Malopre sam pročitao najčudniju priču.
Ovde su litice.. Po celom svetu. Nekome odnekud je obećan posao iz neke siromašne zemlje jugoistočne Azije. Nakon što stignu na odredište, bivaju kidnapovani u neke radne kampove, odakle im nema izlaza i moraju samo da vode ovakve prevare, ili bilo kakve kripto prevare ili bilo koje druge prevare na mreži. Rečeno je da bi moglo biti ogromnih 200 hiljada kidnapovanih osoba. A svetski profit koji su ostvarili je oko 75 000 miliona dolara.
Međunarodni prevaranti su svuda u svetu i malo je verovatno da će biti pravda kada bude prevarena.
I just read the weirdest story a moment ago.
The cliffs here are.. All over the world. Someone from somewhere is promised a job from some poor south east asian country. After they reach the destination, they are being kidnapped into some working camps, where they have no way out and they have to just run scam operations like this, or any crypto scams or whatever online scams exist. Its said that there could be whopping 200k kidnapped persons. And the world wide profits they have made is like 75 000 million dollars total.
The international scammers are all over the world, and its very unlikely to get justice once getting scammed.
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