NaslovnaForumKazinaCasino Infinity - opšta diskusija

Casino Infinity - opšta diskusija

pre 1 godinu od sotiriskarasas21
6.467 pregleda 78 odgovora |
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pre 1 godinu
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Casino Infinity, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 1 godinu

Dobro veče da li znamo šta se dešava sa ovim kazinom?? Podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje, rekli su mi da im je potrebno 3 dana od nadležnog odeljenja jer sam igrao u mnogim kockarnicama, znam da žele identifikaciju, pa sam se takođe potrudio da otvorim zahtev za podršku, ali nije moguće, kažu mi da identifikujem račun ako se ne pronađe greška, potreba od kazina očekujem povlačenje 500€ i još 200€ koje ću podneti sutra pošto vam dozvoljavaju samo jedno povlačenje, ko ima ideja i može pomoći, javite mi momci

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Hello. This casino has got a pretty good safety index according to our site.

Usually, the whole withdrawal process can take up to a few days, at times even up to a few weeks, it really depends on the particular casino and payment method chosen. Also, before the withdrawal can be cleared out by the casino, the verification procedure needs to be completed. It is very important step and serious casinos tend to take it very seriously. So have you past the verification yet? Is there a possibility that you still need to maybe send some documents the casino is asking for?

When did you exactly ask for the withdrawal if I may ask?

Waiting for your answer.

pre 1 godinu

Juče sam tražio povlačenje ali mi nisu tražili legitimaciju, znam da će me odložiti, možda igram pare što se neće desiti, tražio sam povlačenje 500 evra i izgubio sam 300 evra koje sam ostavio na svom kazino nalogu jer su mi dozvolili 1 povlačenje dnevno Mak i do 500 €....

Poslao sam podršku da od sada identifikujem svoje podatke ali mi kažu da to nije potrebno, znam ovaj trik jer će za nekoliko dana poništiti moje povlačenje i tražiti identifikaciju, sačekaću ponovo nekoliko dana dok ne bude odobrena u slučaju da igram novac, ali opet kažem da to neću uraditi ja

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

It's great you are so determined to leave the balance untouched. A very wise step, if I may add.

I suggest taking a screenshot of your conversation with the casino where they told you the KYC is not needed at this stage. Just in case you later find yourself in the situation you already described, such proof might come in handy.

Speaking about the daily withdrawal limit, could you tell me the sum you are allowed to withdraw? It is not so obvious to me, frankly.

Thank you!

pre 1 godinu

Zavisi od vašeg Vip nivoa, možete podići 500 € dnevno

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

I see, so the higher the level, the bigger the withdrawal will probably be later. Anyway, let's see how you will do in this case and whether you will get your money. If you have any new information in the context of the withdrawal could you please let us know ? I strongly believe that you will get your money in the end. Fingers crossed. 🤞

pre 12 meseci

Why has the license information disappeared from the casinos owned by Rabidi N.V.?

pre 12 meseci

Hello. I will surely contact our data team to check this out and will let you know as soon I have the information. Thank you.

pre 12 meseci

Hey. So I have got the information from our data team. All the casinos have been checked out as being licensed, but the casinos only display the information to players from certain countries on their websites.

Hope this information helped you somehow.

pre 11 meseci

Juče sam se registrovao u infiniti casinu jer sam video na stranici da je dobio licencu za Grčku. Napravio sam prvi depozit od 30 i izabrao 100% bonus na prvi depozit. Odnosno, imao sam 60 na računu (30+30). Igrao sam se sa voćem i konačno sam odlučio da napravim povlačenje da testiram njihovu pouzdanost. Igrajući nekoliko sati, imao sam 110 evra na računu. Pošto sam morao da odigram još 700 evra da bih ispunio uslove bonusa, otkazao sam bonus da bih povukao ostatak. Međutim, umesto da zadrže 30 i ostave preostalih 80 na mom računu, oni su mi sve uzeli. Igrao sam u svim pravnim kompanijama u Grčkoj i ovo je prvi put da se to dešava. Momci su sumnjičavi. Izbegavajte ih.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hey, did all your money disappear ? Have you tried to see if they have something like that in the Terms and Conditions regarding bonuses ? Did you ask the support why it happened and you didn't have at least a deposit left ? 

However, in such a case I would say that it is always a good idea not to take the bonus or to finish it in the end to avoid similar situations. Alternatively, before you cancel it, always check in the live chat what happens when you do it.

pre 10 meseci

Traže bonuse i ne daju ih.

Nakon što sam im se požalio, dali su mi bonuse koje nemaju u svojim ponudama.

Ne možete podići više od 500 € na VIP1 nivou.

Trčite, a oni slučajno imaju tehničkih problema.

Ali ako pitate, njihov predstavnik će vam odgovoriti.

U nekoliko reči, depozit u sekundi, povlačenje sa hiljadu prepreka da ih ne dobijete već da ih igrate.

Neću se kladiti ni u jedan peni dok ne dobijem svoj novac.

A pošto vas slučajno poznajem, podneću žalbu EEEP-u da ih blokiram. I pošto su oni zapravo podneli zahtev za dobijanje licence, razgovaraću sa EEEP-om (imam prijatelja) kako bi mogli detaljno da ispitaju kojim kompanijama će dati licencu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Hello. I have seen that you already submitted a complaint with our team, where Petronela is awaiting some more information. To reply her, just follow this link, please.

Have you got any updates, perhaps, was the technical issue solved by now?

pre 6 meseci

Zašto je Infiniti Casino rejting ostao iznad proseka nakon što je moja žalba ostala nerešena uz ismevanje kazina??

Nadam se da ovo nije razlog:


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 6 meseci

As I can see, the casino's safety index is going to be lowered soon. It really may be due to your complaint being unresolved.

Please be patient, as it is a whole process and everything needs to be done correctly so our team can set it up. If I'm not mistaken it should be done by wednesday.

There is no need for any acusations here. What do you say?

pre 6 meseci

Kubo mi je rekao da će se ocena promeniti za sedam dana, a prošlo je devet. Štaviše, pre nego što je kazino ponovo otvorio žalbu, ocena je već bila ispod proseka zbog moje nerešene žalbe.

Pitam se zašto je otvaranje žalbe dovelo do poboljšanja ocene, a da sama žalba nije rešena.

To me je jako zasmetalo jer me je provozao kazino čija namera nije bila da reši moj slučaj već samo da poboljša svoju reputaciju.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 6 meseci

Kubo was actually right that our system updates every 7 days; I'm not quite sure which day though. So that might be the reason that you couldn't see the change yet.

You can check it now, though, and you will see that it is lower. Your unresolved complaint and other aspects caused, or helped, that to happen. Hopefully, the casino will do its best to improve it now and change a few things there.

I don't think that reopening your complaint would lead to improving the safety index. It may happen when a casino fixes some unfair rules, always pays players as they should, and nevertheless takes responsible gambling seriously.

And I am really sorry that in your case this casino failed to protect you, and I hope that you won't be going through anything similar again.

pre 4 meseci


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Did they explain the reason for doing so, though?

Please try to contact the casino support regarding this and let us know the outcome.

We'll be waiting here for your reply, ready to help out if needed.

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