NaslovnaForumKazinaCasinoin - opšta diskusija

Casinoin - opšta diskusija (strana 12)

 od Lampros
57.913 pregleda 263 odgovora |
1...11 12 1314

Hi, we give casinos 14 days to resolve the KYC issue, so haven't you thought about filing a complaint ? 

As for the verification itself, did the casino tell you why they take so long and what they are verifying ? Did you also have any problems that something was not correct and you had to resend it ? 


Sve je rešilo prijatelju. Usluga je, uprkos tome što je trebalo mnogo vremena da se reši slučaj, uvek bila ljubazna i od pomoći. Kazino mi deluje ozbiljno!!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Nova ažuriranja o mom slučaju: kazino je, začudo, nakon verifikacije mog naloga i prve uplate, odlučio da blokira moje bonuse bez objašnjenja i ja sam, očigledno, zatražio zatvaranje mog naloga.

Utisak koji stičemo iz ovog kazina je da ne prihvataju gubljenje novca i da su nervozni zbog onoga ko uspe tamo da zaradi. U svakom slučaju život ide dalje.

Ima mnogo drugih kazina za igranje!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Nova ažuriranja o mom slučaju: kazino je, začudo, nakon verifikacije mog naloga i prve uplate, odlučio da blokira moje bonuse bez objašnjenja i ja sam, očigledno, zatražio zatvaranje mog naloga.

Utisak koji stičemo iz ovog kazina je da ne prihvataju gubljenje novca i da su nervozni zbog onoga ko uspe tamo da zaradi. U svakom slučaju život ide dalje.

Ima mnogo drugih kazina za igranje!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, I'm so sorry, I read the first post and when I finished the second one I can see that mixed feelings are in place. It's unfortunate when you get excluded from using the bonuses but unfortunately the casino has the right to do so. What I would be quite sorry about is that especially without some explanation because that would be quite important for me personally. 

But you got the money and, as you say, you can find another casino where it won't be the same. 

So I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞

Ne preporučujem da igram tamo, jer provera mojih dokumenata u ovom kazinu traje 30 radnih dana, loš je kazino, iako sam tamo igrao oko 2-3 nedelje (((( dobro je da bar nemam velika suma tamo, samo 142 dolara !NE IGRAJTE OVDE

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, has your KYC lasted that long ? I'd say that's too much. What's the problem with not being able to verify your documents ? Have you thought about lodging a complaint if you can't move on ? 

proveravali su me samo nedelju dana i rekli da mogu da produže na 30 radnih dana, što je mnogo.

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes, that would be for me too. We also give casinos 14 days for KYC because we believe that casinos should be able to sort out everything necessary and verify the player by then. So if it takes an unreasonable amount of time, you can contact us at any time. 

In your case, it was only a week, which doesn't seem so bad to me.

Anyway, didn't you try to play after that experience ? 

Ne želim više da igram tamo.

Automatski prevedeno:

It is totally up to you, of course. If this experience has put you away, it is better to move on. Right?

Molimo vas da smanjite ocenu ovog kazina jer su veoma loši.

Automatski prevedeno:

It is really not possible to reduce the rating of the casino whenever someone asks for it. The whole process needs to be done before the rating can get lower or higher.🤷‍♀️

I believe that you are aware of this. Right?

If you'd like to read about it more, do so here, please. You can find there much information regarding the whole process.

Želim da napišem žalbu na ovaj kazino.

Automatski prevedeno:

What would that be about? What happened to you here? Last time we wrote to each other we talked about verification but I didn't catch any problem. 

Could you please tell me ? 

uzeo moj novac

Automatski prevedeno:

Okay, and on what basis did the casino take your money, did they tell you any reason ? 

Mislim, dozvolili su mi da podignem novac iz novčanika

Automatski prevedeno:

Am I assuming correctly no issues is now troubling you at Casinoin? 🙂

Can't say I fully understood the whole point, so if there is anything of concern, feel free to specify it, please.

novac mi je uplaćen, ali ipak nikome nisam savetovao da igra tamo

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, thank you for sharing your opinion. Sometimes it would be nice to describe a bit more what happened to you, because it will help other players.

Anyway, why wouldn't you recommend playing at this casino ? If they paid you the money, I might be interested. 🙂

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