Zdravo, stvarno mi treba pomoć, ne ako se nekome već desilo isto.
Igrao sam u ovom kazinu mesecima, isplate su varirale između 7 i 15 dana, ali poslednje isplate koje sam napravio je bilo 18. decembra 2024. za 500 USD i nekoliko dana kasnije još 500, ali sam ipak nastavio da igram sa 240 USD u isti račun. Danima kasnije morao sam da razgovaram sa podrškom o povlačenju i rekli su mi da moram da uradim još jednu verifikaciju koju sam već uradio ranije i koja je bila uspešna (selfi fotografija sa ličnom kartom).
Sada su od mene tražili još informacija kao što su moj rodni list, selfi fotografija sa mojim identifikacionim dokumentom, dokument koji dokazuje moj radni status, a samim tim i platu, račun za uslugu koja nosi moje ime.
koji tačno daje sledeće:
-original izvod iz matične knjige rođenih
-selfi fotografija sa ličnom kartom
-priznanica od iste banke koja dokazuje da imam posao pa samim tim i platu
-ulaznica za moje telefonske usluge
Svi podaci su tačni, ali su me blokirali zbog navodne prevare što nema smisla jer nemam više naloga niti pravim sigurne opklade, sigurne strategije slotova, apsolutno ništa od toga, a opet bez ikakvog objašnjenja blokirali su moj nalog i sa njim novac šta je imao
Hi, I really need help, not if someone has already had the same thing happen to them.
I have been playing at this casino for months, the withdrawals varied between 7 and 15 days but the last withdrawals I made were on December 18, 2024 for 500 USD and a few days later another 500 but I still continued playing with 240 USD in the same account. Days later I had to talk to support about the withdrawals and they told me that I had to do another verification that I had already done before and had been successful (selfie photo with my ID).
Now they asked me for more information such as my birth certificate, a selfie photo with my identification document, a document that demonstrates my employment status and therefore my salary, a receipt for a service that bears my name.
which correctly provides the following:
-original birth certificate
-selfie photo with my ID
-receipt from the same bank that proves that I have a job and therefore salary
-ticket for my telephone services
All the data is true but they blocked me for supposed fraud which makes no sense since I do not have multiple accounts nor do I make safe bets, safe slot strategies, absolutely none of that and yet without any explanation they blocked my account and with it the money what had