pre 1 godinu
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za 500 Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
Zdravo, veoma dobro, budite oprezni sa 500.casinom, mesecima bez problema uplaćujem nekoliko računa i nisu me blokirali dok sam gubio, sve do pre nekoliko dana kada sam dobio sportsku opkladu i došao do 2700 evra profita i kakva koincidencija baš tamo. Po njima, otkrivaju moje račune, blokiraju me, zaplenu sve i čak mi ne vraćaju prethodne depozite, upozoreni ste.
Hello, very good, be careful with, I have been depositing in several accounts for months without problem and they did not block me while I lost, until a few days ago when I won a sports bet and reached 2700 eur profit and what a coincidence right there According to them, they detect my accounts, they block me, they confiscate everything and they don't even return my previous deposits, you have been warned.
Hola , muy buenas , cuidado con , he estado depositando en varias cuentas durante meses sin problema y no me bloqueaban mientras perdía, hasta que hace unos días según gane una apuesta deportiva y llegue a 2700 eur de ganancia y qué casualidad justo ahí según ellos, detectan mis cuentas, me bloquean , me confiscan todo y ni me devuelven los depósitos previos,, avisados estais
Uhm, tehnički ste bili optuženi za kreiranje više naloga, tako da su vaši dobici poništeni, zar ne?
Ovo se obično potvrđuje tokom procesa verifikacije, koji se obično pokreće povlačenjem. Da li ste možda ranije verifikovali svoj nalog?
Takođe, da li ste ikada otvorili više od jednog naloga? Izvini, morao sam da pitam...
Čekaj - našao sam tvoju žalbu ! Ranije ste se samoisključili, ali ste ipak mogli da napravite novi nalog sa istim ličnim podacima,... To je nešto! 🙁
Uhm, so technically you were accused of creating multiple accounts, thus your winnings were voided, correct?
This is usually confirmed during the verification process, which is normally triggered by withdrawal. Had you verified your account sooner, maybe?
Also, have you ever created more than one account? Sorry, I had to ask...
Hold on - I found your complaint! You self-excluded in the past, yet were able to create a new account with the very same personal details,... That's something! 🙁
Mesecima i mesecima sam bez problema uplaćivao račune, blokirali su me baš kada sam osvojio najveći iznos od 2700 evra, dok sam izgubio nije bilo problema, ponašali su se loše
For months and months I deposited without problems in the accounts, they blocked me just when I won the highest amount 2700 euros, while I lost there were no problems, they acted in bad faith
Ako sam napravio više naloga da preskočim 3 meseca samoisključenja, požalio sam jer sam se isključio, kazino je prekršio svoja pravila dok sam gubio, pošto sam dobio veliku pobedu, zabranili su me i konfiskovali, u dobroj nameri nisu postupili , čak i pod pretpostavkom moje greške.
If I created more accounts to skip the 3 months of self-exclusion, I regretted it as I excluded myself, the casino broke its rules while I was losing, as I won heavily they banned and confiscated me, in good faith they did not act, even assuming my mistake.
Si cree más cuentas para saltarme los 3 meses de autoexclusion, me arrepentía según me autoexcluia, el casino se salta sus normas mientras perdía, según gane fuerte me banean y confiscan, muy de buena fe no actuaron, aún asumiendo también mi error
Razumem zašto se tako osećate, zaista je problematična situacija u kojoj se nalazite. Možda ste u pravu i greške su napravljene na obe strane. U ovom trenutku to izgleda ovako.
Ipak, daj Kristini malo vremena. Usput će ti se javiti za 3 dana. Molim vas za strpljenje.
Takođe sam primetio nešto o sportskom klađenju, da li ste i vi ikada igrali kazino igre?
I understand why you feel like this, it is indeed a troublesome situation you find yourself in. Maybe you're correct and mistakes have been made on both sides. At this moment it looks like this.
Give Kristina some time, though. She'll get back to you in 3 days by the way. I ask you to be patient.
I also spotted something about sports betting, have you ever played casino games too?
Zdravo, hvala puno, da, igrao sam sportsko klađenje i kazino, posebno dreamcatcher, black Jack i ponekad funkitimes i luda vremena, pozdrav
Hello, thank you very much, yes, I played sports betting and casino, especially dreamcatcher, black Jack and sometimes funkytimes and crazy times, greetings
Hola, muchas gracias, si, jugaba a apuestas deportivas y a casino, sobre todo dreamcatcher, black Jack y a veces funkytimes y crazy times, un saludo
Cenim vaše povratne informacije. U stvari, postoji jedno pitanje, mi se ne bavimo situacijama vezanim za sportsko klađenje; stoga se nadam da će Kristina pronaći način da dodatno eskalira vašu žalbu. Mislim da oboje smatramo da je vaša žalba složenija, pa da vidimo kako će se razvijati. Samo sam mislio da treba da znaš.
Hi there!
I appreciate your feedback. There is actually one issue, we do not deal with sports-betting-related situations; thus, I hope Kristina will find a way to escalate your complaint further. I think we both feel your complaint is more complex, so let's see how it develops. I just thought you should know.
Hvala vam puno, kao što sam vam rekao, kladim se u kazinu i na sportsko klađenje, u stvari novac koji se kladim u kazinu je mnogo više nego u sportu, pozdrav
Thank you very much, as I told you, I bet in the casino and in sports betting, in fact the money I bet in the casino is much more than in sports, greetings
Muchas gracias, como te dije apostaba en el casino y en apuestas deportivas, de hecho es mucho más el dinero que aposte en el casino que en deportes, saludos
To je svakako dobra vest u vezi sa žalbom. Iskreno se nadam da postoji način da se to pošteno reši! Za sada, samo treba da mu damo malo vremena. Iako mrzim da čekam sebe, to je neizbežno.
Budimo pozitivni!🤞🤞🤞
That's certainly good news regarding the complaint. I truly hope there is a way to resolve it fairly! For the moment, we just need to give it some time. Even though I hate waiting for myself, it is inevitable.
Let's be positive!🤞🤞🤞
Moja žalba je odbijena, dve napomene,
Kažete da sam priznao da sam otvorio više naloga da bih preskočio limite klađenja, to je netačno, priznao sam samo vreme samoisključenja, drugo, čini se vrlo jasno iz snimaka ekrana koje sam vam poslao da kazino nije primenio svoje pravilo više računa tokom mnogo meseci, a primenjivao ga je samo kada mu je koristilo da opravda krađu mog novca, ako je krađa od mene prava reč, ako je to pošteno prema vama, razočarali ste me,
Ipak, hvala vam na vašem vremenu, pozdrav
My complaint has been rejected, two notes,
You say that I have admitted that I opened more accounts to skip betting limits, that is false, I have only admitted the self-exclusion time, second, it seems very clear from the screenshots that I sent you that the casino did not apply its multi-account rule during many months, and he only applied it when it benefited him to justify the theft of my money, if stealing from me is the right word, if that is fair to you, you have disappointed me,
Still, thank you for your time, greetings
Mi queja ha sido rechazada, dos apuntes,
decis que yo he admitido q abrí más cuentas para saltarme límites de apuesta, eso es falso, solo he admitido lo del tiempo de autoexclusion, segundo, parece muy claro por las capturas que os mandé que el casino no aplicó su norma de las multicuentas durante muchos meses , y solo la aplicó cuando le beneficiaba para justificar el robo de mi dinero si robarme es la palabra adecuada, si eso es justo para vosotros me habéis decepcionado,
Aún así gracias x vuestro tiempo, saludos
Znate da je ovo forum, članovi Žalbenog tima ovde ne odgovaraju. Stoga bih vas pitao da li možete da pošaljete ovaj odgovor rukovaocu žalbe.
Našao sam ovo:
„Zdravo, pa, otvorio sam 9 računa, od kojih sam vam neke poslao istoriju depozita tokom ove godine, kao što sam vam rekao, isključivao sam sebe kada sam izgubio, ali pošto sam zažalio i nisam želeo da čekam 3 mesecima, sve više sam otvarao videći da nisu pravili nikakav problem",
Zašto mislite da bi vam sada trebalo vratiti novac koji ste izgubili? Mislim da je prilično očigledno da ste vi prekršili pravila da biste ponovo mogli da igrate.
Ima li nešto više od toga, molim vas? U tom slučaju dajte nove informacije i zatražite da se žalba ponovo otvori.
You know this is a forum, the members of the Complaint Team do not respond here. Thus, I'd like to ask you whether you can send this response to the complaint handler.
I found this:
"Hello, well, I opened 9 accounts, some of which I sent you the deposit history during this year, as I told you, I was excluding myself when I lost but since I regretted it and I didn't want to wait the 3 months, I opened more and more seeing that they didn't put any problem,"
Why do you think you should be refunded now for the money you've lost? I think it is rather obvious that it was you who broke the rules to be able to play again.
Is there something more to that, please? In such a case, provide new information and ask for the complaint to be reopened, please.
Zdravo, shvatio sam da se u ovim slučajevima depoziti vraćaju i još više s obzirom na to da sam sa tih 2700 evra zarađenih, ukupno izašao sa profitom između svih računa.
Pre neki dan ste rekli da je to složena žalba i odjednom dolazite kod mene i kažete mi: prekršio si pravilo i zajebao se, šta se promenilo? Čak si rekao da sam možda bio u pravu i da su greške moje i kazino, ali igrač je taj koji preuzima svu štetu, stvarno smešno
Zašto me ponavljaš kao kazino koji je prekršio pravila? Znam ovo vrlo dobro, ali i kazino je to prekršio primenom svog pravila SAMO kada osvojite znatnu sumu, mislim da je PRILIČNO OČITNO LOŠA VERA 500.KASINO PRIMENOM NAKON MJESEČNOG UPOTREBE NA SVE RAČUNE BEZ IKAKVIH PROBLEMA , da vidimo da li je tako velikim slovima saznaj jednom za svagda o žalbi hvala pozdrav
PS: Recite osobi zaduženoj za pritužbu da je pravilno napiše jer u njoj piše da sam priznao da sam kreirao naloge da bih preskočio ograničenja klađenja. TO JE LAŽNO I NE VIDIM DA JE ISPRAVLjANO
Hello, I understood that in these cases the deposits are returned and even more so taking into account that with those 2700 euros earned, overall I came out with profits between all the accounts.
The other day you said that it was a complex complaint and suddenly you come to me and tell me: you broke the rule and screw yourself, what has changed? You even said that maybe I was right and that the mistakes were mine and the casino's, but it is the player who takes on all the damage, really funny
Why do you repeat me like the casino that broke the rules? I know this very well, but the casino also broke it by applying its rule ONLY when you win a substantial sum, I think it is PRETTY OBVIOUS THE BAD FAITH OF 500.CASINO BY APPLYING IT AFTER MONTHS DEPOSITING IN ALL THE ACCOUNTS WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM, let's see if that's the case in capital letters you find out once and for all about the complaint, thank you, greetings
PS: Tell the person in charge of the complaint to write it correctly since it says in it that I admitted to creating accounts to skip the betting limits. THAT IS FALSE AND I DON'T SEE IT CORRECTING
hola, tenia entendido que en estos casos se devuelven los depositos y mas teniendo en cuenta que con esos 2700 euros ganados, globalmente salia con ganancias entre todas las cuentas.
el otro dia decias que era una queja compleja y de repente me vienes a decir : te saltaste la norma y te jodes, Que es lo que ha cambiado? llegaste a decir que quizas tenia razon incluso y que los errores fueron mio y del casino, pero es el jugador el que asume todo el daño, realmente divertido
por que me repites como el casino que rompi las reglas? lo se de sobra , pero el casino tambien la rompio aplicando su norma SOLO cuando gane una suma sustancial, creo que es BASTANTE OBVIA LA MALA FE DE 500.CASINO AL APLICARLA DESPUES DE MESES DEPOSITANDO EN TODAS LAS CUENTAS SIN PROBLEMA ALGUNO, aver si asi en mayuscula os enterais de una vez de la queja, gracias, saludos
PD: dile al encargado/a de la queja que la escriba correctamente ya que dice en ella qur yo admiti crear cuentas para saltarme los limites de apuesta. ESO ES FALSO Y NO VEO QUE RECTIFIQUE
Mislim da je napisano sasvim jasno. Ako je došlo do problema u komunikaciji i nešto je pogrešno shvatio tim za žalbe ili ako želite nešto da dodate, imate mogućnost da ponovo otvorite žalbu. Iz ovoga što je Radka napisala, razumeo bih i da ste imali otvorenih 9 naloga u kazinu, što je jasno kršenje pravila.
Razumem vašu frustraciju, ali ako je nešto pogrešno protumačeno, mi smo samo administratori na forumu i nismo direktno uključeni u proces žalbe. Nadam se da razumete situaciju.
I think it was written quite clearly. If there was a problem in communication and something was misunderstood by the complaint team or if you would like to add something, you have the possibility to reopen the complaint. From what Radka wrote, I would also understand that you had 9 accounts open in the casino, which is a clear violation of the rules.
I understand your frustration, but if something has been misinterpreted, we are just admins on the forum and not directly involved in the complaint process. I hope you understand the situation.
Datum: 26.11.2023
Zdravo! Imam problem sa izlazom. Uplatio sam 2300 dolara i odmah mi je zabranjeno klađenje na sport. 26. novembra 2023. pokušao sam da podignem svoj depozit i odbijen sam. U razgovoru za podršku su mi rekli da moram da vratim iznos depozita. Uradio sam ovo u odeljku kazina kako su mi rekli u ćaskanju. Moj profit je bio 1600 dolara. Posle ponovljenog povlačenja, od mene je zatražena verifikacija. Kada sam ga prošao, rečeno mi je da sam osumnjičen za prevaru i druge račune. Nikada nisam varao i igrao pošteno. Nikad nisam imao druge naloge, nakon toga su mi prvo prestali da mi odgovaraju, a onda su mi račun blokirali i stanje poništeno. Blokirali su moj razgovor sa podrškom i ne odgovaraju na moju e-poštu. Mislim da sam greškom blokiran i želim svoj novac nazad
Date: 26/11/2023
Hello! I have a problem with the output. I made a deposit of $2300 and was immediately banned from betting on sports. On November 26, 2023, I tried to withdraw my deposit and was refused. In the support chat they told me that I need to win back the deposit amount. I did this in the casino section as they told me in the chat. My profit was $1600. After the repeated withdrawal, I was asked for verification. When I passed it, I was told that I was suspected of fraud and having other accounts. I never cheated and played honestly. I never had other accounts, after that at first they stopped responding to me and then my account was blocked and my balance was canceled. They blocked my chat with support and they don't respond to my email. I think I was blocked by mistake and I want my money back
Zdravo, žao mi je zbog situacije u kojoj se nalazite. Vidim da imate blokiran nalog, pa ako mislite da nije vaša greška, pokušaćemo da vam pomognemo.
Ipak, da li se vaš slučaj odnosi samo na sportsko klađenje?
Hi, I'm sorry for the situation you're in. I see that you have a blocked account, so if you think it's not a mistake on your part, we'll try to help you.
Nevertheless, is your case only related to sports betting ?
Moj nalog je potpuno blokiran. Nije mi data mogućnost da podignem novac. Prvo je zatvoren sportski deo, vratio sam svoj depozit u kazinu i nakon toga su svi delovi zatvoreni i moj bilans je resetovan na nulu
My account is completely blocked. I was not given the opportunity to withdraw money. First, the sports section was closed, I won back my deposit in the casino and after that all sections were closed and my balance was reset to zero
Trebalo bi da razmotrite podnošenje žalbe na našoj veb stranici.
They you should consider submitting a complaint on our website.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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