NaslovnaForumKazinaCasino Intense - opšta diskusija

Casino Intense - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Anonymized138
11.535 pregleda 39 odgovora |
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Upozorenje na E-pošta za podršku ne radi!


Casino Intense takođe upravlja Plaizak kazinom pod svojom pripadnošću koristeći prethodnu podlicencu (problem je što STERINVEST SE ne isplaćuje dobitke!)


Automatski prevedeno:

Well, you have never submitted the complaint against Casino Intense, have you?

I think this may mislead players a bit. The complaint against the PLAYZAX CAN BE FOUND HERE.


Ne Radka, mogu da podnesem žalbu protiv njih jer direktno upravljaju Plaizak Casino-om u afilijaciji preko Intenzivnog programa (, štaviše do 2022. Sterinvest SE je obezbedio sva plaćanja dva kazina i VIP menadžer Silvio odgovori na podršku za ćaskanje oba kazina (pogledajte prilog). Jedini email koji trenutno radi sa kartom je (ali mi više ne odgovaraju). Pišem direktno ministru finansija Havijeru Silvaniji u nadi da će mi pomoći u ovom pitanju.


Automatski prevedeno:

Submit the complaint if you said you could. Good luck with the Finance Minister! I mean it. 🤞

Intense Casino je uklonjen sa Askglambersa. Možda bi bilo dobro da uradimo isto da nesrećni igrači više ne idu tamo jer ne plaćaju i nikad ne odgovaraju na žalbe.

Automatski prevedeno:

It would not be good. We aim to warn players not to leave them without the review. How could anyone know the casino is bad if we remove the review too? 🤔

See for yourself:

Dobro veče.

U stvari, ostavili su loše beleške ovog kazina dodajući malu napomenu: da je izbrisan sa njihovog sajta

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, the casino was reviewed as a bad one - plus the review contains warnings. I think I do not fully understand your recent concern.

Anyway, have you noticed?


Da, i to je već dobra stvar. Moj komentar na ovo je bio samo predlog. Kada vidim sve njihove neodgovore na žalbe igrača svuda, ne bi trebalo više ni da vežbaju i da budu ugašeni.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ohh! I understand now! 🙂

You know closing a casino is not actually an easy process. It would certainly help if all players scammed by ANY casino turned to the licensing authority (Curacao in this particular case) as well. We posses no right or power to shot down any casino, the licensing authority on the other hand can put such sites under presure - I mean officially.


Problem je u tome što onaj ko izdaje ove licence treba da bude nepristrasan , uslov koji se retko poštuje (pogledajte Gaming Curacao).

Automatski prevedeno:

I think we all know it's a business...


Poslovanje u onlajn igrama treba da se obavlja u skladu sa transparentnošću i osnovnim principima fer pleja ili poštovanja građanskih pravila u ime tog intelektualnog poštenja koje se retko sreće u ovom sektoru.

Automatski prevedeno:

I agree with you 100% - just tell this to Curacao. They sell the licenses for profit. It's business to them.


Zdravo, ne znam da li mogu da vam pomognem, ali već nekoliko dana tražim od Intense kazina da zatvori moj nalog. Poslao sam nekoliko mejlova, ali ništa, sve je tiho i moj nalog je i dalje otvoren. Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I moved your post under the specific casino you are talking about. 

Regarding the closure of your account, how many days is several days ? It's embarrassing to say the least to have to deal with something like this and no one responding to you. In that case, I would recommend filing a complaint here on this link, because I think such a request should be taken seriously. Here is the link:

Will you try and file it ? 

Dobro jutro. Ne znam više kako da zatvorim svoj nalog sa kazino intense

Automatski prevedeno:


I checked the casino's terms and found this:

"6.5 If your Account has a positive balance, you have the right to close it by asking our customer service team to assist you with the necessary formalities to withdraw the balance through a payment method established by us, according to the rules subject to weekly withdrawal, or any other decision that may be taken by management."

I would strongly recommend asking the support. The terms sounds rather odd to say that.

Let us know how it went out, please.

Casino intense Igram tamo već duže vreme i veoma sam zadovoljan time, puno slotova, brzih depozita i povlačenja, momci u ćaskanju, Mario, Christian, Silvio su uvek spremni da odgovore na sva pitanja i daju besplatne bonuse.

Automatski prevedeno:

This is really nice to hear that you are happy there., even though the safety inex is pretty low. 🤔

Would you like to tell us more about your experience there, though? For example, regarding withdrawals, how long did it take? Or what issue did the live chat help you with?

If you'd like, you can chuck in your user review as well, of course. 😉

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