NaslovnaForumKazinaAwbit Casino - opšta diskusija

Awbit Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od franztheuerw
3.150 pregleda 52 odgovora |
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napravio sam povlačenje pre više od 2 dana i nije prošlo, uradio sam to ponovo i oni su ga otkazali

Automatski prevedeno:

And did they explain the reason for rejection to you?

Is your account verified at this casino?

Try to tell us more about this, so we can try to be of any help, please.


Već je rešeno, stigao je mejl da je povlačenje odobreno i da će biti potrebno između 3 i 5 dana da bude na računu

Automatski prevedeno:

This is good news, indeed.

Surely keep us informed whether you receive the money, please.

I can not pass verification on this site more that week. Support really dead

A lot of fake reviews from accounts which are news.

In reality this is dead casino, which do not make withdraws.


And did they even explain what the issue is?

Did you send all the required documents in the right format and of good quality?

Many times this is the reason for delaying verification, you know. Of course the best way is for the support to let the player know what the issue is and not let the player wait and wait. Right?🤷‍♀️

How do you contact them, if I may? Live support or by email?

Zdravo, razumem šta korisnik pre mene misli, uspešno sam podigao novac ovde, nekoliko puta [bez problema] onda je od mene traženo da se verifikujem, što sam takođe uspešno uspeo. Pre 2 dana sam podigao 900€, ništa se nije desilo, sad dolazi ono čudno... 2 dana kasnije sam podigao 50€ kao test i ovo je onda obrađeno i poslato u moj kripto novčanik... Dakle Iskreno, veoma sam zbunjen.


Automatski prevedeno:


Thank you very much for your help. Do I have this right—you have not been informed or given an explanation either?

I wonder if the fact that you are both from Germany is a coincidence. In any case, I believe at this point it is super important to try to get in touch with the support. Have you tried, please?


Zdravo Radka, mislim da je slučajno, pokušao sam da kontaktiram podršku, ali bezuspešno, ali juče sam uspeo na kratko da dođem do nekoga, ali je on odjednom prestao da se javlja... rekao mi je da još nešto treba da se proveri, tj. „izvor bogatstva". Mogao bih to da proverim bez problema, ali ako ne dobijem pomoć i/ili odgovor, ne mogu ništa da uradim...

Mislim da je šteta jer vidim mnogo potencijala u ovom kazinu

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Radka, mislim da je slučajno, pokušao sam da kontaktiram podršku, ali bezuspešno, ali juče sam uspeo na kratko da dođem do nekoga, ali je on odjednom prestao da se javlja... rekao mi je da još nešto treba da se proveri, tj. „izvor bogatstva". Mogao bih to da proverim bez problema, ali ako ne dobijem pomoć i/ili odgovor, ne mogu ništa da uradim...

Mislim da je šteta jer vidim mnogo potencijala u ovom kazinu

Automatski prevedeno:

So, may I ask if they asked you to send the required document already?


Pitao sam putem ćaskanja uživo zašto je moja uplata otkazana, onda su mi rekli da nedostaje dokument, ali ne mogu da postavim ovaj dokument na svoj profil, onda sam ga poslao mejlom, i dalje nema odgovora, smatram da je to krajnje nesrećno

Automatski prevedeno:

Yeah, I get your point.

Why couldn't you upload it to your profile? Is there that option, though, and did you ask the support about it?


Ima prostora za otpremanje i zove se „AML dokumenti", ali kada pokušate da otpremite nešto, to ne radi


Automatski prevedeno:

Hey! I have the same problem with Awbit Casino.

I made a 5000 euro withdrawal. The casino asked me to confirm my account and I sent all the necessary documents: proof of address (my electricity bill), proof of income, evidence of my deposit at the casino, a passport photo, and my biometric data. However, the website shows that I haven't sent some of the documents. I can't seem to resubmit them through the website.

I sent all my documents to the Casino again with email. They haven't responded.

I have also contacted customer support three times by email, but I haven't received any response. The customer support chat is never active when I try to contact them that way. What can I do?


Zdravo prijatelju, imam potpuno isti problem... nema pomoći.. i nema odgovora

Automatski prevedeno:

Ima prostora za otpremanje i zove se „AML dokumenti", ali kada pokušate da otpremite nešto, to ne radi


Automatski prevedeno:

I see. So what the issue is with that? Did the support explain it and fix it, perhaps?

Hey! I have the same problem with Awbit Casino.

I made a 5000 euro withdrawal. The casino asked me to confirm my account and I sent all the necessary documents: proof of address (my electricity bill), proof of income, evidence of my deposit at the casino, a passport photo, and my biometric data. However, the website shows that I haven't sent some of the documents. I can't seem to resubmit them through the website.

I sent all my documents to the Casino again with email. They haven't responded.

I have also contacted customer support three times by email, but I haven't received any response. The customer support chat is never active when I try to contact them that way. What can I do?

I am sorry that you have to go through this experience as well.

May I ask when you requested the withdrawal, please?

I would surely recommend you file a complaint here, and our team will try to find out what is happening with your verification as soon as possible.

Please follow this link to do so.

Explain to our team what exactly happened, and hopefully we'll be able to get to the bottom of things and resolve the issue.


Hey! Thanks for replying. I made the complaint. It would't let me add screenshots tho. I'll try to add them in this message



Zdravo, uspeo sam jednom da kontaktiram nekoga, problem je što mi osoba za podršku više nije odgovorila, ne mogu da postavim nijedan dokument... ne radi... ne odgovara ni na mejlove

Automatski prevedeno:
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