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BC.Game Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 5)

 od Blazin9s
72.557 pregleda 389 odgovora |
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No harm done. I’m just really disliking the current predicament or that it’s even possible.

Even though I really do need and want that money, I can’t allow myself to think my actions come from that of greed because that’s not the light I’m trying the shine, my action will come from principle & justness. thank you 🙏🏻


Ok I have a few things to say here as I have read your entire complaint and all your photos provided as well. I have been playing at BC for 3 years now and have watched it go from tiny online casino with a fraction of the daily active users they have today. my vip level is in the 60's, I have 10 medals, & was one of the beta testers for the vip host program so in other words I had a vip host months before they even announced it. I am by no means an employee of BC nor do I have any affiliation other than a player on the site. In fact I have been very vocal in protest of many decisions BC has made in the last 9 or 10 months. I do not agree with many of the things that the new management team or maybe new ownership, Im not certain if somebody bought BC or they just brought in a new management group to run operations. Actually I was trying to figure that out when casino guru and your complaint came up as one of the results so I was interested and I clicked the link that brought me here.

I said all that to show that I am somewhat of an authority when it comes to playing the games on site but also dealing with support and admin behind the curtain if you will. I want to clarify that I get nothing from BC other than the sad excuse they call bonuses these days.

Now brace yourself cause you arent gonna like what I have to say next.

I can not speak towards your situation where you pressed tails while playing coinflip and it landed tails but they said it was a losing bet. I honestly dont play coinflip very much myself but I have played it and fully understand the rules and gameplay. I can say in the 3 years I have been playing regularly at BC, I have never had anything like that happen in any game nor have I seen or heard about something like that from anybody else in chat or offsite with friends of mine who play there. So that to me seems like an anomaly and support was probably right and it was some sort of visual glitch where it was supposed to show heads but it showed tails instead. Unless you have the full bet slip for that specific game we cant make any insinuations that BC cheated. Also since coinflip is a house game you should have verefied the game and seeds on the blockchain right after that loss. Im guessing you didnt do that since there is no mention of it nor any pics showing this. It has long been a theory of mine that if provably fair casinos were to cheat it would be the micro seconds before a player clicks the bet button with some algorithm or AI making a change to bet outcome before it is locked into the blockchain and cant be tampered with. Anyways I have no clue what the bet made on this game that flipped tails with you also choosing tails but if it was a significant bet and you dont have more games where this type of thing happened then it sounds like a fluke glitch as it is just a website and code can be corrupted for numerous reasons not to mention internet connection strength or even your device used being the culprit. I just dont think this example is going to get you anywhere at all nor does it provide support to your big accusation which i will cover next.

OK so you are very well aware that when you think you "won" $400k that many many other players on the site had the exact same thing happen to them, right? you know you werent the only one that was kicked off site and then had their accounts "corrected' not drained cause you didnt win any part of that 400k and we both know that. You want anybody to believe you won 400k usd playing a single game of coinflip? bs. i call bs. Show a screenshot of the whole bet slip then. I wanna see you starting wager and how many correct picks you made and what it says you multi was at games end. Your photos conveniently avoid showing the real truth and to me that just says that you know you didnt win that money fair and square. I wont jump to a ton of conclusions but I have an idea why you are doing all this and what the real root cause is to your even attempting to reclaim money that was never yours at any point. Just like if a bank mistakenly deposits a million bucks in your account when it was supposed to be sent to an entirely different account, that IS NOT YOUR money at any point and any action you take that isnt informing the proper people that you think a mistake has happened you are essentially committing theft. Which is what you tried to do the day you said you won $400k and you are still trying to steal from the casino opening this case with a third party adjudicator. bruh, you know you didnt win that money fair and square, like all the others who were also locked out for 72 hours as well.

I would drop this case asap cause you are wasting casino gurus time going forward. I hope mods read this tho and i know that what I have said here will be echoed by any rep from BC that speaks about this case.

You won 400k but you said they only took 247k where is the 153k that is missing? where that $?


Are you sure you don’t work there? 😂

BCGAME are cheating and that is 100% obvious. All you need to do is go on there & look at the bet feed and the chat feed. You can dribble on all you want to defend them but I know the truth.

It was good when I first started. But all of a sudden it became very apparent I was being cheated. & all they would say is prove it. I don’t think you would believe the experiences I’ve now had since playing there. Yes those micro seconds would obviously be the point of time that the cheating occurs and those micro seconds are nothing for AI technology. How could anybody prove it tho? These companies would obviously hide that very well. And it puts every other casino in to question if one company is able to have their provably fair system manipulated.

oh yea? Where are all these other people who had such large amounts won? how did they on what game?

and they actually tried cleaning out other tokens from my account I hadn’t been using in I don’t even know how long. Also they took a couple hundred of locked bcd I had before my WIN. So I actually lost more than I even won you goose.

don’t bother trying to call me the thief, dog. These companies are the real criminals. The gaming control board, the master licenses, the whole government, they’re all corrupt.

all these photos you’re speaking of are already with my lawyers. I have plenty of videos and photos. I had to start deleting some of my personal photos & whatever I thought there was no point keeping and then I just decided to buy extra storage.

that other 153k was used on 3rd party games I presume they were unable to get that back. But if they did then that should also be mine or returned to the 3rd party. I was being fair and honest by only seeking the 247k they were actually able to remove from my account.

I won’t drop any case dog. I will ride this out till the end. These companies make more than that in a few hours and it’s disgusting what they done to me throughout my time on there and what the have done & still do to others.

filefilefilefilefile Anyone can’t see all the contradictions and stupidity from this company are too dumb for me to waste time on. This is obviously only a few small bit of everything but it says enough. The only type of judge who would hear my bit and not stand with me is a corrupt judge. If there’s any honest judges out there than let’s hope for everyone that’s the one who gets the case otherwise it’ll be a shit show.

Also youse can try to intimidated & point the finger at me as much as youse like but I will not be moved. I’ll take death before I bend the knee. I’m not putting up with all the corrupt dogs in this reality of mine anymore. Like I said let’s hope I get an honest judge or it’ll only get worse

filejust incase you are dumb and think I didn’t actually press tails when I did. I’m over all the dumbass bots being produced by this stupid f**king matrix we exist in


Run at me bruv 🤙👊


Izvini, vidi na koji mejl su odgovorili, ni podrška ni podrška putem pošte ne odgovaraju na moje žalbe...bilo bi mi od velike pomoći. Nisam izgubio toliko kao ti... ali za mene je to mnogo. Bio biһ zaһvalan na informacijama

Automatski prevedeno:

Also those micro seconds I experienced in the beginning became very long by the end of my time with BCGAME. Ultimate dice went from on point, too lagging 3 bets behind. Also Plinko became, well that became pretty ridiculous. Along with every game they have on site now. It wasn’t my connection & I’m sure many are experiencing the exact same thing. Even the slots, which they most likely buy from the third party then manipulate to their liking.

also other people reading this may be dumb and not realise that BCGAME, worrying about honest reviews making waves, goes around looking for said reviews then once found they try ask the site to remove them or they report it or try by whatever other means to diminish it.

so come on let’s waste some time going back & forth arguing, when I know I’m correct & you think you are. or you know you’re not but you’ll attempt to make it look otherwise 🤷🏼‍♂️

I’ll wait to see your reply before I pick apart your first comment some more.

@granbett22 Doživeo sam slične stvari, ali izgledalo je kao grube greške, pa sam prestao da igram sopstvene igre BCGAME, slažem se sa tvojom tvrdnjom... Mislio sam da sam samo ja primetio mali nedostatak transparentnosti u nekim igrama

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey Kiki. They probably won’t reply. Nor will raoul Behr, GCB(gaming control board) or e-management. It’s corruption at its finest. The world is shifting, everyone knows it. I know it’s a slim chance but hopefully this shift puts those currently at the top, at the bottom where they deserve.


Yeah bruh, im pretty damn sure I do not work for BC. If I do its the worst pay that anybidy has ever received for a job ever and definitely zero perks or benefits if that were the case. So I have very little allegiance or loyalty to BC at this point. As I said in my last post I am very vocal in my disagreement to all the greedy decisions that BC has made in recent months. There is one dishonest thing they certainly do for sure that there is proof of so point this out to your lawyers, whenever they make an announcement that is punishing players or player benefits/perks/bonuses they always finish that notification with some sort of promise they have some new feature they are about to release that the players will be very excited for but then never release a damn thing that the players are in any way getting any benefit from. From what I recall, and I have pretty uncanny photographic memory, they have made such a promise everytime they have made a change that would negatively impact the players. For example when they just removed rakeback they promised that there was another feature coming soon that would be some sort of replacement for rakeback but one that the players would be happy with none the less. That was almost a month ago now and have they released anything or made another announcement about such a feature even? Not a word and there wont be because they do this with the thinking that it will minimize lashback and their biggest fear, players leaving the platform for good. Its very smart manipulation in all honesty but it is manipulation with intent to do so. They know given enough time from when a promise like this is made that people will just forget they were promosed anything in the first place. Ok thats enough talking smack about BC for now tho.

Why is it that you didnt mention anything about you rightfully winning that $400k? That, to me, just confirms that my accusations are indeed true. You are aware that you didnt win $400k playing one game of coinflip and that means you know you arent entitled to any of that money. Any claims that the casino has cheated you out of money still does not give you any ownership of one penny that you didnt win fairly. It would then be your job to prove that the casino has in fact cheated you out of money but those are two entirely different situations and you are nothing but theif if you think that 400k deserves to be yours. Nobody in their right mind would ever feel like they were entitled to that money and the few that were able to successfully withdraw money that saw a dramatic increase in their balance due the same glitch that saw your balance skyrocket, also knew very well that by getting that money off site that they had then stolen money that wasnt theirs and Im sure were fine with the trade off of never being able to access their account at BC again for 20k or whatever they were able to sneak past accounting. So yeah I wont try to convince you otherwise but I highly respect this website and how neutral they seem to maintain their adjudication for player complaints dispite earning profits for being an affiliate site to many of the places that have formal complaints made. People can argue my statement about casino guru all they want but ive seen them take once highly rated sites and dramatically reduce their score due to the way that site handled a complaint so money isnt their only motivator and that is rare in this day and age when being a content creator and selling your soul to do cat food plugs on social media platforms seems to be "the dream" of anybody that thinks they could pull it off. So my only problem is that you are wasting the good people of this sites time as I am certain they are going to come to the same conclusion that ive already stated, that being you have zero claim to that $400k you say that you "won fairly". Prove it. Post the bet slip for that game then. Lets see what your initial wager was in that game. Shut me up man, id love to be wrong here. Truly I would. I know for a fact one of the two of us is way out of line in what they are claiming as the truth. Rarely do I say it but Id love to learn that is me in this case. I will give my sincerest apologies and make it publicly and I will delete any post where I contradict your claims if you can show that proof but until then Im sticking with my instincts and my logic which has made me profit at almost every casino or card house ive ever played at, and without any kind of cheating, stealing, or outside assistance of any kind. That is my degen flex and I have no problems showing proof of this at all. I love a good pudding and thats also where they say the proof lies within. Maybe thats why I like it so much tho. I dont like liars and I dislike thieves even more.


Omfg!!! This is so fitting right here. Are you a flat earther too? What about an Andrew Tate fan boy? Or both? Wow. Ok well there is no changing the mind of somebody that wont let theirs remain open so good luck with all that. Im sure it will all work out for you when all is said and done.


Also I dont really care about this one game of coinflip that shows condradicting results to what outcome was stated. Im only concerned about the $400k that you are trying to steal, now legally from BC. If they are cheating then good luck to you in that endeavor but they had a catastrophic site wide glitch that made many peoples balances show amounts of money far higher than they should have been. That is horrible coding and management but that doesnt give the players any more rights to that money. Just the same as a bank deposing in your account when it wasnt meant for you but a totally different account. If you tipped the wrong person $100 and had the ability to retract that tip yourself once you realized you made a mistake I know you would do just that. Who wouldnt. Its your money and thats not how you meant to use it.

Poštovani, mislim da se svađate među sobom kada BCGAME ne pokazuje svoje lice... treba da date objašnjenje i uporedite dokaze i kontradokaz sa obe strane... ali ta BC igra u poslednje vreme radi čudne stvari, kao što su besmislene zabrane račune da su ostvarili dobru zaradu i ne daju rešenja je ogromna, mislim da se kaže više od 10 һiljada naloga, ne kažem da ne banuju naloge koji to zaslužuju nego poštene igrače.

Automatski prevedeno:

For the record, all third party games are ran on those same third parties servers not BCs. Also little known fact but those third parties are also the ones that pay out winnings for their games too. The casinos may make an agreement to front payment to players but they are not responsible for actually paying winners out. This is why you will see sometimes when people hit huge on slots that they dont get their money right away. Thats because the third party wants to check everything was legit before paying a huge sum of money out. Just fyi.


You wont see an argument from me that the whole online gambling system appears corrupt and they all collude with eachother against any that try and challenge their system. I am aware of it tho so its one of the things I wager against everytime i play. Its not fair to players that this is the case, but its the reality if the very seedy world of gambling and casinos in general. Lets not forget that Las Vegas was literally built and ran by gangsters. It is still heavily mafia controlled to this day, just you wont see how obvious this is like if it were the 1950's cause back then any complaints made to management were dealt with immediatly and those people would leave with more than just empty pockets. So we got that going for us as players, very very slim chance our bones get broken if we decide to speak out against the powers that be.

This is an industry designed to manipulate and prey off humanity and the way our minds and bodies work. As humans we crave that dopamine and adrenaline release and very few things will give that release like a big win while gambling will. I think studies put sex and extreme sports like skydiving and base jumping in the same category but its a very small list that will give you that feeling equating to what you feel when you hit big at a casino. The casinos know that is human instinct to want this feeling and they design everything they do abusing this fact. Its why online bonuses and perks are all wager based as clearly thats the biggest scam out there. They make all these promises to give you all sorts of stuff if you just get your wager up high enough. Focus on your balance and your profits period dont even think about your wager as none of the bonuses the casinos offer can hold a flame to what you can win flat outright with very minimal wagering made. Some of my greatest sessions have profits significantly higher than what I wagered for that entire week all made in one couple hour session of playing. Now my greatest wager totals in a day came with insane profits of which I wont disclose amounts but there is more than one digit to the right and the left if the comma. Point is I never put thought into my wager tho, if it comes it comes and honestly between the two sites I play at often there are probably a combined 10-12 total for both sites where I made around 80-90% of my all time wager at the both of them. I didnt have a clue to how much I had wagered until I stopped playing tho and when you see a rakeback amount like youve never seen before you kind of have to go look at how much you just wagered.


I wont argue this as I have seen some cases by players I didnt know where it seems BC was totally making up reasons to ban them. New rules being implemented after the fact to cover their tracksa and what not. Hey man Im not saying casinos arent gonna be shady asf cause they are. Read my post about how casinos came to be in the first place. Transparency, fairplay, ethical practices, and equality were not the foundations casinos were founded on. Quite the opposite and just like politics they have just gotten better at fooling the masses that corruption takes place every and anywhere possible that they think they can get away with it because they do get away with it just like politicians do. These arent honest industries filled with good people. They are ran by pos that have skated a line of being a law abiding citizen and a criminal felon for probably most of their lives. They invest in products and systems that are legalized scams like for instance the vitamin supplement market where these products arent regulated by any system of power so then they flat out just make a product that contains nothing that they claim it does and try and make as much profit they can before they are found out. These kinds of profiting industries are all around us and they are not ran by "good" people. Casinos are probably some of the worst if not the worst kind of industry that will prey on the rest of the consumerist world we live in.


I read half of your second comment but couldn’t be bothered reading the rest right now.

I did mention rightfully winning? I pointedly sent a photo of my bet result and I pointedly sent a photo of they saying glitches don’t affect the bet outcome only a week before they claim that a glitch affected my bet outcome 😂 how fucking dumb does one need to be. I also sent a photo showing I was missing bcd. And also a photo of the recording of when I pressed tails while I was on a lossing streak and still couldn’t win though it did land tails. Also a photo of the master licensee emailing me saying that BCGAME said they’d given me a detailed explanation as to why they stole my money but I didn’t receive their less than adequate explanation until the following day. Bot

I read a bit of your last comment which looked kind of like you may be heading towards the light side rather than their shadowy side. Nice. You’ll start to waken soon I reckon

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