ForumKazina24Bettle Casino - opšta diskusija

24Bettle Casino - opšta diskusija

pre 9 meseci od aida75
3940 pregleda 43 odgovora |
1 23
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pre 9 meseci
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za 24Bettle Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 9 meseci

Osvojio sam nešto 15. novembra 2023. 2400 nažalost oni imaju moj dobitak na Zvei Teleu. Dobio sam samo 1200 22. novembra 2023. i Dan posle 50 dana do sada nisam ništa dobio samo da ih je relevantno odeljenje samo poslalo nazad Dan Dan poslao sam ponovo poslao sam izvod iz banke da do danas ne dobijam nikakve dokaze o tome čak ni nakon što su se žalili u Casino Guru danas su rekli prema četovanju da više nemaju nikakve informacije, samo moram da čekam kao što je Ema uradila tako nešto od Casio Nikada ih nisam video da to rade šta hoće da mi sviraju?

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pre 9 meseci

Hi, I read about your problem and I saw in the complaint that the casino responded a couple of days ago and said that they will pay the money as they had some technical difficulties. I think you should be patient for a while and since the complaint is still open, if the casino fails in this step you can write it there. But I don't think it is necessary to mention it every single day. It is necessary to wait a bit and if nothing happens for some period of time then it will be appropriate to update the situation. Of course, I don't mean that in a bad way because I know that I would be nervous too when money is involved. 

Anyway, let's wait and see how it all develops.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞

pre 9 meseci

Zdravo Jaro

Imajte na umu da se vaša zabrinutost rešava i da naš tim marljivo radi na ubrzanju ovog problema. Dobio sam ovu e-mail ocenu, još ću čekati, hvala Jaro

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pre 8 meseci

I'm glad you're patient and I firmly believe that the casino will pay you your money as soon as possible. Be sure to let me know when that happens.

pre 8 meseci

Zdravo Jaro

Trenutno ćaskam, ali nažalost nemaju ažuriranja ili bilo kakve dodatne informacije za mene.

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pre 8 meseci

Well, I'm sorry to tell you the truth, because I thought you'd have it today. I saw that you updated the complaint and since the casino has already replied to you once, I strongly believe that they will do so again and explain what is going on and when you will get your money. 

Be sure to let me know if that happens, but for now, as much as I hate to say it, we'll have to wait. 🙁

pre 8 meseci

Zdravo, Jaro stvarno idu tako daleko i uzimaju vreme bez poštovanja protiv igrica imam više svega 45 sekcija za ćaskanje i 20 mejlova poslanih nije fer prema igračima i to zato što nije moja greška od početka i nema ažuriranja takođe me nešto više ljuti tako mi se nikad ranije nije dešavalo koliko sam čekao i budi strpljiv sa odgovorom, ema, molim te, strpi se još malo, nedelju dana kasnije, nemaju informacije uopšte, čet ima nula informacija, zašto imaju to? Mrzim to sve vreme. Hvala ti Jaro u svakom slučaju na podršci i još ću se boriti dok ne dobijem svoj novac, nadam se. Hvala vam

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pre 8 meseci

I definitely understand that you are upset because I would be in this situation as well. 

As for your question as to why the casino is doing this, I'm not sure. Last time they said that they have implemented technical improvements within the payment system, which may take some time but I think this is dragging on unnecessarily. 

Also, no news is not very reassuring when a player asks for something. Of course, if the casino doesn't have an update, it's possible that's why you don't get an answer. 

Anyway, as I have already mentioned, I strongly believe that the casino will reply to your complaint and hopefully this time with a clear answer which will mean that they have sent you the money. 

Nevertheless, I will not jump to conclusions and will wait to see how it turns out.

I wish you good luck. ☘️

pre 8 meseci

zdravo Jaro

Hvala na podršci i uz razmišljanje dobio sam ovo:

Ovo svakako nije standard kojeg se pridržavamo i sada sam kontaktirao naše nadležno odeljenje kako bih vam ubrzao proces i osigurao da se stvar reši sa najvećim prioritetom.

Želeo bih da istaknem koliko se ceni vaše strpljenje po ovom pitanju i želim da vas uverim da će naše resorno odeljenje pronaći rešenje za vas što je pre moguće.

Divan dan ti želim!

Ono što mislim da je umirujuće, ali nažalost već imam više toga putem e-pošte, ali ne mogu da dobijem nikakva plaćanja ili ažuriranja, što je čudno. Već sam dobio dve isplate ranije i kazino broji samo polovinu dobitaka, a drugi ne govore upola isto Ema, ali Drugim rečima, još uvek sam radoznao da li ću ipak dobiti svoj novac i da li će kazino odgovarati.

Hvala Jaro

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pre 8 meseci

Zdravo Jaro

Budite sigurni da će vas tim odmah kontaktirati čim budu dostupna ažuriranja u vezi sa vašom isplatom.

Naši stručnjaci neumorno rade na obezbeđivanju zadovoljavajućeg rešenja u najkraćem vremenskom periodu.

To je ono što sam dobio da stvarno svi poslednji iz ovog kazina imaju isti odgovor andres je tako nešto formulisao iz kazina da je ietz JE prevara više Stvarno mislim da idu daleko stvarno sam stvarno ljut.

šta to govoriš? Ne znam šta da radim.

Hvala na odgovoru

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pre 8 meseci

Yes, at least a little bit reassuring such an email certainly is, but I also definitely understand that if you get more of them for some time, you tend not to believe it much anymore. 

Anyway, the positive thing is that the casino keeps communicating and doesn't leave you without any answer. 

I also read your second post about the email you received and I see that it is the same thing over and over again, just written a bit differently. 

However, the most sensible thing to do in this case is to wait and see how the complaint develops. So that means being patient, because the ball is in the court of the casino, which should answer. 

Do you think you can cope? 

pre 8 meseci

Zdravo Jaro

Žao mi je što se tako osećate, ali mogu da vas uverim da činimo sve što je u našoj moći da rešimo ovaj problem za

To važi i danas. Čet kao i Emma.

Da mi je sve u redu, nemam pojma, ali sam ipak bio strpljiv, ali sam razočaran i pitam se čemu sve ovo, da li su oni platili, sve je to čudno i uznemirujuće , već mi se desilo, ali su ga već odmah popravili i uklapa se. To je sve čudno, ali ja ću se držati toga koliko god treba jer je moje pravo da imam svoj dobitak. Hvala vam puno na odgovoru, nadam se da će kazino to prijaviti i reći da se nešto dešava.

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pre 8 meseci

When you say that a similar situation happened in the past and the casino managed to solve it, I hope it will be the same now. I know that waiting in such cases is not great, but it is all we can do. I hope they will reply and give an update on what's going on with your withdrawal. 

I will definitely wait for your response. I hope it will be positive and you can enjoy your money. 🙂

pre 8 meseci

Zdravo Jaro

Do danas nema ažuriranja, nijedan odgovor iz Casino Chat-a nije rekao da nemaju ažuriranje kao Emma. Još nemam pojma da li su brojevi isti ali zašto isplaćuju samo polovinu mog dobitka i prvo obaveštenje je normalno pa ništa više, nešto nije u redu. molim za vaše mišljenje.hvala

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pre 8 meseci

I also think it's quite strange to tell you the truth, because I still have the feeling that you get pretty similar emails. But you've been waiting quite a bit and the fact that your withdrawal was split into two, I don't really understand that, since the casino didn't say any reason. 

However, I saw what you wrote in the complaint and you didn't get any update and Mirka again asked the casino to reply. So we'll probably have to wait a while to hear from them and see what's going on. I would have liked them to do so sooner and I expected them to do so since they have already replied to you once, but for now we see how it is. So I don't think it's quite right, but we have no choice but to wait and trust that we will get the answers we need.

pre 8 meseci

Zdravo Jaro

Zdravo Aida,

Nadam se da ćete dobro pronaći ovaj imejl.

Budite sigurni da naše relevantno odeljenje marljivo radi na identifikaciji i brzom rešavanju problema. Razumemo važnost pravovremenih isplata i posvećeni smo rešavanju ovog pitanja sa hitnošću koju zaslužuje.

Naš tim preduzima sve neophodne korake da obezbedi brzo rešenje, a mi ćemo vas obaveštavati o svim novostima tokom procesa.

Štaviše, vaše žalbe će u skladu sa tim rešavati naš predstavnik za žalbe.

Želim vam prijatan dan!

Javite nam ako imate još pitanja, rado ćemo vam pomoći!

I juče je to tačno jer sam i ja poslao žalbu za majku i oni su se obratili hirurgu. Nemam izbora, ali nije u pitanju samo novac, to je prevara i nastaviću. Odgovori ne stoje danas. Čet više nije kao što čovek može da očekuje. Ništa o ovom kazinu u vezi sa zajedničkom dobiti, rekli su da je to rok i uslov kazina, deo profita mora biti deo toga, ja imam ništa protiv toga da li to nije pošteno ili neophodno za takav profit. Nikada ranije nisam pročitao ili doživeo nešto slično, zašto samo deo profita nije preneo ostatak i da li im treba više od 2 meseca za ažuriranje? Nije fer i neprihvatljivo .hvala Jaro

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseci


Unfortunately, there are no new information we can provide you with. Once we have it, you will be informed. Unti, the only thing we can do is ask you for more patience. In the meantime, we are constantly contacting our relevant department regarding this matter so you can be sure this is being addressed daily. I understand you are feeling frustrated, but we want to find a solution as much as you to - and we will not leave this unresolved.

So das ist Chat antwort heute .ich bin sprachlos??ich bin meher enttäuscht so IS das .

pre 8 meseci

I see it the same way, and 2 months is also long enough for me with you getting the same answer over and over again. 

Well, since our team contacted the casino and we are waiting for their reply to your complaint, there is nothing more to do than wait, although I know you have waited long enough to be honest. 

However, we will see how it all turns out and I want to firmly believe that good and you will get your rest of the money. 😥

pre 8 meseci

Bitte Jaro

Shau das bitte an hab gerade bekommen yetz 24/1/2023

Dear Aida, 

Thank you for your e-mail. 

Understanding the importance of timely payouts, we are fully committed to addressing this matter urgently and will keep you informed of any updates. We want to assure you that our team is working to resolve the issue, hence I am sure that we will soon receive positive feedback on the resolution efforts.

Your time and patience have been greatly appreciated throughout this process. 

Hope you have an amazing day! 

Let us know if you have more questions, we are happy to help you!

IS das normal echt yetz die gehen so weit das sie nicht zahlen so was von unseieuse .yeden Tag die gleiche antwort.bitte dein Meinung Jaro????

1 23

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