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22bet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

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pre 7 meseci

Možete li ponovo zamoliti Mateja da prilagodi iznos prema mom imejlu?


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pre 7 meseci

Rubbish casino Tražio sam povlačenje pre više od 8 sati preko pik-a, odobreno je do sada nije stigao novac

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pre 7 meseci

Hello there. May I ask if you have any updates about your withdrawal request? Is your account fully verified here or was this your first attempt to withdraw?

pre 7 meseci

Pomozite, neka mi neko pomogne oko ovog lopovskog kazina. Nisu mi uplatili novac, naručio sam preko pika do sada ništa.

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pre 7 meseci

Možete li ponovo zamoliti Mateja da prilagodi iznos prema mom imejlu?


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 7 meseci

Hi, I spoke to him and he said he'd write you back, so if I could ask you to be a little patient. 

Thank you very much. 

Post od Anonymized556 je obrisan
pre 6 meseci

Hi, I would say that you should always read the rules and try not to break them so that no similar situations arise. Our team also tried to help, but I saw that without success. 

However, I think that in such a mental state I would certainly not spend money in the casinos. It's not worth it because the casinos always have the advantage over the player. 

I would say this guide- responsible gambling might help you if you have similar thoughts. I understand your frustration and that you obviously have a difficult life situation, but what you wrote is never the solution. Even though it's hard at times like this, you always have to think positive that everything will be okay and you will get back on the right track. Nothing lasts forever, not even bad times. Try to fight and be there for the people who deserve it. 

I firmly believe that everything bad will turn to good.

Post od Anonymized556 je obrisan
pre 6 meseci

Veronica has underlined for you in your caution exactly the sentences that say exactly what you say. It's up to the casino how it handles situations like this. 

However, I saw that you managed to reopen the complaint, so you should provide some information. So we'll see if we can help you or not. 

Be sure to let me know if you have anything new.

pre 6 meseci

22Bet stands out as a beacon of excellence in the world of online betting. It offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet the needs of us bettors.

With its extensive sports betting options, intuitive interface, competitive odds, diverse gaming portfolio, generous bonuses, top-notch security, and convenient payment options, 22Bet delivers an unparalleled betting experience that keeps players coming back for more. In my years of experience on their platform I have never had a problem. And more, today I have the best Vip Manager you can have, I know if I need anything Tyler is there to represent the best of 22bet.

pre 6 meseci

All this sounds to me more like an advertisement, that a generally speaking player of a casino. Is it just me?🤷‍♀️

So, what games do you like to play from the casinos side, or is it just sports betting for you?

Post od Anonymized556 je obrisan
Post od Anonymized556 je obrisan
pre 5 meseci

Hi, I can see that you are unhappy and also that your complaint with us did not turn out according to your expectations. 

However, I also heard that you broke the rules in the casino and had multiple accounts, which is not the luckiest thing to do, because in such cases casinos usually take the winnings from the players. 

I'm sorry it turned out this way, but the best thing to do would probably be to seek help, as it is also a gambling addcition and I saw that you were also recommended some resources.

I hope it gets better and you will stop playing the casinos. 😥

pre 5 meseci

Dolazim da prijavim svojim prijateljima šta mi se desilo u kući 22bet, nema odgovornih mera kockanja u kući, u mejlu piše sledeće „Kladilac može jednostavno da prestane da koristi nalog i ne prosledi podatke o pristupu nalogu ( lozinku i prijavu) trećim licima. Ako se nalogu ne pristupi u roku od 3 meseca smatraće se „neaktivnim" i biće blokiran." Sa ovakvim idiotskim odgovorom, ne bih se ni trudio da tražim brisanje naloga... i tako, prijatelji, ne želite da ga izbrišete. Hvala vam i budite oprezni, jer je uzimanje našeg novca lako, sada RTP, Ograničenja i pravila i pravila za gubljenje novca postoje u gomili,

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

Have you actually tried to close your account at this casino? What reason did you give them, if I may ask? I can understand the approach of the casino, only if there is no gambling issue involved when requesting to close the account, of course.

pre 5 meseci

Veoma sam razočaran 22Bet-om.

Dok je depozit brz i jednostavan, povlačenje je veoma komplikovano i zamorno. Nakon što sam zatražio povlačenje i tražili su od mene da se verifikujem, uradio sam to i kontaktirao podršku, gde moram da se verifikujem jer ne postoji mejl ili nešto slično.

Nakon što mi je podrška dala imejl adresu „S " Pokušao sam da pošaljem e-mail tamo. Posle 1 dana nisam dobio odgovor i ponovo sam pitao podršku zašto mi ne odgovaraju. Tada su prvi put primetili da do bezbednosne podrške mogu da dođem samo preko GMAIL-a adresa (takođe nije nigde navedena) .

Kada sam pisao bezbednosnoj podršci sa Gmail adresom (sa svim dostupnim dokumentima, kao što su , lična karta, mesto stanovanja i selfi), brzo sam dobio odgovor da treba da napravim selfi sa jednom rukom držeći ličnu kartu, a drugom rukom sa moj mobilni telefon sa otvorenim mejlom od S . Pokušao sam mnogo puta i svaki put je postojao novi izgovor: nisam mogao da koristim veb kameru ili slika nije mogla biti manja od 1MB ili bi trebalo da bude JPGM dadai. Ispunio sam sve uslove i ono što mi je rečeno na kraju.... Biće poslato specijalisti na dalju obradu i oni će stupiti u kontakt.

U suštini, svi su me zadržali što rezultira pozitivnom verifikacijom gde je sve bilo tačno.

Sačuvao sam sve dokumente i izvode putem snimka ekrana i takođe ću ih dostaviti nadležnima ako bude potrebno.

Čini se da prvo želite da prokockam kredit i dobitak (bez bonusa), a zatim da nastavim dalje.

Ako uporedite kvote pojedinačnih opklada, postoji i negativan komentar. Pre nego što se prijavite, ocene su veće nego kada ste se prijavili. Pokušavao sam ovo dovoljno često i svaki put su kutens ponovo bili niži. Ostavljate odbrambeni utisak da u ovom kazinu ne treba ništa da dobijete, samo izgubite.

Nastaviću da ostavljam svoje stanje i dobitke netaknutim dok moj nalog ne bude odobren za verifikaciju.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 5 meseci

This kind of verification is nothing unusual, really, when it comes to online casinos. How long ago have you started this process, if I may ask? We usually give casinos 14 full days to finish the verification. You do need to provide all the documents asked for from the casinos site, in the right format, though. The positive thing is, that the casino communicates with you and gives you the advice how to create the right documents. Try to listen to their advice, so you'll be able to get your account verified soon.

I'm sorry that we can not be of any help when it comes to sports betting, though, as we do not specialize in this section of a casino. Maybe you should take some screenshots of those lowered odds and sent it to the support of a casino, so they can give you some explanation why is this happening.

I hope you will be able to verify your account soon, please keep us updated.

pre 4 meseci

22Bet je oduvek bila dobra kuća, ali iz jednog trenutka u drugi je počela da ima mnogo problema. Depoziti koji ne dolaze, a povlačenju su potrebni dani da postanu dostupni. Nikada nije trajalo toliko dugo, a sada je potrebno najmanje 4 do 5 dana za ulazak na račun. Ovo je veoma neugodno kada je ranije bio dostupan za nekoliko minuta, jer je bio trenutan u depozitima i bilo je mnogo tehničkih problema. Trebali bi to hitno razmotriti jer već ima mnogo pritužbi.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

May I ask if you have any issues at this casino that we could help you with? Have they explained to you what kind of technical issues they experienced and have they fixed it already? All this information could be really helpful to others, for sure.

pre 4 meseci

Dobar dan. Osim što sada konstantno odlažemo isplate koliko god je to moguće, depoziti ponekad ne ulaze na račun i moramo da šaljemo mejlove danima jer nema podrške. Oni nikada ništa ne rešavaju. Uvek šalju e-poštu i u kazino igrama padaju, ponekad iznos na računima varira ili nestaje. Bonusi su užasni jer ako su obrnuti i imaju značajnu vrednost, uklanjaju vrednost i ostavljaju samo vrednost koju su dali. Dobio sam više od 300 evra u poništenju bonusa od 20 evra, što je bio bonus od 50% iznosa depozita koji ponekad daju sredom, a moj depozit je bio 40 evra. Oni zadržavaju višak vrednosti nagrada. Užasni uslovi bonusa i sada je najgore što se isplate odobravaju i iznosima treba 4/5/6/7 dana da stignu, a ima slučajeva da se čeka i 15 dana. 22bet je bilo dobro mesto, ali je u ovom trenutku postalo veoma loše!

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