NaslovnaForumKazinaCasinia Casino - opšta diskusija

Casinia Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 8)

 od jrewing
34.164 pregleda 344 odgovora |
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Imam otvorenu žalbu na povlačenje koje još nije obrađeno od 19.10. Niko ne odgovara. Ovaj kazino ima pogrešnu recenziju jer stalno odlaže povlačenje igrača. Već sam ih zamolio da intervenišu jer ćemo prekoračiti 14 dana jer dolazi vikend koji se smatra praznikom. Niko mi ne pomaže u ćaskanju uživo samo izvinjavajući se i bez odgovora kada ću dobiti novac. Moja žalba je već otvorena, ali nijedan predstavnik ne odgovara i za 18 sati ističe rok vašeg zastupnika

Automatski prevedeno:

I read your complaint and at the top right you have a timer which always has a party to answer. Tomas will deal with your complaint soon but I assume he is waiting for the time to pass. Then we will contact the casino. But you don't have to worry about anyone from our side getting to you. 

I would also mention that the casino is trying to resolve the situation and even if you have a delay in your withdrawal, I believe that you will come back soon with the news that you have received your money. 

Hvala vam na odgovoru. Zaista cenim trud koji ulažete da rešite probleme sa našim kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vas obavestim da ovo nije prvi put da se ovo dešava. To se dešava često, ali ovo je prvi put da smo stigli u toliko dana. Ne odgovaraju mi razlog kašnjenja, samo se izvinjavaju.

Automatski prevedeno:

I absolutely sympathize with you and I would not want to wait that long either, but there is nothing left for us now and we have to adapt to the circumstances. If the 14 days pass, our team will try to help you. 


U slučaju da pozovu kazino u razgovoru i kazino ne odgovori šta se dogodilo? Koja će procedura sledeća?

Automatski prevedeno:

If we contact the casino we give them a week to respond, if they don't we extend the timer again and if they don't respond in another week then the complaint is closed and the casino gets black points and their saftey index is lowered.

Anyway, so far I have the feeling that from what I have seen the casino is handling the complaints and therefore I would be positive in this case. 

But we'll see how this whole thing plays out.

Ok, shvatio sam. U svakom slučaju 13 dana danas još ništa!

Automatski prevedeno:

I would be furious, yet Jaro is correct. Despite this sounding like a terrible user experience, I too expect the casino to collaborate once the complaint gets to the point. Stil, it must be very exhausting for you. How are you feeling today?

Zaista sam nervozan i istovremeno nesiguran jer smatram da je tako dugo odlaganje neprihvatljivo, a odlagaće se još više jer je vikend, a odeljenje finansija ne radi. Ako kazino odgovori za 5 dana, imaćemo sreće. Ipak, verujem da će moje povlačenje trajati mnogo duže. Nemam optimizma.

Automatski prevedeno:

I can feel your frustration, for sure, but to tell you the truth, we will need to wait probably until Monday so our complaint team can try to contact the casino and therefore intervene in your case.

You know, from my experience, some complaints might be solved faster, and some of them need more time. I just hope that even if you wait a bit longer, at the end there will be good news.

So, please hang in there, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.🤞

Zdravo, malo sam zabrinut. Nov sam u ovom kazinu i zatražio sam svoja prva 2 povlačenja. Ne znam da li ovaj kazino plaća. Pošto sam nov u ovom kazinu, ne verujem u sve. Očigledno, pročitao sam da imaju plaćene korisnike, ali tokom 14 dana. Pa, ne znam. malo sam uplašen.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, this is exactly the time we give casinos to pay out players. If that doesn't happen we will try to help you in your situation if you file a complaint.

On the other hand, I would say not to be skeptical right from the start and hang in there. What payment method did you use to withdraw? I would definitely check at least once every two days to see where you stand in your situation and also to see if the withdrawal status changes or not. Did you also need to provide the casino with any documents here or not? 

I'll keep my fingers crossed that it goes well and you can tell me any changes. 😉

Zdravo, dobar dan svima, ja sam igrač Casinia i čekam račune od njih (8600€) Želim da znam koliko dugo moram da čekam jer imam račune na čekanju (500+300+800) ako neko može da mi kaže da li primili ste njihova povlačenja, hvala vam i ugodan dan

Automatski prevedeno:

Isto po kartici i do sada nisam morao da predočim dokumentaciju iako to ne isključujem. Žao mi je što sam skeptičan, ali pošto igrate sa svojim novcem i imate dovoljno sreće da pobedite, postaje veoma frustrirajuće ne dobiti ga kasnije.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne razumem, ovo je prvi put da mi se ovo desilo u kazinu. Nikada nisam imao problema sa isplatama i sada čekam da vidim da li će mi stići jer to nije mala suma novca...

Automatski prevedeno:

Kada ste tražili prvo povlačenje?

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, dobar dan svima, ja sam igrač Casinia i čekam račune od njih (8600€) Želim da znam koliko dugo moram da čekam jer imam račune na čekanju (500+300+800) ako neko može da mi kaže da li primili ste njihova povlačenja, hvala vam i ugodan dan

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, how long have you been waiting for your money? Have you ever withdrawn before and are you verified in the casino? Have you been in contact with the casino and have they told you when you should get your money?

Let me know.

Isto po kartici i do sada nisam morao da predočim dokumentaciju iako to ne isključujem. Žao mi je što sam skeptičan, ali pošto igrate sa svojim novcem i imate dovoljno sreće da pobedite, postaje veoma frustrirajuće ne dobiti ga kasnije.

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand that when a player plays with his own money, he would like accurate information about the withdrawal. I'm not blaming you at all, but sometimes players get scared without having a reason. Try to hold out and see what happens. Of course, try to keep checking the status of the withdrawal and if the 14 days pass, you can file a complaint and we will try to help you with your case. 

Do you think you can handle it? 🙂


Da, pokušaću i videti šta će se desiti. Nadam se da će sve proći kako treba, pošto ovo nisu jedina povlačenja koja mi preostaju, imam još mnogo toga. Nadam se da će sve biti dobro. Loša stvar je što me plaši što im toliko traje.

Automatski prevedeno:

The casino has a fairly high safety index and handles almost all complaints, so that's definitely a good sign if you didn't get paid. But I firmly believe that this is just a delay and you will get everything. The wisest thing to do is to wait and not gamble with the money until everything is sorted out. 

In the meantime, any news?

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