NaslovnaForumKazinaCasinoly - opšta diskusija

Casinoly - opšta diskusija

 od MeisterDidi
7.301 pregleda 56 odgovora |
1 23
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Casinoly, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.


Nekoliko dana čekam isplatu od 300 evra.

Čudno, isplata je već jednom otkazana od strane sistema, prema ćaskanju uživo, provajder plaćanja (Mastercard) bi odbio prihvatanje...

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Automatski prevedeno:


Thanks for sharing with us here. It happens more often, If I may add. Check out the forum you'll find many players from Germany, Austria, and several other countries with similar problems. Certain payment options just become unavailable.

Can you pick up a different payment option, please?

Hello I have deposited about 1k and nearly made 7k… I asked for withdrawal of 500€x2 because that’s the max I can ask per day and 2 days now without any response… Is it normal? Do you think I might get scammed?They didn’t ask for any documents of ID or anything…How much is the normal withdrawal time?


Hello there.

The withdrawal time varies a lot. Still, normally you need to be verified first, so I'd focus on that. Have you tried contacting the live chat or support? 🤔

Dobar dan

Deponovao sam 300 franaka u Casolino kazinu uz bonus dobrodošlice i nakon uspešnog opklade osvojio sam 3900 franaka. Sada, međutim, mogu da isplatim samo 500 svaka 24 sata, kao što mi je podrška rekla. Čekao sam 2 dana i ništa se nije desilo. Dobio sam samo potvrdni imejl. Sada sam pročitao sve ove negativne komentare i pitam se da li ću ikada dobiti novac ili moram da se pripremam za žalbu?

Automatski prevedeno:

The max withdrawal allowed is really low and many users report delayed payments, if you have not completed KYC they will probably ask for it and now you will have to wait for your documents to get checked and then wait once again for the withdrawal, ask support if KYC is required for the withdrawal to be processed, some casinos enforce verification after a first withdrawal is requested and others after certain cumulative withdrawals amount is reached, not sure what the case is with this casino. Since you played with a bonus, it's usually subject to further checking, which delays payments, wait 2 weeks and if it doesn't get completed file a complaint


Upravo sam primio e-poruku da je isplata uspešno obrađena. Do sada me nisu pitali za kic. Ovo mi je sumnjivo. Videćemo da li će isplata stići.

Automatski prevedeno:

Good to know, I would recommend you verifying your account if you plan to bet there regularly, that way future withdrawals don't get delayed in case the casino tries to enforce KYC

Dobro jutro, pobedio sam na kazinu i nažalost ne daju mi novac kako da to uradim?

Podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje vize od 500 evra jer što više dajem da mi ne dozvoljavaju i nažalost ne dobijam nikakve odgovore

Automatski prevedeno:


Well, I would like to help you, but for that, I would need further explanation.

Did the casino notify you about any complications? Has your casino account been fully verified? If so, when did you receive confirmation?

Let me know, please.

Stay away big scam


Any explanation? Are you in trouble? 🤔

Casinoly withdrawal problem plz help me 🙏🙏🙏file


Hi could you describe what specific problem you have ? I can see on the screenshot that you seem to be getting kicked off the site. But it's throwing you out where you have to enter the withdrawal or what is it ? Could you please tell me a bit more ? 

Ne preporučujem ovaj kazino, možete povući samo $500 dnevno i potrebno je više od 7 dana da ga platite (a ja još uvek čekam svoj depozit za povlačenje)

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I think if you have this experience, I don't blame you for not recommending the casino.

However, when withdrawals take more than 7 days have you successfully managed to withdraw before ? How long are you waiting now ?

Let me know, please. 

Ne, ovo je prvi put da sam napravio povlačenje novca u ovom kazinu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Thanks for the clarification. We give the casinos 14 days to sort out everything they need to do around the withdrawal and if you don't get the money, you can call us and we'll try to help you out. Did the casino also tell you what is the reason for the longer wait ? Since this is your first withdrawal did you need to verify ? 

These are other important things regarding the withdrawal, so that's why I'm asking.

I will wait for your answer. 

Što se tiče verifikacije, mislim da to traže od vas u određenim slučajevima jer trenutno ništa ne može da se učita, a u vezi povlačenja kažu da imaju previše povlačenja da bi se pobrinuli za file

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1 23

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