Zdravo, hvala na prijedlogu. Zapravo, oduvijek je postojala ideja da se na web stranici postavi francuski i uvijek su postojale neke prepreke iza toga. Mogu vam čak pokazati kako svi tekstovi web stranica izgledaju u našem internom sistemu. Svi tekstovi su prevedeni na mnoge jezike. Prostor za francuski čak ima, ali je uvijek ostao prazan 😀 Pa da, to dokazuje da je ideja bila tu od samog početka.

Razgovarali smo o tome više puta i u toku je projekat o kojem trenutno ne mogu govoriti, ali uključuje i francuski 🙂
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Actually, there's always been the idea of having French on the website and there were always some obstacles behind it. I can even show you how all website texts look in our internal system. All the texts are translated into many languages. The space for French is even there, but it's always remained empty 😀 So yeah, it proves the idea was there from the very beginning.

We've discussed it a numerous time and there's an ongoing project that I can't talk about right now, but it includes French as well 🙂
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