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Concerns about user reviews

 od Radka
8.853 pregleda 26 odgovora |
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I decided to set up this thread because one of our dedicated members made a good point when it comes to user reviews, and I'd like to continue here.

Thank you CasinoStreamer88 🙂.

I'll paste in your last post about this subject.


Zdravo draga Radka 🙂

I ja razumem i vidim problem. 🙂

Nažalost, ima mnogo igrača koji daju loše ocene, na primer, odmah nakon 1 ili 2 depozita jer su nažalost izgubili i frustrirani su.

To je upravo ono što ja lično smatram pomalo nepravednim prema kockarnicama.

Na kraju krajeva, po mom mišljenju, vaš sajt je toliko poznat i uspešan da mnogi igrači prvo dolaze na vaš sajt da bi izabrali kazina, što je po mom mišljenju odlično!

Ovde sve dobro radite i zaista sam srećan što postojite! Ali voleo bih da postoji neka vrsta sistema u kojem, na primer, samo provereni igrači daju ocene ili im je dozvoljeno samo ako neko ima određeno iskustvo u kazinu.

Samo mislim da je potrebno nešto što zadovoljava obe strane 🙂

Zaista mogu da zamislim da je veoma neprijatno i loše za kazina kada ljudi daju loše ocene jer bi drugi mogli da traže nešto drugo i to će oštetiti kazino.

Ali ono što mene lično najviše muči, ako smem da budem iskren, jeste upravo ova tema. 🙂

Juče sam primetio u jednom novom kazinu da ima 5 recenzija korisnika za koje mislim da su 4 od 5 kritika lažne jer je to osoba koja piše recenzije na nekoliko naloga tako da kazino bude dobro predstavljen, što ne mora nužno biti slučaj .

Ja se lično osećam izdano ovim. 🙂

Hteo sam da se registrujem juče i pogledao sam recenzije unapred i kada sam video da sam izbegao kazino jer sam se osećao malo prevarenim 🙂

Mogu da vam napišem privatno na koji kazino mislim ako bi trebalo da vam bude važno 🙂


Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there 🙂

I feel that we should discuss user reviews separately, outside ABO's general thread. I'm sure that lots of players feel the same.

I understand your point, allow me to add that Daniel explained what we do to prevent that pretty well here.

We still act in accordance with rules that have been set to keep user reviews genuine, it's not as easy as you may think 🙁

3.11. The purpose of reviews and ratings created by Users on the Website is for them to reflect truthful experience of players at individual casino websites. That is why we reserve the right to delete User reviews which were created by Users after being motivated to do so by the casino, for example by offering them a bonus in exchange for a positive review.

3.12. We do not have the Users' permission to share their personal information, including their e-mail address, with the casino websites which they reviewed or rated on our Website. Therefore, we cannot share this information with the casino to help identify the User who submitted a review on our Website. If a casino wishes to identify the User or communicate with them, representatives of the casino are able to directly respond to the User's review"

We also intended to give casinos a chance to respond to reviews, so fake players posting bad reviews can be exposed by the casino directly, we try to "cover the rest".

All admins are very concerned about the quality of the user reviews that are approved, we do everything we can to uncover bad intentions.

Feel free to name casinos openly, we do not have to hide anything. 🙂

If you personaly don't like that idea, email me:

Ažurirano od strane autora

Hvala na detaljnom odgovoru, sada znam više. 🙂

Pre svega, ne mogu da zamislim koliko posla imate ovde 🤯 toliko prijava za reklamacije ili druge stvari, čovek se zaista čudi kako uspevate da sve to uradite tako profesionalno!

Dobro je što kazina imaju mogućnost da odgovore na recenzije jer bi bilo malo nesposobno da ne mogu.

Želeo bih otvoreno da govorim o kockarnicama, ali ne želim nikoga da klevetam/pišem jer mogu da grešim i iz tog razloga sam više osoba koja ne proziva imena. 🙂

Ali primetio sam nešto što bih želeo da vam pokažem 🙂 Napisaću vam mejl ✌🏼✌🏽

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, dealing with user reviews sometimes feel like a fight with windmills since we receive hundreds of fake reviews from players who created multiple accounts, but we also receive many fake reviews that are written by casinos themselves.

We also prepare a little change where only registered members will be able to write the user reviews. I also had the idea of enabling the option to write the reviews only to somehow verified users, but that would reduce the amount of submitted reviews drastically. We constantly work on improvements and I believe that a major improvement should be implemented by the end of this year. That improvement will make sure that more experienced players and users that engage more on CasinoGuru will have stronger impact on the user rating compared to newly registered users.


Zdravo dragi Daniele! 🤜🏻🍀🤛🏽

Čuo sam od Rakde da radite na tome i moram da kažem da zvuči kao odlična ideja i svakako puno posla u isto vreme! Ali jednu stvar koju treba da znate, neki od vaših članova NEVEROVATNO cene vaš rad!! Ja sam definitivno jedan od njih!

Siguran sam da ćete sa vremenom i sa puno strpljenja i ljubavi postići sve na šta ste vi i vaš tim odlučili!

I podržaću te koliko mogu!!

Živeo tim gurua✌🏽 🤜🏻🍀❤🤛🏽✌🏼

Automatski prevedeno:

Ps: Hvala što ste mi dozvolili da budem deo toga. 🙂

Zabavno je razgovarati sa tako finim ljudima koji su uvek uz tebe 🍀

Automatski prevedeno:

We are so glad to have you here. And it's not because you still appraise us so high - very often 😂, but because you can advise and calm other players in need, and keep an eye on details we may miss.

That's what's worth mentioning!👍

Ažurirano od strane autora

Hvala Radka 🙂

Ako mogu da pomognem zajednici, srećan sam zbog toga! Svima nam je potrebna mala pomoć 🙂

Želim ti prijatan dan!

Automatski prevedeno:

Poštovani moderatoru, napisao sam recenziju za 2 kazina, recenzije su odbijene, pre toga sam pisao za projekat jedne od opšte mreže, odobren je. Zašto se ovo dešava? Mogu dati snimke ekrana da sam pravi igrač u ovim kockarnicama.

Automatski prevedeno:

I have sent you an email explaining everything. I hope you understand why your reviews were rejected first. It was because our internal system detected some similarities. It should be fixed by now. Thank you for your cooperation.


Hello dear! Why were my reviews deleted?


Hello there,

Thank you for getting back.

You can check your email for an explanation we provide upon every rejection. According to our system, it seems that "Unfortunately, we need to reject your review since our internal system detected too many similarities to other reviews submitted already to this casino. We do this in order to keep the user rating as genuine as possible."

The same goes for all your rejected reviews, I'm afraid.

I'm not saying our detection tool is always correct, so perhaps you can send us screenshots showing your active casino accounts and deposit or withdrawal history, so it is obvious your account existed when you submitted the reviews. What do you say? We are available at

To keep the rating unbiased, we only need to be certain you are a real player with real experience.


Thank u, i sent screenshots to your email 🙂


Thank you,

Sadly, none of those show the casino's name, date of account creation, or the same casino username you entered when submitting both reviews.

I would like to ask you to provide screenshots confirming that you have registered the accounts with the provided username before you submitted both user reviews.

The whole team appreciates your understanding and cooperation. 🙏


Hello dear! Sent repeated screenshots from casino to confirm real accounts

Hello, could you please review the refusals to publish reviews.


I would say that we have checked everything and the result was as you stated in the reason. It is important to note that one review per account is always allowed. 

Dobar dan! Ne odgovaraš mi. Pitao sam vas zašto je moja recenzija o kazinu r7 odbijena? Molim vas odgovorite na moju poruku.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I looked into it and it's because our system has evaluated that there are many similarities in your user review. It is always important to remember that one user review is allowed per casino from one account.

But if you have any proof that you have a casino account, you can send it to email-

It would be best if your login, some gameplay history and the like were visible. 🙂

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