ForumKazinaCashalot Casino - opšta diskusija

Cashalot Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 12)

pre 3 godina od ToniG81
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pre 4 meseci

Yes I got a limit on 200 but in their Fac rules on bet and pay they wrote there limit Is 5000, check it out your self

I took a screen shot before they blocked me. Read 2:8


No comments on why they blocked me in mail any were

pre 4 meseci


Read there own rules on 2:8

So they will fxxk they did to me.

But it was 200 my limit.😆

So keep up fighting, I got blocked.or something

pre 4 meseci

Mogu samo da vas upozorim na ova kazina i držite dalje od njih. Dobijate 200 evra svakih nekoliko nedelja, a ja sam imao 6000 evra.

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pre 4 meseci

I bez obzira na zahteve ili bilo šta, ne dobijate ništa. A to je bilo pre skoro godinu dana.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Zanima me koliko će vremena trebati da dođem do 300. Morao sam samo da verifikujem svoju kreditnu karticu tokom verifikacije, i verovatno će prvo biti mifiniti petlja verifikacije...

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pre 4 meseci


U mom slučaju je došla treća uplata od po 400 evra. Poslednja isplata trajala je oko nedelju dana.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

That is great that you've got the money. Thank you for the update.

pre 4 meseci

Upravo sam se ponovo prijavio i video da je povlačenje otkazano bez ikakvog razloga. Novac je vraćen na račun. Šta bih trebao da uradim?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Try to find out from the support the reason for cancelling, I would say. Could it be the wrong format of the documents, perhaps? 🤷‍♀️

pre 4 meseci

Well I got new info.

I got the same mail. And I got mail that's said maximum withdraw is 200euro and I did a ,550,

Told them I read their Fac rules in bet&payouts and their they wrote maximum is 5000. I told them this and said I wuld write bad reviews of them and told that this is Scam acting.

So I hop u get your money, but it's looking Dark. They blocked my account said that I cheat slots come on this is their way of business.

Best regards


pre 4 meseci

Would you like to file a complaint so our team could try to help you out with your issue at this casino? Here is the link if you decide to do so. Let us know, please, if you need any assistance.

pre 4 meseci

Mogu samo da vas upozorim na ova kazina i držite dalje od njih. Dobijate 200 evra svakih nekoliko nedelja, a ja sam imao 6000 evra.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Have you managed to get out your money, if I may ask? If you need our complaint team to look into this issue, please let us know.

pre 4 meseci

Nažalost, i ja imam pritužbu. Igram tamo godinama, ali nikada nisam tražio isplatu. Sada sam pobedio i hteo sam da podignem 450 evra. Posle 6 dana iznenada sam dobio poruku da je moj nalog zatvoren iako sam verifikovani član i neću dobiti isplatu jer sam prekršio 7.6 njihovih uslova, što uopšte nije tačno.

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pre 4 meseci

Danas su mi uradili potpuno istu stvar. Nikada nisam koristio bonus

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Nažalost, i ja imam pritužbu. Igram tamo godinama, ali nikada nisam tražio isplatu. Sada sam pobedio i hteo sam da podignem 450 evra. Posle 6 dana iznenada sam dobio poruku da je moj nalog zatvoren iako sam verifikovani član i neću dobiti isplatu jer sam prekršio 7.6 njihovih uslova, što uopšte nije tačno.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hi, it's a shame when something like this just occurred. Could you tell me what the point is and what you violated ? Were you playing with some kind of bonus?

Tell me a little more about it so I know what's going on. 

pre 4 meseci

Danas su mi uradili potpuno istu stvar. Nikada nisam koristio bonus

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Oh, so I see that the casino is obviously not the most reliable, especially when I saw that your complaint was closed a few days ago because the casino doesn't want to cooperate with us and doesn't respond to complaints. I would like to say something positive but I don't think I can find it in this situation and the only thing that can be taken from this is that I would not play in casinos with such a low safety index and I would be cautious. 

pre 4 meseci

Kažu da sam prekršio 7.6 njihovih uslova. Nikada nisam prihvatio bonus na svoje depozite. Igrao sam samo na Igrao sam kazino igre, ali nisam kupio nikakav bonus. Pobedio sam u igri bez bonus rundi. Sada kada sam pokušao da ćaskam sa njima i pitam šta sam pogrešio, zatvorili su ćaskanje i izgleda da sam i tamo blokiran.

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pre 4 meseci

Well, from what you describe, it's all unpleasant. But since we tried to help and nothing was resolved, I suppose they probably won't cooperate much with you either. I'd like to say something different, but the way they are behaving, it's going downhill and I would definitely forget about this casino as soon as possible. 😥

I could think of one more possibility and that is to complain to the authority, so if you feel like it, you can try it, although I don't guarantee a positive result again. 

What do you think? 

pre 4 meseci

Već sam poslao na Curacao eGaming.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Great and when did you send the complaint there ? I'm curious what they'll write you off and how they'll handle it. If you get an answer, you can certainly share it with me. 

It's probably the last option you have besides a lawyer, of course. 😕

pre 4 meseci

Danas sam im pisao. Čudno da chasalot fortum šalje ponude bonusa na moju e-poštu kada su mi zatvorili nalog i blokirali me u ćaskanju

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pre 4 meseci

Apparently it will be an automatic email, and I have seen this happen in several cases at other casinos as well. I find it quite strange and not totally cool. But there's nothing you can do about it, unless you block the email if you don't want to receive anything from them. Of course, while there is still some hope, I probably wouldn't do it.  

pre 3 meseci

Apsolutno se kloni!!! Ne isplaćuju nikakve dobitke. Igrao sam tamo dugo ali nikada nisam pobedio i sada sam hteo da isplatim novac i odjednom mi kažu da igram sa bonusima i da mi se račun zatvara. Ćaskanje uživo se zatvara čim pitam, a na mejlove ne odgovara. Apsolutna sramota i zločin

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