Jaro, mislim da je većina nas istog mišljenja jer nas ovaj kazino prevare.
Razumem politiku koja stoji iza rejtinga. Mislim da smo svi izuzetno razočarani zbog nedostatka akcije sa Casino guru sajta.
Jasno možete videti da ovaj kazino ne komunicira ni sa vama ni sa igračima. Isplate nisu izvršene mesecima, a nove žalbe se i dalje gomilaju. Kao respektabilna veb lokacija, trebalo bi da upozorite igrače da nije moguće primiti vaš dobitak iz kazina, jer sada ljudi polažu depozit nadajući se da će pobediti i da će im dobici biti isplaćeni.
Sve dok razumem kalkulacije rejtinga, ne razumem zašto ne možete samo da stavite izjavu o odricanju odgovornosti, da je bilo mnogo pritužbi na izostanak povlačenja. Takođe, u žalbi na kazino 5bonuses moja žalba je zaključena sa netačnim obrazloženjem, koliko ja znam to utiče na crne tačke i kazino je dobio manje nego što je trebalo da bude. Ponovo sam otvorio žalbu navodeći to, moj zahtev je samo odbijen.
Davno sam proverio AskGamlers (verujem da je to bio početak jula) i oni su odmah dali ocenu kazina ocenu 1 i imaju odricanje od odgovornosti o tome.
Iz ovog nedostatka akcije mogu samo da nagađam da biste mogli imati neki unutrašnji dogovor sa kazinom da biste privukli više igrača. A kada se žalbe završe, jednostavno kažete da smo sve uradili, ništa drugo.
Pa, radi bolje u budućnosti. Nekada sam verovao ovom sajtu, ali sada imam više pitanja nego odgovora.
Takođe, da biste ovo završili, tvrdite da i Betsolino i 5bonusi imaju licence. U stvari, oba kazina nemaju. To sam takođe naveo u svojoj žalbi i jednostavno je ignorisano.
Izuzetno je tužno doživeti i videti ove stvari koje se dešavaju ovde.
Jaro, I think that most of us are the same opinion as we are scammed by this casino.
I do understand the policy behind the rating. I think we are all extremely disappointed because of lack of action from Casino guru site.
You can clearly see that this casino does not communicate with you or the players. No payouts have been made for months now and new complaints are still pilling up. As a respectable website you should alert the players that it is not possible to receive your winnings from the casino, because now people deposit hoping they will win and their winnings will be paid.
As long as I do understand the rating calculations, I do not understand why you cannot just put a disclaimer, that there were a big amount of complaints about missing withdrawals. Also, in 5bonuses casino complaint my complaint was closed with incorrect reasoning, as far as I know this affects the black points and casino got less than it was supposed to be. I reopened the complaint stating it, my request was just denied.
I checked AskGamlers a long time ago (I believe it was the beginning of July) and they instantly gave the casino rating the rating of 1 and has a disclaimer about it.
From this lack of action I can only speculate that you might have some inside deal with the casino to attract more players. And when complaints are closed, you simply say that we have done everything, nothing else do to.
Well, do better in the future. I used to trust this site, but now I have more questions than answers.
Also, to finalize this, you are claiming that both Betsolino and 5bonuses have licences. Actually, both of the casinos do not. I also noted this in my complaint and it was simply ignored.
Extremely sad to experience and see these things happening here.
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