Ljudi, pročitajte ovaj članak, vlasnici BetPlais-a su ranije vodili veliku aktivnost prevara/prevara, posebno ovo je ono što treba da pročitate:
„Gde ide novac?
Teško je ući u trag gde je završio novac IGP-a i drugih žrtava. Deo toga je bio usmeren ka platformi za onlajn igre, kojom upravlja kompanija sa Kurasaa sa kiparskim vlasnikom.
Kreativna alijansa je registrovana na Kurasau 2022. godine, a direktor je bio kiparski državljanin Teano Andreou. Procureli materijali je takođe identifikuju kao stvarnog vlasnika. Andreou nije bio dostupan za komentar.
Prema evidenciji troškova, mreža je potrošila 40.000 evra na licencu Curacao za upravljanje brendom za klađenje na mreži Betplais , 29.000 evra na pridruženom marketeru, i plaćala je mesečni platni spisak od 70.000 evra 2022.
Creative Alliance je sada licenciran u Anžuanu, malom ostrvu u jugozapadnom Indijskom okeanu. Betplais je stavljen na crnu listu vlasti u Grčkoj, Kipru i Rumuniji i predmet je pritužbi onlajn igrača koji tvrde da su prevareni i da nisu u mogućnosti da povuku svoje depozite ili dobitke."
Ceo članak:
Guys, read this article, owners of BetPlays were previosly running a big scam/fraud activity, escpecially this is what you need to read:
"Where does the money go?
It is difficult to trace where IGP and other victims’ money ended up. Some of it was channeled toward an online gaming platform, operated by a Curacao company with a Cypriot owner.
Creative Alliance was registered in Curacao in 2022, with a Cypriot national Theano Andreou as director. Leaked materials also identify her as the beneficial owner. Andreou could not be reached for comment.
According to expense records, the network spent €40,000 on a Curacao license to operate the online betting brand Betplays, €29,000 on affiliate marketer, and paid a monthly payroll of €70,000 in 2022.
Creative Alliance is now licensed in Anjouan, a tiny island in the southwestern Indian Ocean. Betplays has been blacklisted by authorities in Greece, Cyprus and Romania, and the subject of complaints from online players claiming to have been scammed, and being unable to withdraw their deposits or winnings."
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