Recan97, koliki je tvoj depozit, ako smem da pitam, jer to je iznos koji je kazino tražio da će ti platiti....ali mislim da bi bilo nepravedno to učiniti, trebalo bi da ti isplate dobitak.
Zatražite spor na ponudu i recite kazinu da vam isplati vaš dobitak, a kazino treba da navede u kojoj opkladi je došlo do softverske greške??
I to ne bi trebalo da bude tvoja krivica!
Ako se ne varam, kazino nudi da vam uplati depozit i poništi sve opklade.
Recan97, how much is your deposit if I may ask, cus that is the amount the casino claimed they will pay you....but I think it will be unfair to do so, they should pay you your winnings.
Claim a Dispute to the offer and tell the casino to pay you your winnings and the casino should specify which bet a software error occured at??
And that shouldn't be your fault!
If I'm not mistaken, the casino offers to pay you your deposit and cancel all bets.
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