Zdravo, igram u ovom kazinu mesecima i isplate koje sam napravio su bile minimalnih 500. U suštini uradite konvencionalnu stvar kao u bilo kom kazinu, pročitajte odredbe i uslove kazina, znate da neka kazina ne dozvoljavaju višestruke nalog VPN ili strategije igre, itd. Ako nemate problema sa tim mislim da nećete imati problema, bar ja ih nisam imao na početku, uradite svoju KIC verifikaciju što će oni tražiti od tebe bez obzira na sve
zapamtite da su povlačenja, barem za mene, trajala između 7 -15 dana
Zato ne očajavajte
Hello, I have been playing at this casino for months and the withdrawals I made were the minimum 500. Basically do the conventional thing like in any casino, read the terms and conditions of the casino, you know that some casinos do not allow multi-account VPN or game strategies, etc. If you do not have problems with that I do not think you will have problems, at least I did not have them at the beginning, do your KYC verification which is what they will ask you for no matter what
remember that the withdrawals at least for me took between 7 -15 days
So don't despair
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