Zdravo Radka,
Zaista sam već duže vreme pokušavao da zatvorim svoja 2 naloga (1kbet i Betandiou) i uvek bezuspešno. U pravu ste, iako, po prvi put u skoro 2 godine, nisam želeo da blokiram svoj 1kbet nalog, samo sam tražio ograničenje svojih depozita, a oni su mi odjednom blokirali nalog. Srećom nije bilo aktivnog depozita, ali čak i da jeste, ne bih mogao da ga izvadim, jer ne mogu da se prijavim na svoj nalog zbog blokade bez upita.
Ako više puta zatražim da mi se nalog blokira ili da se primenjuju ograničenja, a dostavim dokumentaciju, zar mi ne bi trebalo dozvoliti da imam takve mere na svom nalogu? Većina kazina koje koristim imaju ugrađen sistem koji mi omogućava da primenim mere na svoj račun, ova, ne samo da nemaju ugrađene takve mere, već ih ne primenjuju na moj zahtev.
Zanimljivo, ova stvar je slična onoj iz drugog kazina, da, ovo su 2 kazina koje sam koristio, pošto dele jednak raspored i najverovatnije su iz iste Majke korporacije. Imao sam pristojan trenutak kada sam prvi put kreirao naloge, ali onda su problemi počeli da rastu i video sam oba kazina prave boje. Na sreću, drugi kazino uopšte nisam koristio, a ovaj vrlo malo, ali i bez mnogo korišćenja, bilo je dovoljno da se ovo desi.
Tražiću nadoknade u drugom kazinu, a možda i u ovom, ali za ovaj nemam toliko dokaza u poređenju sa drugim kazinom, i znam tačno da 1kbet ne rešava nikakve žalbe, kao što je njihov ToS lažne klauzule, tvrdeći da nisu krivi za neke svoje greške.
Hello Radka,
I indeed had been trying to close my 2 accounts for a long time ( 1xbet and Betandyou) and always to no avail. You are right, although, for the 1st time in almost 2 years, i did Not want to block my 1xbet account, i only asked for a limit of my deposits, and they suddenly block my account. There was no active deposit, thankfully, but even if there was, i wouldn't be able to take it out, as I am not able to log into my account due to the unprompted block.
If I request several times to have my account blocked or with limits applied, and I provide documentation, shouldn't I be allowed to have such measures in my account? Most casinos I use have a built in system to allow me to apply measures to my account, these ones, not only they do not have such measures built in, they do not apply them at my request.
Curiously, this matter is similar to the one from the other casino yes, these are the 2 casinos I used, as they share equal layouts and are most likely from the same Mother corporation. I had a decent time when I first created the accounts, but then the problems started rising and I saw both casino true colors. Luckily, I haven't been using the other casino at all, and this one very little, but even without using much, it was enough for this to happen.
I will pursue the reimburstments on the other casino, and maybe this one, but this one I don't have that many evidence compared to the other casino, and I know for a fact, 1xbet does not settle any complaints, as their ToS have fraudulent clauses, claiming they are not to blame for some of their mistakes.
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