Pretpostavljam da mislite da je ovo sasvim razuman zahtev i slažem se sa vama. Iskreno, pravilo kaže: Dozvoljavamo kazinu 14 full dis da reši svoje probleme jer, iz naših veoma složenih iskustava, većina odloženih povlačenja se rešava brže bez intervencije tokom prvih 14 dana.
Zamislite samo da ovaj kazino zapravo doživljava ogromno kašnjenje sa KIC-om, isplatama, svime. Kako bi se ubrzao proces ako bismo pokušali da im se obratimo sa svakim konkretnim problemom? Ili ako samo kažemo: „Hej šta ima. Imamo mnogo igrača koji se žale na kašnjenje u plaćanju. Imate li vremena da razgovarate o tome sa nama?"
Pitam se šta da smislimo.
Znam kako to zvuči, ali postoje procedure koje moramo da poštujemo.
Zato o tome obaveštavamo igrače. Sistem nije bez svojih mana; na primer, mislim da je 14 dana previše. S druge strane, ovaj pristup je zasnovan na složenim analizama, suvišno je reći da je tim za žalbe toliko preopterećen da nemaju više minuta da obave još jedan dodatni posao.
I imagine you think this is a perfectly reasonable request, and I agree with you. Frankly, the rule says: We allow casino 14 full dys to resolve their issues because, from our very complex experiences, most of the deayed withdrawals gets resolved quicker without the intervention during the first 14 days.
Just imagine this casino is actually experiencing a huge delay with KYC, payments, everything. How would it speed up the process if we tried to reach out to them with every specific issue? Or if we just say, "Hey what's up. We have lots of players complaining about delayed payments. Do you have time to discuss that with us?"
What should we figure out anyway, I wonder.
I know how it sounds, yet there are procedures we have to follow.
That's why we inform players about that. The system is not without its flaws; for instance, I think 14 days is far too much. On the other hand, this approach is based on complex analyses, needless to say, the Complaint Team is so overwhelmed that they don't have another minute to do another extra work.
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