NaslovnaForumKazinaAres Casino - opšta diskusija

Ares Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Radka
9.275 pregleda 30 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Ares Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Just want to inform players, that we decided to place this casino on the Casino Guru Blacklist. More information here:

I have been told lie after lie about my withdrawal. I made it on 3 February and am still waiting for payment of £1479. They said that it would be paid within 7-21 working days.

i have just reported them to the Curacao egaming regulator. I am also writing to their main game providers today.

alos note that my deposits were sent to travel companies in Kenya so. Heck your deposits carefully.


I think they have a fake license and use pirated games but good luck anyway

Yes I think that may be right. I am emailing the main game providers to let them know.

Their fake 21 working day pay-out period has now passed and no payment has been made.

I have sent files to the main game providers, the regulator, the police and my bank.








Ista stvar se desila i meni.

Samo laži!!!

Čeka se isplata od 3000 eura od 25.01.2022.

Svaki dan pišem Ares casino podršci, uvijek dobijem standardne odgovore. iako je rok od 21 radni dan odavno istekao.

Automatski prevedeno:

I’m pretty sure it’s the same one or two people who are on customer service though different names come up.

I told them this morning I was speaking to Netent on Monday as I have a High level contact there and they replied ‘please do’!

If they were legit they would be horrified and pay me out my winnings.

i will not stop until l am paid or they are shut down.

If there is anyone else who has not been paid out by ares, Cherry fiesta or 4 crowns please let me know. I am adding all of these posts to the files I have sent off.



Ja sam za!

Ako ti nešto treba mogu ti poslati.

Npr. svi odgovorite

Automatski prevedeno:

Thanks - I will be in touch for sure.

They don’t even owe us big sums. If I was running a scam I’d pay them out to avoid any chance of it being scrutinised or shut down.

My bank just emailed to say it’s been escalated to their fraud dept so that’s good. where were your deposits sent to? Mine all went to travel companies in Kenya I think. I’m trying to locate all of the companies.

anyway let’s not stop till we are paid out.


Hello, I just want to remind here, that this casino operates without any license. Hence it will be very difficult to bring them to justice, I'd say.

Wish you the luck of course.


I'm afraid the casino is a crystal clear scam, but nothing else.

Still no money - 5 weeks now. People are dying in Ukraine and they continue to steal money. What sort of people do this. I will not stop until I am paid or they are shit down.


Do you plan any concrete steps for now? I'm quite sure it will be a very difficult task, I'm afraid.

Yes I’m speaking of my bank and the head of legal at Netent. I’ve also sent a complaint to the Curacao regulator.

it is hilarious as they say the 5 weeks so far is due to all the checks they are doing. But they are clearly a scam casino.

Some other casinos do their checks in 2 hours and send your winnings. The longest time is usually a week.

Anyway I won’t stop till I am paid or they are shut down. I have some high level contacts looking at them too.

thanks for your input so far.


Would you be so kind and keep us up to date further, please? I think it would be good to demonstrate here and openly that even in this situation there are some steps. I also hope you will get some justice.

Čekam i uplatu 25.01.2022.

Od tada se ništa nije dogodilo.

Jučer sam ponovo kontaktirao podršku.

Tako su mi odgovorili.

Pošto ne verujem, ali sačekajte da vidite šta će biti u narednih nekoliko dana.


Prema našem sistemu, vaše povlačenje je prošlo kroz prvu fazu procesa i prva faza je završena. To znači da je vaša historija transakcija u igri provjerena i prihvaćena, stoga je vaše povlačenje označeno zelenim svjetlom za nastavak daljeg procesa verifikacije.

Čim bude obrađen, bit ćete obaviješteni.

Srdačni pozdravi,


Tim za korisničku podršku

Automatski prevedeno:

It’s just lie after lie. I don’t know why they even bother. Keep us posted though. Hope you get it.

Čekam i uplatu 25.01.2022.

Od tada se ništa nije dogodilo.

Jučer sam ponovo kontaktirao podršku.

Tako su mi odgovorili.

Pošto ne verujem, ali sačekajte da vidite šta će biti u narednih nekoliko dana.


Prema našem sistemu, vaše povlačenje je prošlo kroz prvu fazu procesa i prva faza je završena. To znači da je vaša historija transakcija u igri provjerena i prihvaćena, stoga je vaše povlačenje označeno zelenim svjetlom za nastavak daljeg procesa verifikacije.

Čim bude obrađen, bit ćete obaviješteni.

Srdačni pozdravi,


Tim za korisničku podršku

Automatski prevedeno:


getting paid by Ares Casino is almost a miracle now. Fingers crossed!

Still nothing at my end.

im a lawyer so I’m going to sue if they don’t pay me soon. I know they will ignore it but then I’ll use it to put their company into liquidation..

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