I ja sam to pokušao, i mislim da su rezultati nekako čudni. 🙂 Među rezultatima nisam našao bonus na prvi depozit Zlatne dame , mada priznajem da sam upravo pregledao nekoliko prvih stranica.
Zanimljivo je da su rezultati sortirani po veoma jedinstvenom redosledu. Našao sam 150% među 300% ili 500%, tako da sa moje tačke gledišta, redosled ne funkcioniše baš dobro.
Dobio sam 375 stranica za sve bonuse na depozit u vašoj bazi podataka - izuzev onih sa priloženim besplatnim okretima, verujem da je ovaj konkretan bonus negde tamo, iako ga nisam primetio.
Postavio sam filtere na sledeći način:

I dobio ovo:

Ne oseća se dobro.
Pustiću da se to proveri. Razumem da ovo trenutno nije od velike pomoći, ali prvo moramo da pronađemo problem.
Dakle, hvala vam na vašem oštrom oku.
Javiću vam šta sam našao.
Hello there.
I tried that too, and I think the results are somehow strange. 🙂 I didn't find the Golden Lady's 1st deposit bonus among the results, though I admit I just browsed a few first pages.
Interestingly the results seem to be sorted by a very unique order. I found 150% among 300% or 500%, so from my point of view, the order is not working pretty well.
I got 375 pages for all deposit bonuses in your database - excluding ones with free spins attached, I believe this concrete bonus is somewhere there, though I didn't spot it.
I set the filters as follows:

And got this:

Does not feel right.
I'll let that get checked. I understand this is not very helpful at the moment, yet we have to find the issue first.
So, thank you for your keen eye.
I'll let you know what I find.
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