NaslovnaForumKazinaBETSSEN Casino - opšta diskusija

BETSSEN Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Mutuhai
4.164 pregleda 12 odgovora |
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za BETSSEN Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Kakvo oporezivanje ima Betssen u Finskoj?

Automatski prevedeno:


maybe it would be worth the time to ask the casino and consult its terms and conditions. 

Try this tab as well:


U kockarnicama van ekonomske zone EU (praktično Curacao) to je oko 20-30% dobitaka, naravno ne bih obavezno prijavio bilo koji manji dobitak

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, deponovao sam €10 preko JetonVallet-a za bonus dobrodošlice u Betssen Casino-u 03.06.23., ali nije uplaćen, tako da sam direktno kontaktirao servis za ćaskanje i objasnio im problem bonusa, a da nisam počeo da igram sa svojih €10 pravih novac ... iako je ona mišljenja da sam morao da pritisnem odgovarajuće dugme za bonus pre deponovanja, iako sam već naučio od CasinoGuru-a da ni bonus kod ni opcija depozita ne moraju biti potvrđeni pre deponovanja. Postojala je samo opcija povrata novca od 10% pre depozita za potvrdu, ali tada samo za Sticpai i Neteler deponente. Napravio sam snimak ekrana na svom igračkom nalogu i poslao ga na servis za ćaskanje, ali dobijam glup odgovor da je trebalo da kliknem na njega za bonus dobrodošlice.. i da retrospektivno više ništa nije moguće. Pre nego što podnesem žalbu, želeo sam da pratim ovaj put filefile

Automatski prevedeno:

I know it's just 10 eur, but I understand your point. Casinos can add anything they want. Generally speaking, they don't want to do it manually, because it's time consuming. Anyway, if they want to lose a new customer only because they can't credit him a bonus (a bonus that everyone else gets anyway), it's their choice. Don't start playing with your deposit until it gets resolved. I also suggest you to contact them via email, add screenshots etc. You might be more lucky.

Ažurirano od strane autora

10th July - casino available for ukrainian players. Won there ~1,4k USDT out of ~270 USD deposit through CRYPTO.

11th July - casino blocked my account and decided to refund deposit only (their RISK MANAGEMENT team)

12th July - casino says that they don't allow ukrainian players to play in their casino.

Imagine what would happen with guy, who won in 10 times more. Do not recommend to anyone. They are just ripping of their players. Especially from poor countries.


This is interesting!

And additionally, now they claim the only thing they can actually do is to refund the deposit (or deposits) because players from your country are not accepted anymore. In the meantime, no chance to pass the KYC for you...

Did I miss anything? I read your complaint just briefly.

That's quite ridiculous, I'd say.

If the management plans to restrict a certain country, some measures need to be taken first. I would start with verifying players affected by the restriction to ensure they will get the balance previously gained by actually applicable conditions...


Nisam dobio ni bonus, navodno sam ga obrisao što je laž! Kontaktirao sam podršku pre nego što sam počeo da igram i rekli su mi priču o samobrisanju i nisu mogli da mi daju bonus.

Automatski prevedeno:

The casino is so fine ,cool and wunderful ...


Sounds great. How did you manage to come here, if I may ask? 🙂

Betssen is Good platform to play Deposit are also fast but there verification Of customer is quite odd , I have provided all necessary documents required for a casino to verify I provided Id card selfie as they demanded as well as bank statement and adhar OTP during time of deposit (adhar OTP is quite a confidential thing and it gave all details of individual )but they are not verifying me and asking again and again for Additional Documents , Please casinoguru help me Even I said that you can ask for any documents but still they are just saying give this give that


Hi, I see that the main problem is verification. Since you have to give some documents all the time, does the casino always ask for something else or does it ask you for a specific document several times ? What other documents should you provide to the casino ? 

Anyway, I saw that you have opened a complaint, so if it continues like this, our team will try to help you. 

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