NaslovnaForumKazinaCasinia Casino - opšta diskusija

Casinia Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 18)

 od jrewing
39.951 pregleda 359 odgovora |
1...17 18 19

So have you started the verification already, or they didn't ask you to do so yet?

Zdravo, već sam to uradio ali sam uspeo da podignem samo 3000€ za dva meseca, mada kažu da je limit 7000€ to je laž jer ne možete da uplatite više novca i ne možete da podignete više od 500€ dnevno, 3 aktivna podizanja maksimalno sa kašnjenjem da budu efektivni, moj nivo je pao na minimum i na kraju kao dobrog kockarskog zavisnika, preporučujem vam od svih sličnih kockara... mogu samo deponovati novac, ali kada dođe vreme da ga povučete, oni će se potruditi da vas nateraju da ga potrošite. Nadam se da ćete smanjiti rezultat ovog kazina na minimum, hvala.

Automatski prevedeno:

Za 2 godine možda ćeš ga imati, na kraju sam ga potrošio, ako možeš da izdržiš, idi da podigneš 1500€ mesečno (ono što će ti ostaviti) i ne troši ništa drugo, ako želiš da igraš, igraj u drugom kazinu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo 14.2. U 00:01 zatražio sam povlačenje u kazinu Casina i još uvek se obrađuje, a podrška uživo i dalje kaže da treba da budem strpljiv. Ne znam koliko treba biti strpljiv.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, već sam to uradio ali sam uspeo da podignem samo 3000€ za dva meseca, mada kažu da je limit 7000€ to je laž jer ne možete da uplatite više novca i ne možete da podignete više od 500€ dnevno, 3 aktivna podizanja maksimalno sa kašnjenjem da budu efektivni, moj nivo je pao na minimum i na kraju kao dobrog kockarskog zavisnika, preporučujem vam od svih sličnih kockara... mogu samo deponovati novac, ali kada dođe vreme da ga povučete, oni će se potruditi da vas nateraju da ga potrošite. Nadam se da ćete smanjiti rezultat ovog kazina na minimum, hvala.

Automatski prevedeno:

If you still have problems with your withdrawal, you can reopen your complaint, thanks to which the casino would receive black points and its safety index would be lowered if the casino does not resolve your situation. But it would be good to reply to our team. 

Anyway, is your money still coming in, although obviously with a delay, or has it stopped?

Zdravo 14.2. U 00:01 zatražio sam povlačenje u kazinu Casina i još uvek se obrađuje, a podrška uživo i dalje kaže da treba da budem strpljiv. Ne znam koliko treba biti strpljiv.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, sačekao bih još malo, očigledno iz onoga što možete pročitati ovde kazino nije najbrži. To je takođe bio vikend i to se ne računa u obradu isplate jer mnoga kazina ne rade sa takvim stvarima u to vreme.

Ako ne uspete da dobijete novac u narednih nedelju dana, kontaktirajte nas i videćemo šta može da se uradi.

Mogu li znati da li je ovo vaše prvo povlačenje ili ne? Da li je kazino zahtevao i dokumente za verifikaciju od vas?

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, da, ovo je prvo povlačenje. I od mene nisu tražili nikakva dokumenta. Proveravam svoju e-poštu i neželjenu poštu i poslednje što vidim je da sam se prijavio za povlačenje. Mislim da mi podrška piše kao robotu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Naravno, verovatno ćete morati da sačekate povlačenje. Znam da to nije najprijatnija stvar, ali nažalost za sada verovatno ne možete ništa više da uradite. Videćemo da li ćete dobiti e-poruku sa potvrdom da vam je kazino već poslao novac.

nadam se. Držaću ti palčeve. 🤞

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Jaro, nisam mogao više da povučem, potrošio sam.

Veoma je teško imati novac tamo dva meseca i znam da neću moći da ga podignem odjednom ili da podignem veliki iznos, samo želim da kažem da će svi koji igraju u Casinia imati isti problem kao i ja, moraćete da imate veoma veliku snagu volje jer su uslovi i odredbe uvredljivi u pogledu povlačenja i VIP nivoa, koji će vam uvek opadati za određeni iznos novca, jer će vam uvek opadati određeni iznos novca. zato im treba toliko vremena da izvrše povlačenje, čekaju da vaš nivo padne na minimum i možete povući samo 500, 500 i 500 mesečno.

Automatski prevedeno:

file 7000€ za mesec dana je laž

Automatski prevedeno:

So if you have lost the money and spent it, then it will not be possible to help you. I always advise players, no matter how long it takes, to never cancel or gamble with their money because sometimes that may be exactly what the casino wants. We always try to help players in these situations, but not responding to a complaint is also not the best thing to do. Then an issue like this comes up and you find yourself in a situation like this. 

It's probably best to take a lesson from this and know that you can always contact us. 😕

This is the worst casino I have ever played. I deposited over 1000 euro in different deposits and I never got a single euro .. the games never give free spins or bonus.... The casino has no return rate to the player .. literally only one time after I deposit 50euros I won like 60euros and then lost everything again. They never give bonuses to the player like other casinos does. Only one time yesterday they emailed me that I got a 15 euros bonus in my account.. mind it was yesterday at 11pm and I saw it today on 10am in the morning... When I logged in the bonus wasn't there. I seek help at live chat where they said that they had no idea of what's happened...and later they emailed me that the bonus was cancelled???? After they said sorry and emailed me that they gave me 50 FS with 20euros deposit.... As I logged in again I saw that they where 20 FS..with 20 euros deposit..

They are the worst casino they are all liers for sure. I lost over 1000 euros never got a single euro or any bonus. The worst is that they mock me too by saying that they gave me bonus that i never got anyways....... IF U SEE THIS PAGE. RUN...ITS A SCAM . Don't lose your money in this crap. Go to spinanga or betonred. Foreal!!!!! I will report them too

UPDATE: I got the 20fs after my 20 euros deposit.. guess what it was?? it was 20 FS with ONE LINE in the rise of Merlin game ...that means they gave me 0.20cents 20FUCKIN CENTS. 20 FS WITH ONE LINE WHICH BET IS 0.01 cents ..... I swear to god I ve never seen that crap IN MY LIFE . if someone can close this casino pls do. They scam people.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Dobro veče, ovaj kazino je najprevarniji na tržištu. Oni imaju kontrolu nad slotovima jer niste povezani sa provajderom igara već sa njihovim serverom, to se može zaključiti po kašnjenju u učitavanju same igre i tokom igara gubite fluidnost. Štaviše, ako kasnije uspete da izvršite povlačenje, bićete ubačeni u potpunu kontrolu igara, mizerne dobitke, nepostojeće bonus simbole, beskonačne igre sa nultom dobiti. Očigledno to nije AAMS kazino, ali da li je moguće da nema kontrole nad njihovim nedelima? I zar ne postoji mogućnost da to bude blokirano u Italiji?

Automatski prevedeno:


This is the worst casino I have ever played. I deposited over 1000 euro in different deposits and I never got a single euro .. the games never give free spins or bonus.... The casino has no return rate to the player .. literally only one time after I deposit 50euros I won like 60euros and then lost everything again. They never give bonuses to the player like other casinos does. Only one time yesterday they emailed me that I got a 15 euros bonus in my account.. mind it was yesterday at 11pm and I saw it today on 10am in the morning... When I logged in the bonus wasn't there. I seek help at live chat where they said that they had no idea of what's happened...and later they emailed me that the bonus was cancelled???? After they said sorry and emailed me that they gave me 50 FS with 20euros deposit.... As I logged in again I saw that they where 20 FS..with 20 euros deposit..

They are the worst casino they are all liers for sure. I lost over 1000 euros never got a single euro or any bonus. The worst is that they mock me too by saying that they gave me bonus that i never got anyways....... IF U SEE THIS PAGE. RUN...ITS A SCAM . Don't lose your money in this crap. Go to spinanga or betonred. Foreal!!!!! I will report them too

UPDATE: I got the 20fs after my 20 euros deposit.. guess what it was?? it was 20 FS with ONE LINE in the rise of Merlin game ...that means they gave me 0.20cents 20FUCKIN CENTS. 20 FS WITH ONE LINE WHICH BET IS 0.01 cents ..... I swear to god I ve never seen that crap IN MY LIFE . if someone can close this casino pls do. They scam people.

Hello, I see you have quite a negative casino experience which is pretty sad. 

Unfortunately, when it comes to bonuses, the casino has the right not to offer bonuses to players, but on the other hand, if they send you an email for a deposit bonus, it shouldn't matter, or they should give it to you once you've received it. I see that you didn't manage to win anything, so the RTP probably won't be the best for you in this casino.

So this casino is definitely not for you anymore and I would probably play somewhere else.

That's perhaps my recommendation for you. 😕

Dobro veče, ovaj kazino je najprevarniji na tržištu. Oni imaju kontrolu nad slotovima jer niste povezani sa provajderom igara već sa njihovim serverom, to se može zaključiti po kašnjenju u učitavanju same igre i tokom igara gubite fluidnost. Štaviše, ako kasnije uspete da izvršite povlačenje, bićete ubačeni u potpunu kontrolu igara, mizerne dobitke, nepostojeće bonus simbole, beskonačne igre sa nultom dobiti. Očigledno to nije AAMS kazino, ali da li je moguće da nema kontrole nad njihovim nedelima? I zar ne postoji mogućnost da to bude blokirano u Italiji?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I think you may be suspicious about the casino, but I'm also of the opinion that if you're talking about similar things, it would be better to have some proof to lodge a complaint. 

Checking the games would be very difficult and not at all as easy as the players might think. Have you tried contacting the game provider on which games this is happening?

Post od CARLCC je obrisan

Good day to you.

Thank you for letting the community know. Of course we will be here for follow up!

Post od CARLCC je obrisan

Great news. I would say that about a week is not so bad yet. 

Anyway, it's a lot for you and do you think you'd rather play in a casino where the time to withdraw is shorter?🙂

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