NaslovnaForumDruge Kazino IgreEvolution Roulette not fair and honest.

Evolution Roulette not fair and honest. (strana 3)

 od paora
18.137 pregleda 77 odgovora |
12 3 4


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Anonymized405 deleted the post

Kindly mind your tongue. All posts containing harassing expressions or using offensive language will be hidden or alternatively deleted. 🙂


Ne razumem zašto ne voliš evolucijski rulet. Igram je 3 godine (samo igram) i postigao sam mnogo dobriһ rezultata. I nikada, NIKAD nisam primetio bilo kakve nepravilnosti.

Imao sam mnogo dobriһ һitova oviһ dana file

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do you want more money?


Igrao sam malu seriju. Kao što vidite, dao mi je 4 najbolja broja u nizu. 10, 5, 11, 11

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne razumem

Automatski prevedeno:

how much did it take u get those wins


Moja banka je uvek 50.000 dinara (420 evra)

I igram polako, čekam što nije došlo, zapisi brojeve, ne igram svako bacanje.

U određenom plusu izlazim i vraćam se kasnije.

Završavam dan sa 50 € profita (+- 10 €)

I radi godinama. Stvar je u glavi, u pravilima koja sami sebi postavljamo i koja MORAMO POŠTOVATI.

Ceo svet je zasnovan na pravilima, zakonima...ako nema pravila, sve se ruši.

Kao i ovo. Ako se ne pridržavamo pravila – GUBITI NOVAC

Automatski prevedeno:

Ovaj gol je bio sjajan. Ostvario sam profit od 500 evra u samo 4 pogotka.

Igrao sam brojeve 1-12


Automatski prevedeno:

I could sometimes think of such questions too. But with my brain, I realise that this is technically impossible and we are just trying to justify our own lack of luck


Wow, congrats!

Pandra - this is nonsense...

I've told you many times - if you believe it is rigged somehow (even though it is not technically possible, forget any magnets 😀) stop playing.

Anonymized405 deleted the post

I was kind to you because you were lost in scam strategies and false ideas about the whole gambling world. I took some time to advise you, but now it is over!

Stop being rude, or you'll be banned. If you wish to stay blind despite numerous attempts to tutor you, it's your way. Do not ever dare to address anyone here as a parasite. We do not need people like you here on the forum. Go, be mad at the world anywhere else!

Consider it a last warning!


radka nice that weve got a conversation again😛

sometimes you can get advantage when you know they rig the game

Hey, of course i don't know on 100% BUT

I'm not even sure casino needs magnet or smth like this just because

No matter what game you choose to play, the odds of the casino winning your money are greater than the odds of you winning the casino’s money. That’s because all casino games are designed to provide the house with a built-in edge, diminishing the chances and sizes of potential payouts.

It's from and they well explained that mathematically the casino will win. And we can only hope for personal luck. But if it starts to seem to you that everything is against you, please stop playing or take a break, switch to real life.


We do not have any conversations - I assure you 😀

"sometimes you can get advantage when you know they rig the game"

Do you know how dumb it sounds? No, don't answer.

Mind this instead:

It's impossible to "beat" properly working roulette in the long run? Be smart, and learn from the hard facts.

Accept the math working behind roulette.


always interesting to see someone pretending not to know something that they in fact know

this type of business is allover the world so i dont get surprised tho, really allover the world


I didn't understand what you want to say

12 3 4

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