Za sada je problem što ne mogu da prođem proces verifikacije jer stalno smišljaju različite izgovore. Šaljem im sliku transakcije mog depozita, ali takođe traže da je pošaljem na način da se i moje ime vidi na istom dokumentu, a moja aplikacija za onlajn bankarstvo ne nudi takvu funkciju pa sam izgubljen šta treba da uradim. Samo želim da mi plate novac koji sam zaradio. Ali mislim da su prevara.
The problem for now is that i cannot pass the verification process because thep keep coming up with different excuses. I send them a photo of the transaction of my deposit however they also ask me to send it in such a way that my name can be seen on the same document as well and my online banking app does not offer such a function so i am lost what i am supposed to do. I just want them to pay me the money i earned. But i think they are scam.