NaslovnaForumKazinaBetToGoal Casino - opšta diskusija

BetToGoal Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Duglas
3.714 pregleda 11 odgovora |
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za BetToGoal Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

How long do I have to wait for my problem to be resolved?



I guess that you have to be much more patient, your complaint has not been reviewed yet.

Would be nice if you could go through this article in the meantime and learn more about the complaint process.

Be patient please, there are currently 649 open complaints, so it will take some time.

I deposite money on site but never got it.

Hello Everyone, (Playing on Bettogoal)

Do you guys face issues regarding Withdrawal, are they not professional while paying out ?


Hi, I wouldn't recommend you playing there since their safety index is quite low according to our website. Anyway, I haven't found any unresolved complaints related to pending withdrawals so this doesn't seem to be a standard issue in this casino.

How long time have you been waiting for the payout?



Its been around 21 days now.

1st week they say they have technical issue

and from last 2 weeks different reasons everytime when i ask them.


That's unfortunate. 🙁

Care to share the latest "explanations"? I really want to hear these.

Luckily for you, the complaint was created and will be addressed properly. Remain calm and positive if you can. 🙏

Hello dear people, I come through this message to complain about the huge disregard for users of the Bettogoal betting house. I have been trying to request a withdrawal since 07/26, that is, almost 2 months and I have not been successful. I have a small amount of approximately $234 to withdraw from the bookmaker and they keep giving excuses about technical problems and not completing my withdrawal request. My "penultimate" withdrawal request was pending again for 7 days, so I went to the chat to find out what the reason was and the agent simply informed me that there was a problem again and they had to cancel the request, and I had to request a new request again today 19/09 and wait for the deadline for evaluation and approval. This is becoming a nightmare. At the time of deposit, the money leaves our account in the same second, but when it takes 60 days for you to receive your money earned fairly? Do you need to make people waste hours of the day complaining in order to resolve a measly withdrawal of $234? Please, Bettogoal resolves withdrawal processes more quickly.


Hi, I think 60 days is plenty of time to withdraw. Of course, if the casino has technical problems, I understand that the withdrawal can be delayed, but that long is a disaster. 🙁

I also sympathize with you, and in this case I would recommend a couple of sites where you could file a complaint, because it seems like too long for technical problems. I am attaching links that might help you:

Wish we could help you too, but we don't deal with sports betting so we don't have the knowledge and insight to deal with such issues. Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience with us and other players. You never know, someone might come across your post and say they won't deposit there.

Nevertheless, if you try some of the links I added, could you let us know the result ? I would be grateful.

I wish you the best of luck and hopefully the situation will be resolved soon.

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A najbolji deo je, kada pobedite, naglo ste odjavljeni, ili STRANICA SE PONOVNO UČITAVA...!! ONDA budi još pažljiviji!!

Radim ovo godinama i sada mogu tačno da vidim šta se dešava.

Ponekad plaćam dodatno da bih tačno rekao kakvu proceduru imaju ... pa molim ljude

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Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for this precise description of yours.

May I ask if you tried to get in contact with the game provider or even the licensing authority regarding this?

Actually, only they could detect and investigate this matter regarding fake games. So, if you have collected some kind of proof, you should send it to the licensing authority of the casino and report it there.

What do you say? Would you go for it?

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