NaslovnaForumKazinaBetNFlix Casino - opšta diskusija

BetNFlix Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Jukkka
6.767 pregleda 25 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za BetNFlix Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Juče sam položio 10 evra preko Trustli-a u BetNflik kazino i osvojio par stotina evra. Igrao sam bez bonusa. Sada sam pokušao da podignem svoj dobitak, ali takozvani KIC kazina izgleda veoma sporo. Čujem da će biti potrebno najmanje tri dana da se put proveri. Poslao sam im svu traženu dokumentaciju. Čekam da vidim kako će ovo ići. Ovde ću pisati o konačnom rezultatu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey there.

Congratulations first 🙂.

Have you managed to pass the KYC in the meantime? I hope you have. Honestly, three days sound annoying, but it could be far worst... But it does not matter at this point, I'd say.

Just a silly question, how did you end up playing in such a bad casino? Did you see the security index?

Anyway, I'll wait for the update!

Hvala na poruci, Radka. Da, obično pažljivije čitam kritike.

Bio je to neki drugi sajt za igre na kojem sam našao ovaj kazino. Nije bilo upozorenja.

Ja obično stavim desetku ovde i još jednu ovde i probam kako izgleda kazino. Na površini, BetNflik uopšte ne deluje neobično.

Pa, u svakom slučaju, moj KIC je prošao i moj nalog je verifikovan.

Uložio sam par stotina povlačenja. Čini se da traje 🙂 Vratiću se na to u ponedeljak ako čujem nešto novo.

Automatski prevedeno:

Povlačenje novca je sada uspešno obavljeno.

Tako da je sve prošlo u redu. Malo sporo, ali je ipak uspelo 🙂

Korisnička služba kazina bila je brza i prijateljska tokom celog procesa.

Automatski prevedeno:

You have no idea how glad I am! 🙂

The moment I saw the warning saying: Very high value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size

I was kind of nervous, you know?

Thank you for letting me know. Just a tedious question, are you staying with them? According to your personal experiences, it didn't sound that bad, though I'm still a bit concerned myself 🙂.

Možda ne. Na kraju krajeva, postoje i druga kazina na svetu 🙂

Vratimo se poslu!

Automatski prevedeno:

I bet you're right! 😀

May Lady Luck covers your back! Once you're lucky, check out the new forum"winning" feature 🙂

This is insane, I have used hundreds of betting sites/casinos and I have the "regular" documents saved that I use every time to complete a KYC verification. However, this time suddenly NONE of those is an accepted document?? I have been fighting for 3 days now getting very slow automatic replies. It seems like NO ONE at the site gives a damn about the customers. I even had to order a "Proof of Residency" that I had to pay 10€ of my own money for just to proof my address because no other document was good enough to prove my address.

This is scary. Please, someone get this site closed down. I am amazed.



Well, the casino should explain why all those documents are not enough. Or more specifically, what seems to be wrong with those?

Could you share the list of rejected docs and also the reason stated by the support - if possible? I believe it may help others, at least.



As we all know, it is an age-old tactic making the KYC process difficult to make customers, even potential gambling addicts lose their money before they can withdraw it. It is a business, I get it. However, this "BetnFlix" is going way too far with it.

As a proof of address, they only accept a "Proof of Residency from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency".

Even sending a proof of deposit was way more difficult than to any other sites. But the address really was a pain.

In Finland you can only get a Proof of Residency by paying 10€. So, in order to withdraw from this site you have to pay 10€ of your own money extra if you don’t have a Proof of Residency waiting around already.

Today I got an e-mail finally saying that my account is verified and I should get my withdrawal in 2 business days.

Except if they still need "additional documentation"

So, I am pretty sure they will be asking for additional documentation as well 🙂



I'm aware of they delaying tactic you just mentioned, but it's less common than you might be thinking. There are numerous reasons for slow withdrawals. Sometimes, it related to tech. issues with the payments provider, in other cases, it might be simply because the casinos lacks employees (vacation, sickness etc.). I remember when I wanted to get verified with Revolut many years ago, it took them over 14 days to verify my documents, because there wasn't anyone who could read the documents written in Czech language except someone who was off for 2 weeks (that's how I understood the situation).

Some casinos operate with a very small teams so the processes may take a lot of time. I'm more concerned about the specific proof of address they requested from you. They don't need to request this specific document at all and if they do, they should refund you the 10 eur. By the way, have you noticed the very low safety index they have on our website?

Yeah I completely understand, issues and delays with the payment provider being probably the most common reason for slow withdrawals etc.

I agree on the fact as they should refund the 10 eur. as that is crazy that only one specific document is good enough to proof your address. But the refunding will never happen, so I am not even bothering to think about it. It was 10€ wasted, but at least now I know to stay very far away from this site and let others know it as well.

No utility bill is good enough for them. I even sent a government issued tax return -letter to them which is, I’d say, the most legit way to proof your address possible. But, still no.

I have now noticed the low safety index, which makes complete sense after experiencing all this myself. I should have checked it before touching this site and I will make sure to check them in the future.


I think it is great you shared this part with us, not every player is used to checking the reviews or safety index, and by sharing, you might help others avoid this place. So - thanks!

I would normally say something like: "You should consider submitting a complaint because it feels natural when the casino is making such a mess", but I understand you don't bother anymore.

Fair enough. 🙂

Just one thing, may I know how did you come across this casino? Advert, banner, perhaps?

Can’t exactly remember how I came across the casino. I think it was some kind of a list of new casinos so I thought I’d give it a go. How wrong I was 😂

Hey is this casino legit?? I played so much casinos but this one is sofar the horrible one. I won some money after i want withrawal i needed to verify i did it(horrible one) never got some verivication experience like this one. But finally it succeeded now i am waiting 3 days for pending witrawal still no sound from them. And the most annoying part is you can only withrawal 1000 at the time it gonna take for ages i thing maybe i never see the money


Razumem tvoj bol villeoinas i ugcn.

I sam sam veoma neiskusan igrač. Desilo mi se pre oko godinu dana da sam osvojio više od 4000 evra sa depozitom od 10 e. Tada sam počeo sa ovim igrama. U to vreme sam igrao Tombstone RIP u kazinu Vazamba.

Mere KIC kazina su me zaista stresle. Čak sam morao da prođem i video poziv gde se videlo lice osobe sa našeg područja, ali ne i identitet sagovornika. Intervju je vođen na engleskom jeziku. Anketarka je bila vesela mlada žena i zvučalo mi je da govori engleski na finski način, itd.

Na kraju sam dobio svoj novac. iz kazina, iako je to trajalo dosta vremena (=nekoliko nedelja).

Casino Guru veb stranica je bila od velike pomoći u rešavanju problema!

Mislio sam da ću vam olakšati bol ispričavši gornju anegdotu.

Ranije sam pomenuo da sam osvojio par stotina evra u kazinu Bet'n'flik. Da bih tada dobio svoj novac, morao sam da pošaljem slike računa za struju itd. i svoje lice u kombinaciji sa vozačkom dozvolom itd. Međutim, nije bilo potrebe da upućujem video poziv sa njima 🙂 Ipak, trebalo je mnogo dana. Međutim, novac je na kraju izašao ok.

I gle, kad odjednom ne verujem, prošle nedelje sam ponovo uložio 10 evra u Bet'n'Flik kazino. Nikada ne stavljam više odjednom. Ovaj put sam osvojio 100 evra. Novac mi je došao na račun za par dana.

Nadam se da je sve dobro za vas ostale. Želim velike pobede za svaku vrstu! Hvala i Casino Guru-u na pomoći.

Automatski prevedeno:

Aaah, it happens so often. Well, one never knows, especially when it comes to fresh casinos!

Hey is this casino legit?? I played so much casinos but this one is sofar the horrible one. I won some money after i want withrawal i needed to verify i did it(horrible one) never got some verivication experience like this one. But finally it succeeded now i am waiting 3 days for pending witrawal still no sound from them. And the most annoying part is you can only withrawal 1000 at the time it gonna take for ages i thing maybe i never see the money

I believe you should find yourself someplace nicer - pick up your money and move on. This casino is not recommended at all:

I pray you get the money soon, will you let us know when that happens?

I want to be sure you made it!


Great to see that sometimes it just all works somehow 😀!

I think I can say we are always glad to help, in return make sure to review casinos fairly and honestly, this is something we would really appreciate. 💚😎

Kind note: use the reply button to get in touch with someone, it increases the chances you'll get the reply soon because the recipient might be notified about your post. 😉

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