NaslovnaForumFeedback i SugestijeAdministrator Romi Rare

Administrator Romi Rare

pre 11 meseci od her20145
10.540 pregleda 42 odgovora |
1 23
pre 11 meseci

Želim da ostavim recenziju o zaposlenom na forumu Romi Rare. Smatram da ovaj radnik ne radi svoj posao. Vođena je emocijama i nema objektivnu sliku o tome šta se dešava. Objasniće. Napisao sam tri slične kritike za tri različita kazino projekta. Romi je odbila prvu recenziju. Kada sam pitao za razlog, ona je odgovorila da je razlog naveden u pismu. U pismu se navodi „Drugi" i sadrži šablonski tekst. Odbila je i moju sledeću recenziju istog kazina, ali ovaj put je napisana detaljnije. Romi odbija da objasni razlog i odbija da se upusti u dijalog. Ali dve druge približno iste recenzije za kazina bitkingz i betsofa su odmah odobrene. Ovo sugeriše da njena impulsivnost negativno utiče na rad foruma. Ne želim da moje kritike proverava Romi Rare. Hvala na pažnji.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hi, thanks for your feedback. I'm going to contradict you at the beginning because I am of the opinion that Romi is doing her job well. 

Regarding your rejected user reviews, she has done well in this case. The system noticed that there were a lot of similarities with other reviews and that is why they were rejected. It is also quite strange that all the reviews that were rejected were on casinos from one group. Most of the time it's about players not writing honest opinions, so that's one of the reasons why we are very careful about what we approve. So I'm still of the opinion that everything was done as if it was handled by any other worker. 

I would just add that we may look at it and reconsider our view when we see the evidence in the email that Romi has already sent you in her reply. So if you can send some supporting proof, then your reviews might be approved, because that will demonstrate that you are a real player who actually plays in the casino. 

So we will wait for your reply. 

pre 11 meseci

Zdravo. Poslao sam svoj odgovor na vašu e-poštu. Čekam vaš odgovor.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Thank you. Our team will take a look at it and we'll be sure to write you back with our decision. 

pre 11 meseci

Napisao sam vam ranije da da biste zaustavili nepoštene kritike, morate unapred uvesti jedno pravilo. Ovo pravilo zahteva da korisnik otpremi dokaz o igranju u kazinu pre nego što objavi recenziju. Na primer, u obliku snimka ekrana ili fotografije. Tada ne biste morali da pregledate recenziju pravog igrača. Razumete da igrač pokušava da podeli svoje mišljenje, ali kada vidi da je njegov rad odbijen, to je veoma uznemirujuće.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

I understand your point of view and it is not bad idea. We will surely think about it but I also reckon if that's what players will want to do. You know when you come to write a review not every time is needed to post screenshot. It is only in cases where our system is suspecting some aspects only then we tend to write emails or we asking for some proof.

Anyway, like I said, it is not bad idea though.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 11 meseci
pre 11 meseci

Kao igrač, mislim da tu nema ništa teško. Ako igrač ima nalog, onda nema čega da se plaši. Ovo nisu lični podaci. Snimak ekrana sa stranice aktivnosti igre će biti dovoljan. Samo osoblje foruma će videti snimak ekrana. Sve ovo će pomoći igračima da uštede mnogo vremena kako ne bi morali danima da dokazuju da su igrač ovog kazina.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Da li ste proverili moj dokaz koji sam vam poslao e-poštom? Mogu li da napišem svoju recenziju za Gama Casino?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Kao igrač, mislim da tu nema ništa teško. Ako igrač ima nalog, onda nema čega da se plaši. Ovo nisu lični podaci. Snimak ekrana sa stranice aktivnosti igre će biti dovoljan. Samo osoblje foruma će videti snimak ekrana. Sve ovo će pomoći igračima da uštede mnogo vremena kako ne bi morali danima da dokazuju da su igrač ovog kazina.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Yes I would take it the same way, but some people can argue why they should do that and post screenshots of their account. But like I said, it wouldn't be wrong at all.

pre 11 meseci

Da li ste proverili moj dokaz koji sam vam poslao e-poštom? Mogu li da napišem svoju recenziju za Gama Casino?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Yes we got to your screenshot from Gama Casino. However, since we had a conference, we will finalize our position today, although I think if you sent a picture of the account it should be fine.

pre 11 meseci

Šta je potrebno da bude vidljivo na snimku ekrana?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Poslao sam e-poštom snimak ekrana depozita i fotografiju sa popunjenim profilom.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

I think it was perfectly fine and your screenshot was sufficient, so your review was already approved. Thanks for taking the effort and not letting it go. 🙂

pre 11 meseci

Hvala vam na istrazi. Nadam se da ćete pronaći pravo rešenje i poboljšati moderiranje pregleda.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

At least we always try to do that and also to make it as easy as possible for the players, and on the other hand to make sure that we are also consistent in the deciding of user reviews. However, everything takes some time to implement and agree on different things, so I hope we will come to the best possible option. But thanks for your insight. 🙂

pre 7 meseci

Imam isti problem. Romi je odbila dve od moje tri recenzije. Nov sam na forumu i pisao sam na osnovu svog iskustva igranja u ovim projektima. Zašto tako stroga cenzura? Bojim se da više neću imati želju da pišem kritike na forumu

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 7 meseci

Thank you for your contribution here. Please provide the screenshots I have asked you here in my reply to you, so we can retroactively approve your reviews. Thank you for your cooperation.

pre 6 meseci

Evo, ista stvar (Odbija recenzije, ne prvi put. I treba jako dugo da se čeka odgovor.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 6 meseci

Dobar dan! Odbili ste moju recenziju u kazinu Comet. Molimo napišite razlog. Već sam vam pisao da sam dugo onlajn kazino igrač i da igram na mnogim mestima.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 6 meseci

Hello there. Whenever a user review gets rejected an email with the explanation is sent.

Your review for Kometa Casino, is that right? I believe that it was due to some similarities that our system has detected. More reviews were submitted from the same IP in this case, to explain it better to you.

Have you got any explanation for that, perhaps? Do you by any chance use a VPN?🤔

1 23

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