ForumKazinaAngliaBet Casino - opšta diskusija

AngliaBet Casino - opšta diskusija

pre 3 meseci od GODENKOR
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pre 3 meseci
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za AngliaBet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 3 meseci


deal with them, they wont give back my deposit, they just blocked my account

pre 3 meseci

Hello, did they tell you why your account is blocked ? Did you get the information from the fraud department as they mentioned in the screenshot ? 

If you want us to deal with them, you'll have to lodge a complaint, but it would be good to know what's behind it.

Can you tell me more, please ?

pre 3 meseci

they didnt give me an email where I can find out the reason for the block, they blocked my online chat. these are scammers unfortunately, they will not answer you

pre 3 meseci

And you didn't find any other email on the site ? I see that if they blocked you, you probably won't get a response, and even if you wrote to them, it would probably have the same result. 

Perhaps it's best to stay away from this casino, at least for you. 🤷‍♂️

pre 3 meseci

Zdravo, imam utisak da su potpuno neadekvatni, napravio sam 3 opklade sa njima i sve za male iznose, poslednju su pogrešno izračunali, odnosno dali su mi gubitak na opkladu koja je dobila. Sledećeg dana sam otišao na svoj nalog, a opklada i dalje nije prebačena, počeo sam da im pišem u ćaskanju uživo, čekao sam dugo dok se neko ne pojavi, na kraju su prebacili opkladu i dali dobitak, ali Uopšte nemam želju da se igram sa njima nestao i odlučio sam da podignem sav novac sa svog računa, a posle 3 sata primetio sam da mi je račun blokiran bez ikakvog objašnjenja. Ne savetujem nikome da igra ove prevarante

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pre 3 meseci

Hi, if we're talking about bets, is this about sport betting ? Such situations are difficult and certainly not something a player would want to get into. Blocking an account and not saying or explaining anything is pretty unfair to me. Especially when you want to withdraw what belongs to you. 

So let me know so I know if we will be able to try to help you.

pre 3 meseci

Ne radi se o klađenju na sport, radi se o prevari, napravio sam 3 sportske opklade na 3 različita događaja za različite iznose i nisam se kladio na lažne kvote, a već su mi pisali da sam se bavio arbitražom, to je gruba laž da biste videli arbitražu potrebno je proceniti opkladu 10-20, ili videti opklade na posle gola ili na lažne koeficijente, ali ja to nisam uradio, u ovom slučaju ovo možete napisati svim kupcima koji su pobedili. Dobio sam u 3 opklade 57 USD, to je smešno. Pišem ovo da drugi igrači koji žele da isprobaju ovaj novi kazino znaju da će, kada osvojite čak i smešan iznos kod njih, smisliti mnogo razloga da blokiraju svoj račun

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pre 3 meseci

It is certainly good that you came here with your experience. I asked about sports betting mainly because we don't have any experts in this field and therefore we can't help you with establishing a complaint. 

I'm sorry that the casino accused you of such things, but I will try to at least do a little bit to assist you, and I'll give you some links where you can try to file a complaint.

Maybe they will look into your case and try to resolve it. 

You can find them here:

If you try it, be sure to let me know how it goes. I firmly believe that something can be done. 

pre 3 meseci

This is another example of a European casino illegally taking on UK players and operating with no license or regulations. I have been trying to self exclude for months now and they just ignore the messages. They are predatory scum bags. I have reviewed on trust pilot so if anybody else has had a bad experience please get on there. We need to spread the word about cowboy casinos like this. Avoid like the plague.

pre 3 meseci

Hi, a casino should always take such a request seriously and I'm sorry if they don't. Have you thought about filing a complaint with us and we'll see if we can help you?

pre 2 meseci

That's my favourite non gamstop casino. I won 300 GBP on roulette and my withdrawal was processed instantly.


pre 2 meseci

Želeo sam da podelim svoje nedavno iskustvo sa Angliabetom, kazinom koji nije AAMS koji sam nedavno otkrio. Kao i mnogi od vas, isključio sam sebe iz AAMS kazina jer sam osećao da više ne mogu da se nosim sa kockanjem. Međutim, vremenom mi je nedostajalo uzbuđenje igre i počeo sam da tražim alternative.

Nakon malo istraživanja, pronašao sam Angliabet i odlučio da pokušam. Moram da priznam da sam u početku bio malo skeptičan, posebno kada su u pitanju plaćanja i bezbednost. Ali morao sam da se predomislim.

Igrao sam neko vreme i konačno osvojio 200 evra. Ono što me je najviše iznenadilo je koliko sam brzo primio uplatu: novac je donet na moj račun istog dana!

Znam da kockanje može biti klizav teren za mnoge od nas, uključujući i mene. Međutim, želim da podelim ovo pozitivno iskustvo sa onima koji, poput mene, traže alternativu AAMS kockarnicama. Naravno, važno je igrati odgovorno i uvek zapamtiti rizike.

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pre 2 meseci

Thank you for sharing your experience.

It is really important to play responsibly and treat online gaming only like a hobby. Also, not depositing more than we can afford is very important, so we can prevent any future issues.

May I ask which payment method did you use to withdraw your winnings?

Also, if you'd like to describe your experience in a user review for this casino, here's the link for you. Would you be up for it?🤔

pre 2 meseci

That's my favourite non gamstop casino. I won 300 GBP on roulette and my withdrawal was processed instantly.


pre 2 meseci

This is nice to hear, indeed.

Did you have to go through the verification process first, or was it not needed?

May I also ask which payment method you used to withdraw your winnings?

pre 1 meseca

No, I didn't verify myself, Gary from their Live Chat assured me I can remain completely anonymous. Their support was extremely helpful and showed me how to use crypto. So I just entered my crypto wallet from my Revolut account and the withdrawal was almost instant.

I used to play in different non gamstop casinos, but Angliabet is my top choice now.

pre 1 meseca

I think it's great that you've found a casino that suits you. What do you like to play in this casino ? Is it slots or something else ?

pre 1 meseca

I'm now on my last casino as I'm gamstop 5yrs until September next year, most of the ones I joined the slots don't play right and the one that gave me a good return was Ninewin so it was voided as UK residents are not allowed to play for real money even though they verify you. So I found a recommendation for Angliabet it's an anonymous crypto casino so no need to verify and they pay almost instantly if you win and withdraw and also give no wagering free spins on every deposit. All sounds well and good but not if the slots don't play straight and none of them are restricted by country like no limit city. Can anyone here give me their experiences please

pre 1 meseca

I moved your post to this official thread of the casino so you can gather more information here.

Just stay safe and let us know how it goes here for you.

pre 1 meseca

slušajte, ne želite da ponovo otvarate žalbu jer sam napravio 1 opkladu za opkladu, vratili su mi novac na nju, zašto je račun blokiran ne odmah nakon opklade, već nakon pokušaja podizanja sredstava, zašto ne da želite da rešite ovu situaciju, jer nisam napravio 100 sportskih opklada na ovoj platformi, po mom mišljenju, svaki igrač može da dođe u ovu situaciju, jer je blokiranje došlo nakon pokušaja povlačenja sredstava

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