) found the issue (I provide pictures below):
As you can see here, on the highlighted table (EZugi, Oracle 360 Roulette), there are two of the rarest corners — "19,20,22,23" — 56 misses in a row and "29,30,32,33" — 50 misses. I tracked this table among many where the misses reached 26. In the second picture, I give you the numbers that came up on this roulette so you can count for yourself if you don't trust me. I placed a blue circle above the number when the bet would have won (23 came up), so you can use this number as a reference and look at the numbers to the right and down in order.
By the way, this table is in a real casino where people place bets with chips. It just has the capability to accept bets online. I mentioned this to show that in this case, according to your strategy, I would have had to wait for less than 26 misses, which is even worse. Nevertheless, I waited for 26.
In about 5 or 6 hours of observation, I counted about 12 such situations where the minimum number of misses from two non-appearing corners exceeded 50, i.e., when your bet progression would have exceeded the declared betting limits. The maximum number of misses in my observations reached 61 times, this happened on the table Roulette Green, provider Pragmatic Play Live, corner "26,27,29,30" did not appear 80 times, and corner "8,9,11,12" — 61 times. Unfortunately, due to fatigue from observation, I forgot to take a screenshot.
Much later, I figured out to increase the observation limits for tables so that only those miss counts that exceed 50 are highlighted when tracking. This significantly simplified observation, but I did it quite late. Just another example for you in the screenshots below:
Table ``'Speed Roulette 1', provider Pragmatic Play Live, corner "29,30,32,33" — 55 misses, and "2,3,5,6" — 51 misses. Again, I give you the last 1000 numbers that came up on that table so you can check it yourself. Blue circle above a number displays that here your bets would win. Unfortunately, it would take too much money to bet after the displayed amount of misses.
I suppose the author of this strategy simply didn't have the opportunity to observe a large number of tables simultaneously to see the results I provided above. You can play for quite a while on one table and not lose once with this strategy, or you can lose right away — it's a matter of luck, and the author just got lucky.
In conclusion, I want to reiterate that the strategy is really good, and the only thing needed for its improvement is to wait not for 26 misses but at least 40 misses on the lower limit of non-appearing corners to succeed.
You can believe me or not — it's your right. I was genuinely interested in this approach, and I tried very hard to find out how successful it is, and now I can draw conclusions based on real data, not assumptions. Perhaps this information will help you (or someone else interested in this strategy) avoid losing money.
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