ForumKazinaBettilt Casino - opšta diskusija

Bettilt Casino - opšta diskusija

pre 2 godina od Ari_barreira
3912 pregleda 25 odgovora |
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pre 2 godina
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Bettilt Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 2 godina

I najgori KAZINO koji sam ikada video.

iskreno veoma loše

isti ! Samo i dobro dok ne pobedite!

kada pobedite bolje zatvorite nalog,

pre nego što to urade za vas! 😅

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Hello, so your account has been closed am I correct? Are you sure there was no other reason than your winnings being the closure? Can you share more details, please?

I guess you already know that you can submit a complaint in case you feel like you need some help.

pre 1 godinu

The worst casino I have ever visited and played , the didn't pay a single rupee out of 450000 inr , and they just sent me an email that I had played foul when I was just placing bets and I won

pre 1 godinu

Could you share the explanation given in the email, please? 🤔

pre 1 godinu

My account was not closed but my winnings were just cancelled only because I had won large with small deposit this time

pre 1 godinu

May I repeat my request? I still see that as a crucial part.

pre 1 godinu

I had deposited only 4000inr and I managed to win about 500000 in about 3hours and they sent me an email that I had placed bets against the rules which was not specified, and even if that was the case I had been playing since day 1 like that only way ,, in that case all my loses also need to be paid back to me

pre 1 godinu

So technically, you violated the max bet rule, right? How many times did you do that, please? Can you tell?

Allow me to remind you that by registering the account, you also confirm you read and get in touch with all rules. So, if this limit is stated in the rules, you were informed.

Only a few casinos actually enforce this rule on the technical level - meaning the game won't allow you to pace higher than the allowed bet. In most cases, you must pay attention to the amount bet.

Does it sound reasonable?

Why would your losses must be returned, I wonder?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 godinu
pre 1 godinu

I have been on other casinos the same way and I never found this type of arbitrary rule . Let's presume that I was placing bets against the terms and conditions, in that case of winning is cancelled, losses should also be cancelled for level playing field . Why should only winning be cancelled, And if a casino is allowing a certain pattern of betting, it automatically means that it is allowed,, And the casino does not give lightening on every number or in every spin , it places the player in a situation where he is most likely to lose ,, Why are u defending the cheating practised by bettilt casino over my winnings

pre 1 godinu

I think you mistaken my educational explanation with a defending state. I'm not defending the casino, I explained the most common situation to give you a chance to avoid the same mistake in the future.

You should consider this a lesson, I'd say.

Anyway, did you play with a bonus, please? Or the issue lies in the batting patterns. That's a huge difference:

By placing a higher bet than allowed by the rules, you may or may not gain an unfair advantage over the casino, which pushes me back to the questions you failed to answer:

How many times did you do that, please? Can you tell?

Did you win or lose while overbetting the rules, please?

Kindly mind I only aim to help you increase your awareness of the standards applied in the casinos. You deliberately chose a bad casino to play in and also, violated the rules - Good luck with the complaint.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 godinu
pre 7 meseci

Ovaj kazino ne isplaćuje velike dobitke! poštena ocena "3" zaista. moj prijatelj je upravo prevaren jer je osvojio 3000 evra!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 7 meseci

Hi, do you also have problems in the casino or is it just your friend ? What exactly happened and why was he scammed ? Can you tell us more and we'll see if we can help ? 

Regarding the casino itself, it's not the best choice as it has a low safety index as you pointed out. So I would definitely be careful before depositing here. 

I will wait for the answer.

pre 2 meseci

Čini se da su ovaj kazino i druga Abudantia BV kazina svi zaštićeni, ili ih se CasinoGuru plaši! Ne razumem zašto je vaš agent „Nick" zatvorio moju žalbu tvrdeći da kazino ne deli sistem samoisključivanja koji dele oba kazina kompanije! Nešto što je potpuno lažno i čak je opovrgnuto od strane vaše koleginice „Petronele" koja je na sajtu BetTilt i Roku otkrila, deo samoisključenja, da igrač kada je isključen iz BetTilta, automatski biva isključen iz svih Abudantia BV kazina! Imam spor od 4500€ protiv ovog kazina... Nick je zatvorio žalbu i sada mi niko ne odgovara. Kako je to? Hoćemo li biti profesionalni ili ne? Ponekad se čini da grupa Abudantia i Antilefon dobro plaćaju svačiju tišinu! Voleo bih da se moja situacija reši! Za dobro svih igrača! Abudantia BV uvek obmanjuje ljude i tvrdi stvari koje jednostavno nisu istinite!


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

I am sorry about the whole situation, and please feel free to reopen the complaint with our team if you wish so. Try to explain the situation well when reopening it, so our team is able to determine the issue, and we will do our best to get it solved.

Please let us know how it all goes; we'll wait for updates from you.

pre 2 meseci

Već sam pokušao da ponovo otvorim žalbu, ali još nisam dobio ni odgovor... Mislim da niko ne želi da mi pomogne oko ovog slučaja 😔 Počinjem da gubim nadu

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

More likely, the team member is occupied with other cases. Even the complaint reopening sometimes takes a bit longer. Since when have you been waiting? Perhaps I can give it a closer look.

pre 2 meseci

ovaj kazino nije dobar. morate proučiti dobra kazina i proveriti njihov promet. kazina sa manje od 2 miliona pogodaka mesečno uglavnom nisu dobra.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Vaš kolega Nik je odbio ponovno otvaranje žalbe! Čak i sa svim dokazima... iako je to napisano u odredbama i uslovima sajta, u pravilima samoisključenja BETTILT sajta je da zahtevom za isključenje igrač potvrđuje da je automatski isključen iz svih kazina Abudantia BV Veoma sam tužan jer sam mislio da je kazinoguru drugačiji i nepristrasan sajt. Uostalom, čini mi se da su i oni u savezu sa Kazinom i Antilefonom. Da zaista žele da pomognu, ne bi radili ove stvari! Vaš kolega koji je zatvorio BetTilt žalbu bio je neprofesionalan tokom celog procesa žalbe, nepristojan, beskorisan i samo me je dodatno očajavao! Ako je namera da pomogne, uradio je sve osim toga! S druge strane, Petronela se, sa istom pritužbom, ponaša izuzetno profesionalno... detaljno analizira slučaj. I zapravo je otkrila da sam u pravu i Kazino je sve vreme lagao! Mislim da bi trebalo da istražite svog kolegu Nika, čini mi se da pokušava da koristi grupi Abudantia BV, eMoore NV i Antilephone.

Sramotno ponašanje... dozvolite da svima bude jasno da Nik iz CasinoGuru-a nije pridao nikakvu važnost mom slučaju, nije hteo da mi pomogne i dva puta je na silu zatvorio žalbu. Napisaću žalbu na ono što se ovde dogodilo na Trustpilotu. Sramota za sve zavisne kockare, oni bi trebalo da pokušavaju da nam pomognu... Mislim da Petronela treba da nauči Nika bolje!


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Your colleague Nick rejected the reopening of the complaint! Even with all the evidence... even though it is written in the terms and conditions of the site, it is in the self-exclusion rules of the BETTILT site that by requesting exclusion the player acknowledges that he is automatically excluded from all Casinos of Abudantia B.V. I am very sad because I thought casinoguru was a different and impartial site. After all, it seems to me that they are also in league with Casino and Antillephone. If they really wanted to help, they wouldn't do these things! Your colleague who closed the BetTilt complaint was unprofessional throughout the complaint process, rude, unhelpful and only made me despair more! If the intention is to help, he did anything but that! On the other hand, Petronela, with the same complaint, is being extremely professional... analyzing the case thoroughly. And in fact she's discovered that I'm right and Casino has been lying all along! I think you should investigate your colleague Nick, he seems to me to be trying to benefit the Abudantia B.V. group, eMoore N.V. and Antillephone.

Disgraceful behavior... let me make it clear for everyone to read, that Nick from CasinoGuru, did not give any importance to my case, did not want to help me and closed the complaint twice by force. I will write a complaint about what happened here on Trustpilot. Shame on all addicted gamblers, they're supposed to be trying to help us... I think Petronela needs to teach Nick better!


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