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Filteri pretraživanja

 od lauarual
5.729 pregleda 7 odgovora |

Bilo bi sjajno ako bi mogli dodati filter prema ocjeni u casinu .

Iako možemo filtrirati prema "preporučenoj", bilo bi vrlo korisno ako možemo filtrirati prema ocjeni 7,5 ili više ili prema "savršenoj reputaciji"

Predlažem i filtar za pretraživanje od strane " vlasnika ".

Mislim da ćemo ukoliko imamo dobro iskustvo u kockarnici izabrati klađenje na druge iste vlasnike.

Druga stvar koju sam primijetio jest da nisu sve kockarnice istog vlasnika povezane: kad ulazimo da čitamo recenziju, pojavljuju se ili povezuju kockarnice istog vlasnika.

Na primjer: BITSTARZ i KINGBILLY su kockarnice kompanije Direx NV, a u pregledu svake od njih nisu povezane.

Automatski prevedeno:

Casino rating is a good idea, but with the owner, it might be a bit confusing - we have too many of them in our database.  

When you open the casino, you can see the related casinos there, as on your picture.  

On your example (Bitstarz and KingBilly) yes they all have the owner Direx NV, but this is just white label solution, the people who run the casino are different. That's why we didn't connect them, and that is a reason why this filter is not a good idea. We are sometimes like detectives working to discover the relations between casinos and to group them/sorting them and relationships between casinos are sometimes simply said complicated. Creating the filter based on the owner is not a good idea.


Možda ih grupirajte po „upravljanju kasinima".

Znate, mislim da kockarnice iste uprave ili istog vlasnika imaju isto ponašanje, isti chat (isti agenti koji odgovaraju na chat), iste zahtjeve za verifikacijom računa, između ostalog.

Ako imate dobro iskustvo, sigurno ćete se kockati u bilo kojem kazinu iste grupe.

Kao, ako ste imali problema ili loše iskustvo, bilo bi zanimljivo znati da su ostali kockarnice iz iste porodice.

Posebno sam imao neugodan slučaj sa Casilonom, i zato ne želim ništa znati o slotovima 4kings, gudaru, univerzalnim i sve iste porodice. Naravno, to je lična stvar, gnjev koji sam preuzeo Casillion.

Ali to mislim kada predlažem da stavite filter po vlasniku. Ili dio stranice. Kao bočni pogled ..

Automatski prevedeno:

I wish it would be easy but in praxis almost impossible. Let me explain: there might be two practically identical casinos, just names are different, but managed and owned by different owners. Even the support is the same because it is part of the platform, but one of the casinos could be very good and another one bad. That's why we group them by relationship, but the complexity of this relationship cause that we can't create the filter for it. So the best is, when you are happy/unhappy with some casino, open the review, and there you can see the related casinos and also the type of relationship.

Casinos differ due to overall ratings, it really depends on the players and thier experiences with the site, and the best way overall to spot is the certification of the casino itself, if it has a valid Gambling license and jurisdiction in your country before attempting to place a real money wager, because you can find yourself in a situation where as you'd win but you wont get your winnings because of these hidden the point is doing a good amount of research will infact save you from unnecessary problems.

Suggest for template - CASINOS


1.Min/max for deposit and limit on games

2.Withdrawal Time

3.Number of Games/Providers

4.Speed Of website

5.Support and LICENCE(reputation)


Anything else is not that important... And i see some casinos with 8-9 and even 10 Rating 

have withdrawal time 4-8 DAYS.And it's ridiculous.Never gonna play there again.

Also some of them are too difficult to verify

And Some of them Remove GAMES/PROVIDERS without explanation from day to day,and restrict to play certain games..

which is also very anoying.


Ažurirano od strane autora

Mislim da je ovaj minimalni filter za polaganje i povlačenje izvrstan. I vreme povlačenja!

Automatski prevedeno:

Mislim da bi mogao postojati odjeljak u kojem bi svi mi koji smo testeri i koji pomažu u prenošenju informacija mogli pisati recenzije igara i kockarnica, ali prema našem iskustvu, jer ono što sam doživio u Čileu u nekom kasinu nije isto za igrača . U Češkoj, da li me razumete? To bi moglo biti dobro i omogućiti tamo gdje svi možemo dijeliti svoja iskustva, a takođe i u igrama, jer svi imamo različite ukuse i preferirane mašine. I naravno uz dodatni bonus za naš džep :)

Automatski prevedeno:

Pridružite se zajednici

Morate biti ulogovani da bi dodali post.

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