ForumDruge Kazino IgreRulet - mreža ... elektronski ... uživo. Istine i zablude

Rulet - mreža ... elektronski ... uživo. Istine i zablude (strana 5)

pre 2 godina od zorans71
17835 pregleda 102 odgovora |
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pre 10 meseci

Wow this is very interesting! Tell us how you got to the other side of the table?

pre 10 meseci

Koliko je veliki pot ako smem da pitam i kolika je vaša ruka u trenutku dobitka?

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pre 10 meseci

Koja vrsta ruleta je ovaj ring ili pravi?

Iluzija da kažu da su magneti krivi za sve i meni se danas desila, igrao sam na brojeve i među njima sam igrao i broj 30, rulet je pogodio broj 8 i nisam imao ništa i lagano ga je prevrnuo na moj broj 30, ponovio sam ciklus i ovaj put rulet ponovo kuca na 30, ovog puta su mi magneti naklonjeni.

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pre 10 meseci

Rekao bih da je rng ili elektronski, jer mi se čini da sam negde video ovaj dizajn, a mislim da i Zoran svira samo elektroniku

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pre 10 meseci

Nije stvarno. RNG. Ne volim live rulet gde krupije vrti lopticu. Bio sam krupije i znam koliko sam se trudio da ubacim loptu u suprotnoj seriji od one koju je igrao jak igrač.

I zato je ostala mržnja prema krupijeu.

Više volim RNG, on ima svoj sistem i dobro sam ga upoznao 😉

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pre 10 meseci

I koliko se sećam, rekao si da krupje ne može da pogodi nijednu seriju koju hoće, a kamoli tačan broj ili dva-tri broja... Ali kad ponovi isti broj ili ponavljanje, odmah ga menjaju?

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pre 10 meseci

U kom kazinu igrate ako nije tajna?

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pre 10 meseci

Pretpostavljam da

Video sam ove igre tamo, odakle su snimci ekrana

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pre 10 meseci

Odaberem četiri nasumična broja da igram 37 puta, prvo dobijem zmijske oči 0,0 pa 7 kao tajni agent 007 pa 35 i 36 🙂


Pogodio sam četiri broja pet puta zaredom.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 10 meseci
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pre 10 meseci

Čini mi se da mi niko ne veruje, čak ni Zoranu ovo nikada nije pošlo za rukom.

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pre 10 meseci

Sad samo gledam šta sviraš, kako je prošlo, juče sam pročitao post ali nisam stigao da ga pogledam zbog gužve. Odigrali ste samo 4 broja i tako 36 okretaja? Igrao sam par puta isto, nastavio sa onog gde igram samo ponavljanje.... Kako se igra ova kombinacija, da li je to nešto za zabavu ili igraš ozbiljno, nekakva strategija? Koliko je velika vaša ruka za celih 36 spina ili ćete je promeniti?

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pre 10 meseci

Igram u Mozzart kladionici. Najbolja kladionica.

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pre 10 meseci

Nisam igrao tamo od kada su mi blokirali nalog za neke od dobijenih 200-300 e, neki su igrali fudbal, tako da nisam mogao da igram nijednu utakmicu na mreži, još uvek nisu hteli da mi plate, vozili su me za 3 dana dok mi nisu dali pismenih 30k

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pre 8 meseci

Hi Zoran. I sent you a couple of emails, check your inbox. And feel free to contact me if you're interested in the emails` plot.

pre 8 meseci

And maybe this video is useful for someone. I found it on YouTube, and it helped me a lot!

Post od Allo4ka Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: Zabranjen link
pre 8 meseci


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pre 8 meseci

And maybe this video is useful for someone. I found it on YouTube, and it helped me a lot!

pre 8 meseci

I'm sorry, but according to the description, it actually sounds like a dangerous advert:


A brief overview of the features and tools of the E***W****service.

More information in the official Telegram channel: *******

Join, register and start winning with ease!


This is something we do not allow here on the forum.

pre 8 meseci

I genuinely don't understand what potential danger you found in this advertisement.

I recently stumbled upon this video by chance and decided to learn more about what they're offering. To start with, right after registering, I received a free limited 12-hour access to this service. Completely free. They didn't even ask for my credit card information or anything like that. All I did was provide my email and password during registration, received an activation link in my inbox, and... that's it, I was in. Yes, with a restricted set of features, yes, only for 12 hours, but it was free! Over the past 3-4 years, I've spent so much money on various developers and scammers, often not receiving anything valuable in return. But here, I got something without spending a penny.

So, your words about potential danger in this case sound strange to me personally. However, in the context of your concern for the visitors of this forum, trying to protect them from potential risks, it definitely makes sense.

Anyway, I tried it for myself. After the free period ended, I paid for full access to the service for a week, and my subscription expires tomorrow. So far, over the past 6 days, I haven't encountered any difficulties other than those that come with quickly learning and discovering something new. But that's more of a positive than a negative. 🙂

All I can say is that I will definitely continue using this service. I'm not sure if these guys are planning to introduce any kind of referral system so that I could earn from talking about them. But I'm absolutely ready to be their ambassador! 🙂

By the way, I just thought of something: maybe your service should consider getting in touch with them to try to learn more, for example?

pre 8 meseci

Hey there,

I just finished up my reply to you (please check it out here)

I can personally say the video description was a real thing advert to me and the service is called something+ win...

I'm sorry if I offended you by any means - I was focusing on the fact that there is a paid service, with quite an advertising video, "catching" name with a very straight message.

All the way, this was and is my prime concern, along with the possible rules breaching.

On the other hand, you have experience with this tool, not me, and I accept your point. 🙂

As long as all players are aware of the risks, there is no need to push further, right?

You know I was about to ask you, whether you could share your personal experience plus some hints with our Data Team. I believe those guys should be interested - insert links, captions, whatever:

That would be awesome, and I thank you for considering the suggestion.

I hope you don't mind if I skip the rest of your replies, it seems the start was not the nicest, yet I'd like to think I explained my approach decently 😀.

Have a good (lucky) one!✨😎

pre 8 meseci

Savet za igrače, uvek igrajte u domaćem kazinu, nikako u stranom, smetaju vam nekakvim ličnim dokumentima itd. Uplata mora biti radnim danom istog dana kada to zatražite, ako ne, bežite od taj kazino što je dalje moguće.

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