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1xBet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

 od Rafaeliton
12.318 pregleda 84 odgovora |
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Došao sam da se zahvalim platformi 1kbet, moja povlačenja su pripisana. Hvala vam 😊

Automatski prevedeno:

I am glad for this news. Thank you very much for the update.

Prvo je licenca Curacao lažna!

Drugo: nisu odbili moju žalbu, 1kbet kazino odgovara svojom licencom koja je lažna!

Treće: svi u grupi za klađenje, više od 500 hiljada ljudi, složili su se sa mnom i videli ceo ishod veb stranice 1kbet, koja će sada takođe masovno gubiti kupce.

Automatski prevedeno:

Third: As you probably understand, the other 500 people in some group have nothing to do with our process until they submit their own complaints. This statement possesses no value, but I understand you need to mention that anyway.

Second + First: What you call a fake license is more likely a fact that the licensing authority decided the way they did. But it does not mean the license itself—the product—is fake.

If you want to carry on this way with the conversation, try to at least use appropriate meanings.

Furthermore, we've asked you to provide relevant proofs on almost every occasion; if you can't do that, this whole conversation is again pointless.

Since the Complaint Team could not help you with the complaint, and when it comes to the licensing authority based on the info:"I have also discussed your complaint to the regulator with the casino and they were not contacted by the regulator again after the ruling that was made on 19/10/23, so it seems the regulator has rejected your self-exclusion complaint as well."

I'd say, we are still running in circles where you are accusing us of supporting casinos. Focus on the court, please, it was your choice anyway. We tried to help, but it simply didn't work.

Last warning, I'm serious.


Nije 500 ljudi, nego 500 hiljada ljudi, imam grupu od više od milion ljudi, pa nemojte da mi pretite, uradite to!

Automatski prevedeno:

Dečaku je trebalo mesec dana da dobije 700 reala hahaha kakva divna kladionica hahaha

Automatski prevedeno:

Nije 500 ljudi, nego 500 hiljada ljudi, imam grupu od više od milion ljudi, pa nemojte da mi pretite, uradite to!

Automatski prevedeno:

A group of people we have never been in touch with is not relevant at this point. At least this is rather obvious

Since you consistently fail to comprehend the logic behind any kind of responses, I won't respond to you anymore.

Adhere to the rules, or see your access to the forum restricted.


Bring the boy here to submit a complaint or present his proofs.

Simple as that.


Pogledajte ovu veb lokaciju za žalbe u Brazilu, možda ćete se probuditi i videti da je 1KSBET veb lokacija korumpirana i lažna i uverite se sami koliko ljudi je opljačkano od strane 1KSBET veb stranice 👇

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm sorry but I have to respond.

You should really try to focus your energy on bringing these people here - on one spot - if you really want to prove something. That could make a difference.

Unless you comprehend this simple thought, I want to waste my time on that matter.


Pogledajte 👇

Staviću link ka Guru kazinu, nećete moći da rešite toliko žalbi na 1kbet veb lokaciju!

Automatski prevedeno:

It makes little sense to me, because it seems like you try to keep other players as theoretical hostages.

I'm sorry, there is no room for that anymore.

Restricting you from the forum now.


Možete li da deblokirate moj originalni nalog ovde na Guruu, (ivanvidalr1) jer nisam dvoličan, imam samo jedan, i hvala Bogu da sam imao dobro obrazovanje, a ne da idem okolo i blokiram ljude bez da im dam moć da odlučuju, sad koliko do čingamenta da opsovao sam, jer sam se prevario, Ili me se plašiš, što govorim istinu, da ja sam takav kod mene nema sredine, ako sam to uradio priznaću, sada ne daj mi kukavičluka, oslobodi moj nalog od Gurua molim te!

Automatski prevedeno:


To be totally impartial, I polled the entire team to see if we ought to take your request into consideration. To be honest, nobody recommended you. We were not persuaded by your post that you have moved on from the past. We back then we decided to ban your account and restrict you from the forum as a result of your approach.

It appears to have remained the same.

I'm truly sorry I have to do the same again with your second account.

Veoma sam frustriran sa 1Ksbet-om, čeka me povlačenje, to će biti 5 dana, a oni me samo zavrsavaju, govoreći da se uplata vratila, i čekaju odgovor od d3 isplata sistema i da su specijalisti posvećeni. Tražili su od mene 48 sati, što je već prošlo, onda su tražili još 24 sata, što je već prošlo. Bojim se da uskoro neću dobiti platu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Is this your first withdrawal attempt at this casino, please, or have you had any before? What about the verification of your account? Is it needed?🤔

I hope that they will be able to fix the issue soon and send you your winnings. Please let us know about any updates there.

Već sam napravio 5 ili 6 povlačenja koja su stigla za manje od 15 minuta.

Ovaj čeka 5 dana,

Svaki dan idem u podršku i kažu da mi "specijalci rešavaju problem sa platnim sistemom" Ne razumem, znate li više o ovome?

Ovde u Brazilu postoji veb stranica na kojoj se ljudi žale na bilo koju kompaniju, a potrošači je naširoko koriste za procenu kompanija pre konzumiranja. I 1kbet vidim da u poslednjih 10 dana ima bezbroj korisnika sa istim problemom kao i moj koji se žale tamo.

Brinem se da neću dobiti svoj dobitak

Automatski prevedeno:

Možete li mi pomoći da razumem moj problem? Da li je to normalno?

Automatski prevedeno:

If I may add my point of view, the explanation is quite simple:

Everything you have mentioned so far makes me believe this company is dealing with an unexpected payment provider issue. The way I see it, they try to resolve it; hence, all players get the same explanation as you did, and the withdrawals are delayed.

The fact that all your previous withdrawals made it through without any issues declares that this current situation caught the casino staff by surprise. It's only logical; they need some time to resolve it.

You see, it's very common for casinos to use independent third-party payment providers to handle all transactions, so the casino staff may focus on players and their needs. Frankly, when such problem arise, dealing with it takes more time. I know it's frustrating, but try to be patient, please.

Is there any alternative payment option you could use eventually? The most common "last resort" option is crypto, though not every player is used to that.


Pa, posle 6 dana su mi vratili nalog na stanje na računu i uspeo sam da ga povučem vrlo brzo, bilo je olakšanje.

Hvala vam što ste me naveli da razumem moguće probleme koji su se možda pojavili ili će se pojaviti sa sistemom plaćanja.

Ali mislim da je trebalo bolje da mi objasne problem, da mi kažu šta se dešava umesto da postavljaju rokove od 24 ili 48 sati koje nisu ispoštovali.

Ali važno je da je sve ispalo.

Ali nakon toga sam veoma oprezan da ponovo deponujem velike iznose na 1kBet

Automatski prevedeno:

So that is great that everything worked out well.

We are really glad that we could help you understand the possible reasons better. Radka is pretty good in explaining, right?😉

It would really be better if the casino would face the players and tell them exactly what was happening. That is right.

But are you going to continue playing there at all? What do you think?


Pa, ipak želim da probam da igram tamo, jer sam tamo imao sreće. Ali sačekaću nekoliko nedelja dok ne prebrodim pritužbe koje mnogi korisnici upućuju u vezi povlačenja/depozita.

Da li poznajete kazino? Šta mi možete reći o njima?

Automatski prevedeno:
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