Zdravo, premestio sam tvoj post pod ovaj konkretan kazino sa kojim izgleda da imaš problema. Činjenica da povlačenja ponekad traju duže je realnost. Ovo se može dogoditi zbog brojnih faktora, pa nemojte odmah negativno razmišljati i budite malo strpljivi kada su oni u pitanju.
Međutim, razumem vašu frustraciju, jer prema mojim informacijama ovaj kazino je prestao da plaća igrače iz dana u dan. Ako ste zainteresovani, možete pogledati i članak: https: //bitcoincasinokings.com/nevs/bitdice-casino-dovn-nevs-2023/
U vašem slučaju predlažem da otvorite žalbu gde ćemo pokušati da vam pomognemo. To možete učiniti na ovom linku: https: //casino.guru/complaints
Međutim, pošto je kazino zatvoren , verovatno su male šanse da će vam se vratiti.
U svakom slučaju, da li vam je kazino dao razlog zašto ne možete da podignete svoj novac? Da li je vaš nalog već verifikovan?
Mislim da bi takve informacije bile korisne.
Hi, I've moved your post under this particular casino that you seem to have a problem with. The fact that withdrawals sometimes take longer is a reality. This can happen due to a number of factors, so don't think negatively right away and be a little patient when it comes to them.
However, I understand your frustration, because according to my information, this casino stopped paying players from one day to the next. If you're interested, you can also check out the article: https://bitcoincasinokings.com/news/bitdice-casino-down-news-2023/
In your case, I suggest you open a complaint where we will try to help you. You can do so at this link: https://casino.guru/complaints
However, since the casino is closed, there is probably little chance that the it will get back to you.
Anyway, did the casino give you any reason why you can't withdraw your money ? Has your account been verified yet ?
I think such information would be useful.
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