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Roulette thread (strana 4)

 od Inferno
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Hvala vam puno na preporuci, probaću.

Sve najbolje.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi , I’m new to forums, so not sure if this is allowed

I’m looking for software that I can create my system and auto run with online casinos 

Is there any software that can do this


Sorry, forgot to mention….. it’s roulette


Hello and welcome. I would like to point out that such software is not allowed in casinos and could put you in an unpleasant situation, i.e. if you win and the casino finds something suspicious they can take your winnings away. I would also like you not to promote anything like that, because it is not allowed on the forum. Thank you. 


Dobro jutro,

Da li govorimo o vrsti softvera koji bi igraču dao prednost? Mislim da postoji jedan.

Ako je to tačno, morate da probate u onlajn kazinu, i vidite koja vrsta ruleta je prikladna, u ovom slučaju ne možete ništa da sumnjate.

Sve najbolje.

Automatski prevedeno:

Koliko ja znam, postoje određeni softveri koji mogu pomoći u odlučivanju o načinu igre.

Niko od njih ne GARANTUJE PROFIT jer je konačna odluka na nama, u našoj glavi.

Mislim na rulet.

Naravno, mislim na softver koji bih koristio kada bih igrao u onlajn kazinu. U pravom kasinu, mi vam ne bismo dozvolili.

U onlajn kazinima NIKO NE MOŽE ZNATI koja pomagala koristite dok igrate. Važno je da ne prekršite osnovna pravila na koja kazino ističe (na primer: Ne smete imati dva naloga...).

Kada igram onlajn rulet (automatski rulet, nikada sa živim dilerom, igram samo taj rulet), koristim nekoliko vrsta pomoći. Za 4 godine aktivnog igranja NIKADA nisam imao nijedan problem sa kazinom. NIKADA nisam imao kašnjenje plaćanja više od 24 sata.

Naravno, igram u MOZZART kasinu, koji je iz moje zemlje, Srbije. Ne igram u stranim kockarnicama jer ne moram.

Ne plašite se činjenice da ako koristite određeni softver dok igrate, kazino može da vas zatvori. Važno je da softver koji koristite bude neutralan, odnosno da nije povezan sa računarom na kojem igrate. Ali da ga koristite nezavisno na drugom uređaju.


Jer niko ne zna šta radiš. I vaše je pravo da koristite sve dozvoljene mere koje su u okviru pravila.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thanks for your reply, I do understand that bots for cards are illegal on gaming tables and online, I have a strategy that works extremely well, I just want it to place my bets for me, I used to use "spin 4 profit " software but that’s gone now


Actually, this part is not 100% correct in the worldwide view:

"Don't be SCARED by the fact that if you use certain software while playing, the casino may close you. It is important that the software you use is neutral, that is, it is not connected to the computer you are playing on. But to use it independently on another device."

It solely depends on the caisno and its view on you while playing using this software. The risk is still there.

I mean, some casinos do not actually care whether you use any software if your results / winnings are better than expected. We were dealing with this kind of "forbidden strategies" in the past through complaints. Once the casino was convinced the player somehow gained an advantage (even without using any software, they cared about the results, not how the player managed to gain them), the winnings were confiscated and the account closed.

Of course, it is unfair if the casino fails to prove it, but that's the point; many casinos don't care.

I'm just saying it happened.


Pa kako je moguće zatvoriti nečiji račun i oduzeti sredstva.

Iskreno, NE VERUJEM.

U 95% slučajeva ako je račun zatvoren, kriv je igrač.

Ali većina igrača NE ŽELI to da prizna, pa prebacuju krivicu na kazino.

U Srbiji postoji nekoliko onlajn kazina. Najpoznatija kompanija je Mozzart, koja posluje i u Evropi. Pa čak i u Turskoj, iu Africi.

Niko se nikada nije žalio na oduzimanje sredstava.

Ali ako je zaista tako. Dakle, koja je vaša svrha ovde. Da li ste nekome pomogli da povrati nepravedno oduzeta sredstva?

Postoji li neka služba, neko pravno telo, koje bi reagovalo ako igrač ima dokaze i tuži kazino?

Ako neko nekome nešto ukrade i ima dokaz... postoji sud koji izriče kaznu i vraća ukradenu imovinu žrtvi.

A u onlajn kockarnicama SVE SE MOŽE DOKAZATI, sve se snima na softveru.


razlog za većinu ovih priča je taj što su igrači izgubili novac i izmišljaju priče jer su ljuti.

Svako ko izgubi ima pravo da bude ljut.

Automatski prevedeno:

I see.

It's your choice not to believe. You also said you have never played in any foreign casinos, so it sounds like you have no actual chance to experience tons of unfair practices, I reckon.

Because what I was talking about is completely out of fairness, as I wrote.

One case I remember is also mentioned in one of the Casino Guru Academy free e-courses:

"Real-world example

We received a complaint from a player who had his winnings voided because of the casino’s ‘irregular play’ rule, which forbids players from significantly changing their betting pattern for the sole purpose of clearing the wagering requirements.

The casino considered this change to be significant and not a part of recreational playing style. On top of the rule being unfair to players, the fact that the casino considers such small changes to be significant makes this case even worse. Unfortunately, we did not manage to get the casino to pay out the player’s winnings, and the complaint remains unresolved."

But there are others associated with roulette directly somewhere in the complaint section.

I understand what you are saying; I'm just adding the point of the industry -how some casinos tend to twist specifically the "forbidden strategies" rule.

Being cautious can't hurt. That's all I intended to mention here.

Imam dosta iskustva sa ruletom uživo ili strimingom u odnosu na onlajn rulet. Na onlajn, prilično često u roku od nekoliko minuta od igranja, npr. 14 puta crveno ili čak će pasti u nizu. Statistički gledano, ovo bi trebalo da se desi 1k na k hiljada okretaja.

U onlajn algoritmu, čini se da je znatno češće. Da li neko ima iskustva sa ovim?

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, pošto ne igram rulet, mislim da bi bilo najbolje da ti odgovore neki iskusni igrači. Ipak, da li ste to slučajno primetili ili vam se to desilo nekoliko puta dok ste igrali?

Automatski prevedeno:


Zaboravite statistiku onlajn ruleta u vremenskom intervalu od 1000 okretaja.

Prava statistika se računa na 10.000 okretaja.

Tako se može desiti da za 1000 okretaja jedna boja padne nekoliko puta zaredom, veća od id 10 k

Ali zato se u narednih 2.000 okretaja ova sekvenca neće desiti jednom.

Pitanje je u kom trenutku ćete udariti u rulet.

Dakle, glavno pravilo:


može te prevariti.

Pitajte šta vas još zanima.

Automatski prevedeno:

Kao što sam napisao, sa pravim fizičkim ruletom ili njegovim live streamom, opklade se ponašaju drugačije, ne ide tako često do ivice, npr. 11 puta sam neparan i za trenutak 12 puta dobijem crno, zatim 10 puta 1. ili 2. tuceta ne pada.

Kada sam se kasnije kladio na test tako da je samo 7 brojeva ostalo nezauzeto, a na ostale je bilo relativno velikih uloga, 5 od 7 okretaja je palo na ove nezauzete brojeve. I ovo se dešavalo više puta.

Ovo nije princip slučajnosti.

Automatski prevedeno:

I’m not sure how to explain my original request……. I have developed a strategy that wins a small amount of profit EVERY spin, however for myself to sit there to make a real amount of profit is tedious and lends itself to errors

what I am looking for is a software package to simply place my bets in my absence, is there such a package



You mean placing your bets automatically (but not using the auto bet option on live/RNG roulettes)? Not sure if there is any, and if there is, their use is forbidden by all casinos without exception, in nearly all casinos you will find at least a clause prohibiting the use of software to place bets. I do use software to place bets automatically but on sports within a betting exchange, but you can't do this on any casino, it's forbidden and will lead your balances to get confiscated



Da li neko zna kako mogu da automatizujem strategije ruleta za testiranje različitih sistema?

Bilo bi zanimljivo programirati različite strategije za dobijanje istorije i izvlačenje zaključaka.

Veliki pozdrav.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. I am testing my strategies on a service that monitors dozens of online roulette tables in real-time. There, you can customize the notifications you want to receive. I can send you a link to it if needed. Write to me at the email address if you want more information. I won't post the link here to avoid getting a warning from administrators for potential advertising, although I'm just recommending something I've been using myself for over a month.

I posted several screenshots from the mentioned service on this forum in the thread about "Balvinder Sambhi" and his "magic" book to demonstrate to the thread author that the strategy from this book leads to losses. So, this tool is quite useful for testing and continuous play in online roulette.

By the way, regarding the topic I mentioned on this forum about the book: I reached out to the developers of the service with a request to add a new type of notification based on this strategy. And they listened to me! They created a new type of game tracking, and now I receive notifications on when to enter the game and win, like the one in the picture.


The notification is in Russian, it's more convenient for me, but I'll explain. I set criteria for the service to inform me when 2 or more corner sectors on any table do not appear for 50 or more times, and the highest number of non-appearances among them is 60 or greater. Also, the numbers in these corner sectors should not overlap. So, as soon as such a situation occurs, I just need to open the table where this situation happened and win. Before, my criteria were a bit lower, but I adjusted them: I receive fewer notifications (such situations occur less often), but now it takes only up to 10 bets to win on my bets progression.

If needed, I can provide more details in email, but not here. Here I can only post screenshots.


I’m not sure how to explain my original request……. I have developed a strategy that wins a small amount of profit EVERY spin, however for myself to sit there to make a real amount of profit is tedious and lends itself to errors

what I am looking for is a software package to simply place my bets in my absence, is there such a package


Hello, I think that SunsetGaze described it very well and I would be careful with any use of similar things because it will lead to confiscation of money. I would definitely recommend not to use anything like that so that such problems don't occur. 

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