NaslovnaForumKazinaBC.Game Casino - opšta diskusija

BC.Game Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 15)

 od Blazin9s
72.342 pregleda 389 odgovora |
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zensbk is the best but sometimes they can not help too noone can help say already that my accout get hacked and my 7,5k get stolen but noone can do something


my complaint was closed without even providing evidence, perhaps they paid the person who represented my interests (purely personal opinion)

ovde možete ostaviti pregled rada tima

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo! Uložio sam žalbu pre mesec dana, račun je zatvoren bez razloga.

Polagao sam velike nade u vaš tim, ali ispostavilo se da je uzalud, nikakva pomoć nije pružena! Čekali smo predstavnika kazina, jednom su produžili tajmer - tišina, produžili dva puta - tišina, rekli da će se javiti uskoro, produžili su treći put i na kraju su mi formalno odgovorili da sam angažovan u kursnoj arbitraži, sumnjivo su odugovlačili, a i žalbu su zatvorili ne dajući mi priliku da kažem HVALA!

Automatski prevedeno:

I believe that our team was not able to do anything further regarding your complaint, and that is why it has to be rejected.

If you have any more evidence and you wish to reopen it, please do so at any time.

Great, now one of your team wrote to me by email that they banned me because I deposited a small amount and won a large amount, a representative of the casino wrote to him, it turns out you can’t immediately win a large amount at the casino or what?

I am not exactly sure how the reason was explained to you, but I believe that this is not the case, that if a player deposits a low amount, they cannot win big. This can really happen only if there is some win limit stated in the casino terms, of course.

To je đubre jer su mi ukrali račun 38 nivoa sa svim mojim bonusima i sredstvima starijim od 2 godine i glupi predstavnik Gurua im je poverovao. Kažem da je ovaj Guru tip jebeni prodat ili je sa BC, govno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Please mind your language, other wise your account will be banned.

I see in your complaint that our team really tried to help but consequently had to reject it as no balance was left in your account.


They wrote to me that after losing a few dollars, I won several thousand dollars, which is why my account was subsequently blocked


Why was the complaint closed immediately without providing evidence? They didn’t even give you the floor to speak in your own defense? We waited a month for a response from the representative, he apparently did not know what to answer and perhaps decided to pay off? how else should I think

They have incompetent support, they will give you an answer but too late


Upravo to mi govori, moj nalog je ukraden i ne mogu da ga povratim.

Automatski prevedeno:

Tako ti misliš, tačnije, tako su ti rekli da bi zatvorili slučaj, ali reci mi tačno koliko para vidiš na slici koju sam postavio. file

Automatski prevedeno:

Pa sad po njima kažu da ja nisam vlasnik svog naloga i da verifikacija nije prošla jer je drugi vlasnik i zbog sigurnosti ne treba da se blokiraš, ja odlazim prokleti psi prodati BC

Automatski prevedeno:

Why was the complaint closed immediately without providing evidence? They didn’t even give you the floor to speak in your own defense? We waited a month for a response from the representative, he apparently did not know what to answer and perhaps decided to pay off? how else should I think

It was explained to you in the complaint thread why they actually closed the complaint: "After gathering and reviewing all the necessary details, we are closing this complaint as unjustified due to the currency exchange rate arbitrage. The vast majority of your initial significant winnings were considered invalid for this reason, and therefore. you are definitely not eligible to withdraw winnings accumulated in such a (illegitimate) way.

The casino acted in accordance with its terms and conditions. There was basically no other way how it could have ended. If your previously successfully withdrawn winnings were accumulated the same way as the disputed winnings, you can be only glad and happy you managed to withdraw them.

If you are not satisfied with the complaint solution, I recommend you consult the gambling authority that the casino is regulated by."

Did you try to contact the authority regarding this?

Tako ti misliš, tačnije, tako su ti rekli da bi zatvorili slučaj, ali reci mi tačno koliko para vidiš na slici koju sam postavio. file

Automatski prevedeno:

Of course, if you believe that you have enough evidence to reopen your case, please do so, and our team will gladly look at it.

Pa sad po njima kažu da ja nisam vlasnik svog naloga i da verifikacija nije prošla jer je drugi vlasnik i zbog sigurnosti ne treba da se blokiraš, ja odlazim prokleti psi prodati BC

Automatski prevedeno:

May I ask what do you mean exactly, please? That your account actually belongs to another player? Didn't you pass the verification process?🤔

I'm a bit confused now, to tell you the truth.

Nalog je uvek pripadao meni, samo link koji je deljen u bc games chat-u, otvorio sam ga i odveo me do telegram bota u kome je moj nalog hakovan, tražio sam podršku da blokira moj nalog, što je trebalo danima da verujem ja, na kraju su to uradili i nikada mi to nisu vratili, sada je moj nalog bez poda pošto je moja e-pošta nevezana i pokušao sam da se prijavim sa brojem koji sam povezao ali traži od mene verifikaciju koju oni rade ne prihvatam i uprkos činjenici da sam svedočio, onaj koji je vodio moj slučaj rekao je da sam prevarant

Automatski prevedeno:

Now new information has appeared, it turns out that I was not involved in currency rate arbitrage, but on their website there was supposedly a technical error, as a result of which my 4,000,000 rubles became unavailable, although I am sure that I won everything fairly

Your representative told me by mail that he is no longer going to respond, excellent decision

Nalog je uvek pripadao meni, samo link koji je deljen u bc games chat-u, otvorio sam ga i odveo me do telegram bota u kome je moj nalog hakovan, tražio sam podršku da blokira moj nalog, što je trebalo danima da verujem ja, na kraju su to uradili i nikada mi to nisu vratili, sada je moj nalog bez poda pošto je moja e-pošta nevezana i pokušao sam da se prijavim sa brojem koji sam povezao ali traži od mene verifikaciju koju oni rade ne prihvatam i uprkos činjenici da sam svedočio, onaj koji je vodio moj slučaj rekao je da sam prevarant

Automatski prevedeno:


Has this occurred again, or is this related to your previous complaint, please? I'm a bit confused too, to be honest.

in any case the complaint ended like this:

"Dear gudeliamondragon64,

I spoke with the casino representative in a private conversation and he assured me their team is working on a solution to restore your account.

Since we believe the true nefarious party is not the casino but the perpetrator of the scam, we can't penalize the casino. Since your account was presumably closed without any withdrawable balance we'll close the complaint as rejected. I hope similar issues avoid you in the future. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion.?

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