NaslovnaForumKazina1Go Casino - opšta diskusija

1Go Casino - opšta diskusija

 od guizinho8
5.006 pregleda 35 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za 1Go Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Registrovao sam nalog pre 2 dana, verifikovan nalog sa svim dokumentima. Položio sam 2 opklade koristeći ceo svoj depozit i izvršio povlačenje. Anketa je u toku maksimalno 30 dana za bezbednosnu inspekciju ?? Iako sam pod njihovim uslovima, ja sam novi korisnik i prvo povlačenje koje napravim, moj nalog je pod istragom i povlačenje je na čekanju?

Automatski prevedeno:

May I ask if you played with any kind of bonus there? Have you gotten any explanation from the casino about the investigation?🤔


Nije zato što sam igrao bonuse. Bonus koji sam igrao je bio za sportsko klađenje, a preokret je bio samo sa bonus saldom i odmah sam izgubio. Kladim se u svoj novac normalno i zahtev za povlačenje je prihvaćen (kada nije prihvaćen sistem nas odmah upozorava da još moramo da igramo novac).

Prvi put je odbijen iako je verifikovan jer su tražili selfi snimak. Nakon što su poslali selfi video, rekli su da mogu da ustanem. Ja sam napravio povlačenje i jednostavno su mi rekli da imaju pravo da blokiraju povlačenje na 31 dan radi istrage. Bio je to prvi put da sam napravio nalog i ovo se već desilo... slab kazino. Sva kazina pod ovom upravom su ovakva. Ista stvar mi se desila pre 2 dana u Sol kazinu gde su mi takođe bez razloga rekli da moram da čekam 31 dan. To rade namerno da vide da li igrači otkažu povlačenje i potroše novac. Ali neću ništa da trošim. Sačekaću 31 dan i nikada više neću igrati u ovim slabim kazinima

Automatski prevedeno:

Okay, I understand now. Did you receive your money the first time it happened? It is indeed a wise decision to wait and not spend the money. Let us know, please, if everything will go well with the withdrawal, for sure.


Zanimljivo je da su se desili oba puta ove nedelje, na sol kazino računu i sada na kazino računu 1go. Nikada nisam igrao u kazinu 1go, to je bio prvi put da sam deponovao novac i igrao. Već mesecima igram u kazinima ove uprave, problem je što daju samo bonuse i vole igrače koji gube novac. Kako sam imao sreće i osvojio nešto novca i kako sam sve uradio legalno, prvo su mi oduzeli pravo da igram bonus a sada me teraju da čekam 31 dan da mogu da podignem novac. Veoma loše upravljanje ovim kockarnicama

Automatski prevedeno:

Something like that would indicate that the casino system probably detected something worth a manual check. In this regard, I imagine the casino informed you about the investigation and associated account blockage. Technically, it makes sense.

Sadly, in such situations, casinos do not usually share additional details with players, and until the check is done, there is quite an open space for speculation.

By the way, if the group share one system or platform, such check are held across the whole casino group, so you don't have to play in more than one. The system automatically flags certain player's account details across the whole group of casinos.

I understand it feels unconfortable from your point of view. And yet, until the investigation brings results, we may only guess whether it was truly necessary.

Regarding the bonuses, I'd like to say that casinos, like any other commercial subjects, are free to restrict anyone from receiving special offers and bonuses, since it represents a significant investment. Casinos and sportsbooks prefer to reward players who may consider leaving the site, or fresh new players seeking "motivation."

Find out more in this free e-course focused on bonuses 😉


"Let’s start with the basics, in case this is the first time you are learning about casino bonuses. Casino bonuses usually take the form of bonus funds or free spins, which are given to players for one of many reasons, including:

•  As a reward for making a casino account

•  As a reward for making a deposit

•  As a reward for being an active player

•  As an incentive to start playing again after a period of inactivity"

It may sound quite harsh, but still, it's a business focused on gaining income.

In any case, I hope the security check will be done quite soon and you will be able to withdraw the winnings. Keep us posted, please!

Zdravo, najgori kazino registrovan pre 3 dana, ovih dana poslao sam 3 video selfija, juče sam podigao 48 evra ponovo poslao video selfi rekli su mi da čekam 30 dana na proveru

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, so I see that the biggest problem is in the verification and that's why you can't withdraw, right ? When you send a video selfie, what is the error if they don't accept it, did you try to ask ? 

The truth is that we give casinos 14 days to resolve KYC and withdrawal, so I wouldn't be in favour of it taking up to a month, how long are you waiting at the moment ? 

Anyway, if nothing changes within that time I would probably open a complaint where our team will try to help you.

So please let me know if you have an update. 


Napravio sam video selfi sa pasošem i oni su potvrdili da sam to ja, i rekli su da nema problema, možemo da povučemo, ali kada sam napravio povlačenje i povlačenje nikada nije došlo, ponovo sam im pisao i ovo vreme kada su rekli da je potreban 31 dan za verifikaciju profila naloga u navodno nefer igri ... metode i rezultati verifikacije ne podležu otkrivanju, prema njima

Automatski prevedeno:

Ovaj kazino kao i svi ostali pod istim rukovodstvom je sramota.. ja sam u istoj situaciji.. bez ikakvog opravdanja samo kažu da imaju pravo da zadrže isplatu 31 dan radi istrage.. nalog otvoren Pre 3 dana, šta oni mogu da istraže za mesec dana? Sramota.

Automatski prevedeno:

Nemam ništa protiv ovog ili drugih galaktika kazina, jedino što mi je loše je to što sa bonusom bez depozita mogu da podignem najviše 250 evra nakon opklade jer su moji besplatni okreti rezultirali sa 25 evra što je rezultiralo k10 sa 250 evra.

Za sada dobro, problem je što da bih podigao novac sada moram da uložim 250 evra, što je za mene mnogo novca, i da odigram ovih 250 evra k3.

Zato još nisam uplatio 250 evra jer nemam toliko viška.

Iz podrške znam da je to u njihovim pravilima, ali sam ipak želeo da izrazim svoje nezadovoljstvo zbog toga.

Automatski prevedeno:

Napravio sam video selfi sa pasošem i oni su potvrdili da sam to ja, i rekli su da nema problema, možemo da povučemo, ali kada sam napravio povlačenje i povlačenje nikada nije došlo, ponovo sam im pisao i ovo vreme kada su rekli da je potreban 31 dan za verifikaciju profila naloga u navodno nefer igri ... metode i rezultati verifikacije ne podležu otkrivanju, prema njima

Automatski prevedeno:

I see, so it's not about the verification of you but about the gameplay, which maybe the game provider will also consider. I'm not sure how long such a investigation can take, because a month seems quite a lot to me. That's why I suggested a complaint as a possible solution, because it would worry me. 

However, are you aware that you would be playing some unfair tactics or why the casino told you that ? Did you play slots or any live table games or something else ? 🤔

Ovaj kazino kao i svi ostali pod istim rukovodstvom je sramota.. ja sam u istoj situaciji.. bez ikakvog opravdanja samo kažu da imaju pravo da zadrže isplatu 31 dan radi istrage.. nalog otvoren Pre 3 dana, šta oni mogu da istraže za mesec dana? Sramota.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I would also find this to be quite a lot and I see that you are not the only one who has an account under the casino's control. It would probably be best to know why the check had to happen, but you will probably only find that out when the casino gives a statement on the whole situation and the review is over. If you don't hear anything more from them, I would also recommend submitting a complaint, because I wouldn't want to wait a month without anything either. 

Anyway, what games have you played ? Did you play with the bonus ? Do you have any idea why this could be happening ? 

Let me know. 


Igrao sam pošteno, nisam čak ni uzeo bonuse, kladio sam se nekoliko puta na fudbal, uglavnom i malo na slotove

Automatski prevedeno:

Nemam ništa protiv ovog ili drugih galaktika kazina, jedino što mi je loše je to što sa bonusom bez depozita mogu da podignem najviše 250 evra nakon opklade jer su moji besplatni okreti rezultirali sa 25 evra što je rezultiralo k10 sa 250 evra.

Za sada dobro, problem je što da bih podigao novac sada moram da uložim 250 evra, što je za mene mnogo novca, i da odigram ovih 250 evra k3.

Zato još nisam uplatio 250 evra jer nemam toliko viška.

Iz podrške znam da je to u njihovim pravilima, ali sam ipak želeo da izrazim svoje nezadovoljstvo zbog toga.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for your addition to this casino. Do you play here more often or only sporadically ? 

As for the bonus you mention, often max cashout is a condition, so I wouldn't see anything unusual in that. 

However, what would puzzle me is that you have to deposit €250 to be able to withdraw and wagering 3x on the deposit is not exactly the least. That would also put me off and I probably wouldn't go for it. 

Have you been able to withdraw in this casino and do you know how long the process takes and if there were ever any problems ? Did you check the deposit thing in the terms and conditions ?


Zašto ne mogu da uložim žalbu protiv kazina? Odgovaram na pitanja o problemima sa povlačenjem, nisam uzeo bonuse i onda u sledećem prozoru ako ne izaberete moj problem je rešen onda je prazan

Automatski prevedeno:

What is your specific problem when you can't file a complaint, please ? Feel free to take a screenshot to give me a better overview and I'll try to help. 

Of course, you can try to delete cookies, open a complaint from another device or another browser and we will see if that would help. If nothing works, be sure to let me know. 👍



a zaboravio sam da kažem da sam izabrao ovaj kazino uglavnom zato što imaš visoku ocenu o njemu, ne znam zašto si dao takvu ocenu....

Automatski prevedeno:

So when you select one of the options, can't you then click to move on or confirm it ? Is the "button" somehow unavailable or what is the issue ? 

Regarding the safety index (rating) you can see why is it so here.

The casino has a pretty high score and I would like to know what is going on since you are not the only one who has the same problem. I hope you will be able to file a complaint and if not let me know but be a bit more descriptive so I know what is happening.

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