NaslovnaForumDruge Kazino IgreKo poznaje ALL-6 rulet sistem?

Ko poznaje ALL-6 rulet sistem?

 od Binoligan
2.636 pregleda 18 odgovora |

Posle nekoliko loših kupovina rulet sistema, kupio sam ALL-6 rulet sistem pre nekoliko meseci. Ipak, moram da kažem da sam konačno bio prijatno iznenađen i da postižem dobre rezultate. Zato tražim i igrače koji su kupili ovaj metod za razmenu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I don't know such a system and I hope it is not some application or something that could violate casino rules, because the player can get into serious problems. What system is it then ? 


That is a legal System which I am playing since May 2023 online and landbased casinos as well livedealer and RND.And the surprise for me, the results are the same.

When I am playing a game unit my result is more than 60pcs. For thats good.


May I know how you apply such a system? I mean, how does it work, and on which platform?

Are we perhaps talking about some kind of counting application? You know, legality is not really the merit of such "tools" 🙂

The main issue comes when casinos find out. So, tell me, how do you use this system you paid for?

I'm sorry to say that, but most likely it is against casino's terms and conditions.


Ne krši pravila kazina inače bih odavno bio zabranjen. Igram ovo svaki dan (osim vikenda) od maja 2023.

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, it just means you have not yet been accused of something. But it does not ultimately prove this "something" is not against terms and conditions. In general, everything that gives you an unfair advantage over the casino is considered at least unfair, but surely it is against the rules. Especially when you pay for that, wouldn't you say?

I'm still missing the explanation, though.


To nije igra brojeva. Transverzale su postavljene jednostavno. Može se koristiti u jednakim setovima i sa lakom progresijom. Jedinica igre se sastoji od 5 nivoa, nakon čega ste osvojili 60 komada.

Automatski prevedeno:

Nema nepravednog uslova prema kazinu jer i ja gubim. Na kraju meseca sam napravio dobar profit.

Automatski prevedeno:

I still don't really understand what you are saying. How you apply this system? 🤔

Metoda se koristi na isti način za stolom za rulet, takođe online dilera uživo ili RND.

Imate maksimalan kapital od 300 komada. Nema problema u pravom kazinu ili onlajn kazinu jer sa njima ne zarađujete milione.

Automatski prevedeno:

If this is your definition of what is actually fair and unfair, I'm quite convinced you are missing the point.

Do you really think that such an approach is fair because it does not bring you millions? The amount is not the deal here; the tool actually is - this is the issue.

Even though your explanation is far too clumsy for my taste, I have to say you sound like you are not pretty familiar with online casinos' basic rules - in general.

Anyway, we are still trying to find out how you use this paid system in the casino. Is it some app you need to have running in the background while playing online? Or are you running it on your smartphone while playing in a brick-and-mortar casino? This is what we seek to know.

Imam dosta iskustva u onlajn kazinu, a takođe i u pravim kockarnicama.

Metoda nije aplikacija niti zahteva upotrebu nekog drugog elektronskog uređaja. Ručno se snimaju, ali nakon nekoliko misija možete to učiniti i bez snimanja.

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, thanks!

Manual recordings, you say? Okay, so you actually paid for what? An Excel sheet, perhaps?

By the way, have you ever heard about "irregular betting patterns", please? It seems we're heading just right there. Anyway, I'm just asking

To nema nikakve veze sa tim. Činjenica je - radi i donosi dugoročnu zaradu, što znači da na kraju meseca uvek imam dobar višak od kojeg se može i živeti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm that's quite interesting because I'm of the opinion that the casino always has an advantage over the player who eventually loses his money there in the long run, no matter what tactics he has or something like that.

Za mene je bitno da li imam profit na kraju meseca. Takođe imam cilj za profit i prestajem kada ga postignem. Trenutno je cilj 60 komada. Mnogi igrači nastavljaju dalje i onda gube.

Automatski prevedeno:

60 pieces means some name like euro ? In fact, most players keep playing even if they win a certain amount thinking they will win more. There are a few who say that they are happy to win a smaller amount and don't need to keep playing. Anyway, as I said, the casino always has the edge over the player in the long run. But good luck to you. 

U kazinu igram od 1989. Tada sam imao svoj izmišljen i uspešno korišćen metod. Ni u jednom kazinu mi nije zabranjen pristup uprkos dnevnim dobicima. Dokazno 490.000 DM i to samo na maksimalno 30 minuta dnevno. Danas se ovaj metod više ne može koristiti na isti način. jer se krupijeovo rukovanje promenilo i onda sam kupio sisteme. što je često davalo neuspešne rezultate. Sa sadašnjim A1-6 do sada sam imao samo pozitivne rezultate. U to vreme sam imao mehaničko pomagalo za stolom za rulet što je bilo dozvoljeno. Sa metodom i pravim rukovanjem možete živeti sa dobicima i gubicima iz kazina. Ali mnogi ljudi žele da postanu milioneri.

Automatski prevedeno:

Absolutely, achieving profitability is crucial. Setting a clear profit target is wise—it helps manage risks. Finding that balance between reaching goals and avoiding unnecessary risks is key.

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