ForumKazinaBetOnRed Casino - opšta diskusija

BetOnRed Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 8)

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pre 4 meseci

As already stated from both me and CG, you have been playing with a card in another persons name - that is always prohibited and therefore your winnings will be confiscated. The casino in this case is not a thief, and if you can't understand this maybe you are not eligible to play casinos online. Be glad that you will receive your deposit of 200 euro, they probably have the right to confiscate that money too according to their T&C

pre 4 meseci

Da, naravno, a povrh toga moram da vam zahvalim što ste uzeli moj novac. Ovo je ludo. Javljam, ništa ne gubim.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I would like to say that you would most likely only repost your own mistake if you catch my meaning.

Though I'm sorry for your situation, try to take it objectively. 🤷‍♀️

pre 3 meseci

Tako da ne mogu reći ništa loše o ovom kazinu. Juče sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje 40.000 CZK, uveče sam dobio odobrenje za povlačenje putem mejla i jutros imam novac na svom računu. Isplata je izvršena bankovnim transferom na tekući račun u češkoj banci

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pre 3 meseci

Zdravo, sjajne vesti. Osvojili ste i prilično lep iznos i iskreno vam čestitam 🎉☘

Na kojoj igri ste uspeli, ili ih je bilo nekoliko?

Što se tiče podizanja, bilo je dosta brzo za bankovni transfer, što je takođe velika prednost.

Da li ste već uradili KIC ovde? Koliko je trajalo ako jeste?

Čestitam još jednom i čvrsto verujem da ćete i dalje raditi dobro. 🙂

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pre 2 meseci

Očigledno ne primate igrače iz Nemačke, što znači da bih mogao da se prijavim i izgubim nekoliko hiljada evra bez šanse za pobedu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hi, I see on our website that the casino does not accept players from Germany. Did you manage to register there with all your details or what did you need to register ? Surely the casino shouldn't take you to play if it knows that there will be problems with the withdrawal. 

Let me know how it goes and we'll see if we can help.

pre 2 meseci

Zdravo ,

I ja sam ovo video prekasno,

A ja sam kod njih položio 5000 evra, mislim da je to bio prihod bez rizika, sigurno ne bi isplatili, mada kod njih ionako ne možeš ništa da dobiješ.

Nisam morao ništa da radim, samo sam se normalno registrovao i čak uplatio preko internet bankarstva.

Imejl i broj telefona su verifikovani.

Otvorio sam žalbu, možda Tomas može da mi pomogne, ali bar indeks bezbednosti ne bi trebalo da bude previsok za takva kazina.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Well, I would say that if you didn't notice that players from your country can't play here, the safety index can't be lower. I know that such things should be prevented, but even when registering, if you didn't enter any details that might indicate you were from a restricted country, the casino couldn't have known about it. Of course, most of the time they find out when you make your first withdrawal because that's when most casinos ask for KYC. 

However, the best thing would be to flag the system right at the beginning and always put some countries in the registration and if you don't see yours there, you would know that you can't play there. 

Anyway, since you have opened a complaint, I wonder how it will turn out and if it will be solved. 

If you have any update let me know.

pre 2 meseci

Molim vas, sve sam naravno naveo i da se prijavljujem iz Nemačke.

Adresa e-pošte je DE, telefon je 0049 i sve svoje podatke sam uneo ispravno.

Jaro, zašto su ovi klubovi uvek zaštićeni? Mora da vam je važno da su igrači zaštićeni, na kraju krajeva, i oni zarađuju od igrača.

Bez igrača nema prihoda.

Znam da je to igra na sreću, znam da ne možete da dobijete više nego što ste uložili, sada imam problem sa kockanjem i moram da verujem onome što piše na vašoj veb stranici.

Ako vam ovaj kazino kaže da ne prihvatamo igrače iz Nemačke, a onda ih ipak prihvati, indeks ne može biti takav kakav jeste.

Ili će kazino morati da se drži u budućnosti.

Srdačan pozdrav


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pre 2 meseci

We certainly don't protect casinos that break their own rules, but it is important to remember that nowadays anyone can set up an email of any kind, so I wouldn't take that as a relevant thing. Of course, if the phone number or other things like address and the like were all clearly visible that they were in Germany, then I would say that it was the casino's fault and you could basically just lose. 

In that case, it's up to us to assess the situation and see how it all turns out. 

pre 2 meseci

Naravno da je na vama, ne želim da stignem pre bilo koga drugog.

Ali jasno je da dolazim iz Nemačke, sve sam tačno popunio i čak me je pozvao gospodin da mi ponudi bonus preko telefona.

Gospodin mi se obratio na nemačkom, mogu vam proslediti broj.

Ipak, smatram da možete eliminisati 70 posto provajdera kazina i koncentrisati se samo na one dobre.

Ovo čini platformu poput vaše još zanimljivijom i morate da se nosite sa mnogo manje pritužbi.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

If you filled everything out honestly and the casino knew you were from Germany and even called you to offer you something, that doesn't seem right to me. I'll see what all our team can find out and hopefully it will have fair result. 

As for your suggestion or whatever I would call it, we have so many casinos here because we try to inform the players about the bad ones and so when you go somewhere, maybe it is unreliable and you better avoid it. If we only had the good ones then a lot of players would get caught up in the bad situations. So that's why we have the worse ones too. 

pre 2 meseci

Veoma cenim vaš rad,

Ali zaista morate učiniti nešto kako bi 10 ili 15 kazina moralo da se kvalifikuje za spektar.

Možda sa

Isplate minuta brzo

Proverite pre nego što izgubite nekoliko hiljada,

A kada se proveri, mora se primeniti i na povlačenja i ne bi trebalo da čekate danima dok igrač ne otkaže svoje povlačenje i ponovo izgubi sve.

Govorim iz iskustva i znam da se onlajn kazina, odnosno većina njih, nadaju zavisnosti od igre; sva loša kazina žive od ovoga.

U mom slučaju,

Sve depozite sam napravio onlajn od nemačke Sparkasse.

Ne znam šta nije u redu sa njima, navikao sam da gubim čak i ako je to veoma bolno, ali trebalo bi da bude pošteno.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Some casinos have longer waiting times for withdrawals, it is true, but whether a casino is rated perfect or low by us, each can have its own problems, technical or otherwise. Sometimes it's not the fault of the casino but of the 3rd party provider, so don't always blame everything on the casino. 

Also, players from different countries may have different challenges than you, pick different methods than you, so many factors interfere with the process. 

Anyway, I hope your case will be solved and then you can choose where to play if this is not suitable for you. 

pre 2 meseci


I believe I have a good understanding of what you are attempting to say. To be honest, there is not much to compute until we can positively demonstrate that any casino takes advantage of players who are susceptible.

Permit me to ask you a few questions: I believe that there has never been verification for your account. That could be a problem because, in this day and age, your mobile number is not even proof of your citizenship. In addition, a lot of players from regulated nations mistakenly believe that these casinos do not accept German players as a substitute for highly regulated GGL-licensed casinos, but in reality, they do.

In any case, it seems that you also lodged a complaint about your losses, requesting a refund, on the grounds that the casino does not possess a GGL license. If I am mistaken, kindly correct me. Addiction must be difficult, I suppose, but if a player can not wait a few days for the withdrawal, that is probably a better indication to quit playing altogether than to point the finger at the casino for their tardiness, if you see what I mean. I know it sounds a bit harsh, though.

As an example, we provide casinos with a full 14 days to process the payout. I agree it is quite a long period, but this is how we currently operate. Do you think we intentionally do that to take advantage of weaker players? I only used this as a demonstration, of course.

Either way, the complaint will tell us more. I hope you will be satisfied.

pre 2 meseci

Draga Radka, to je bio samo moj predlog. Kažu da stvara zavisnost i onda ne možete da prestanete da igrate.

Sve ove platforme žive od bolesti drugih, inače nikada ne bi vredelo.

I dalje mi je drago što postojiš i nastavićeš da obraćam pažnju na tvoje preporuke i opet radiš dobar posao.

Ponekad imate posla sa kriminalcima i teško je pronaći crnu ovcu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Draga Radka,

Ne postoji opcija da se tamo verifikujete, a sve svoje podatke sam uneo posebno, a svi moji podaci potiču iz Nemačke.

Ne znam mnogo o tome i ne znam da li će moja žalba biti uspešna. Činjenica je da su mnoge igre zasnovane na informacijama koje oni daju i ako nije moguće da igraju igrači iz Nemačke, onda bi tako trebalo da bude.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Draga Radka, to je bio samo moj predlog. Kažu da stvara zavisnost i onda ne možete da prestanete da igrate.

Sve ove platforme žive od bolesti drugih, inače nikada ne bi vredelo.

I dalje mi je drago što postojiš i nastavićeš da obraćam pažnju na tvoje preporuke i opet radiš dobar posao.

Ponekad imate posla sa kriminalcima i teško je pronaći crnu ovcu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Thank you for your understanding. I just want to add a bit of context to such a responsible conversation. I'm personally glad you seem so open-minded despite your struggle with gambling. I definitely don't want to cross any lines.

Please, believe me when I say that our dedicated Complaint Team tries to use each complaint as an opportunity to delve into casino practices, to learn if all seems well and fair or not so straightforward. Frankly, as I'm sure you know pretty well when it comes to the KYC casino, the staff has quite a free hand in handling additional verification without further explanation because they can always say "for security purposes" or something similar. I wish detecting whether KYC is handled efficiently and without avoidable delays was easier, especially when gambling harm gets involved.

pre 2 meseci

Draga Radka,

Ne postoji opcija da se tamo verifikujete, a sve svoje podatke sam uneo posebno, a svi moji podaci potiču iz Nemačke.

Ne znam mnogo o tome i ne znam da li će moja žalba biti uspešna. Činjenica je da su mnoge igre zasnovane na informacijama koje oni daju i ako nije moguće da igraju igrači iz Nemačke, onda bi tako trebalo da bude.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Dear Blerko,

I see your point much clearer now. Thank you. From our perspective, when it comes to restricted countries, once the player is able to register, deposit, and play, he should also be able to withdraw fairly. Since I see that the withdrawal seems not to be the issue, allow me to ask you a question:

Do you seek a refund of your deposits, because you realized this casino is not licensed under the GGL, please?

My goal is to be 100%. Thank you for your patience with my questions.

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