NaslovnaForumKazinaCasinoin - opšta diskusija

Casinoin - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

 od Lampros
57.914 pregleda 263 odgovora |
12 3 4...14

I can see you already submitted the complaint here.

But as far as I can see, Petronela will need more info from you. Does the casino communicate with you when you contact them? It would be good to know why they keep cancelling the withdrawal.

Ažurirano od strane autora

I uploaded all my information to them! Id card! Passport! All the bills to top up! Utility bills! G2A accounts! Neosurf accounts! Wait a minute! They are deliberately making it hard for us players! Garbage platform! Please help me!



can you answer these questions as well, please?

"Have you been advised why you can’t withdraw your winnings? Is it an internal casino system issue, or it’s related to your account only?"

If so, please respond to your complaint. Thank you.

Hay ima neko veze sa icebetom. Tamo sam osvojio preko 7k, isplaćuju samo 20 do 400 i isplaćeni su 3 puta. Urađeno nekoliko verifikacija. I dobijete 1x 400 nakon nekoliko dana. Ostatak ostaje tamo nakon 1 sedmice. Dobijem e-mail 1200 su otkazani treba da platim 200.

Šta je to?

Automatski prevedeno:

Je li prevara kazino nadamo se da ste dobili svoj novac

Automatski prevedeno:

Icebet is a fraud platform malicious t&c against the players

Their RTP is zero...dont bekomme a victim, dont play there


Kindly note, that this thread is bound to the Casinoin only.

Would you mind commenting on this casino in the proper thread, please?

Have to say that its reputation could be better:


nedelju dana ili vise mi nisu poslali 1600€ koliko sam zaradio i kazu mi da je odobrenje uradjeno sa njihove strane, promovisali su isplate ali provajder koji prima isplate ima problem i kasni. Odbijaju da daju bilo kakve dodatne informacije i stalno govore da će problem uskoro biti otklonjen. U međuvremenu, sajt normalno prihvata depozite, a nemaju čak ni baner upozorenja da imaju tehnički problem sa isplatama.

Smiješno je to što sam napravio 3-4 isplate normalno sa njih iznose između 400-800€ i nisam imao problema, ali čim sam tražio 1600€ (4 neispravna zahtjeva) onda su počeli da traže ovjeru kartice računa itd. koje ranije nisu tražili!!

Osećam prevaru i ne znam šta da radim

Automatski prevedeno:


I replied to you:

Sometimes casinos ask for a further check when the player requests a higher withdrawal amount. It's not so unusual, it's just a kind of further verification.


Zdravo prijatelju i ja imam malu svotu od 197 eura a nisu je ubacili. cekam vise od 10 dana

Automatski prevedeno:

i have provide any paper and verification paper they have asked.


i pretpostavljam da ćeš dobiti isti odgovor... čekaj da se problem riješi ok?

Automatski prevedeno:

Da, isto kažu, pričamo, nisam igrao u koje prevarante. Igram onlajn 15 godina, prvi put mi se desilo ovako nešto.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ni meni se to nikada nije desilo. Nadam se da Guru može pomoći jer sam zaista očajan. I nista drugo i legalno ne mozes loviti da ih pregazis.. pojeces vise para nego profita.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo prijatelju i ja imam malu svotu od 197 eura a nisu je ubacili. cekam vise od 10 dana

Automatski prevedeno:


what did the casino tell you, please?

Are you also fully verified?

Ni meni se to nikada nije desilo. Nadam se da Guru može pomoći jer sam zaista očajan. I nista drugo i legalno ne mozes loviti da ih pregazis.. pojeces vise para nego profita.

Automatski prevedeno:

I also hope that this is just a small complication and we will be able to help. This casino is licensed, so the last option would be the authority, but I think it's too early to think about it at the moment.


The casino asked me in the beginning for certification papers (card, Id, selfie) which provided by me and they found them OK. I tried to withdraw the money and then they asked me for bank statement. I provided and they found it also OK. And then they started the fairytale for problem with the withdrawal provider and that from their side they have forward the requests to the provider successfully.


Nije tražio od mene verifikaciju. Banka mi je rekla da moraju poslati neke fajlove da bi izvršili transakciju, inače se novac neće pojaviti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Nakon 38 mejlova danas su promijenili svoj odgovor.


Uopšte im ne verujem, ali moram da čekam.

Ali ako to ne urade, stvarno ne znam šta da radim...

Automatski prevedeno:

😂 meni isto za 7 radnih dana i ako ne dođu ponovo od početka haahahaa😂 rade kod nas normalno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Nakon 38 mejlova danas su promijenili svoj odgovor.


Uopšte im ne verujem, ali moram da čekam.

Ali ako to ne urade, stvarno ne znam šta da radim...

Automatski prevedeno:


I'd say that this could be the result of the previous payment provider problem, if the money is about to be returned it truly seems like the payment was not processed.

Furthermore, Giorgosbig has received the same information, hence I feel it can be true after all.

I can imagine that it feels wrong to you to wait for so long and then start over again though. 

The Complaint Team will look into this, I'm sure.

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