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Casinorex - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Rosarot21
22.317 pregleda 65 odgovora |
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Hvala na linku... mislim da je to dobra stvar za mene... hvala na tome 👍

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You're welcome. I'm glad it's useful 🙂


Zdravo ruža-crvena21. Evo veze do obrasca za samozaključavanje pomoću kojeg se možete centralno blokirati za sve opasne igre na sreću u Njemačkoj (uključujući online kockarnice) u Regionalnom vijeću Darmstadta: /rp-darmstadt.hessen .de / files / Sample application_auf_Selbstsperre% 20V2_.pdf

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Mnogo pozdrava


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Zdravo Lisa..

Hvala na linku nisam tu sam...neverovatno sta je prokockano...moj dobar prijatelj je prokockao 170.000 evra...

Automatski prevedeno:

Tako nešto mora da se dogodilo u Locowinu... nakon nekoliko dana imao sam problema sa prijavom tamo (uvijek sam bio preusmjeren na tako čudnu stranicu sa nečim sa hostom i serverima) krenulo je stvarno nizbrdo sa Locowinom... oni imaju jer nešto se promijenilo ili nešto... nažalost nema stručnjaka u ovoj oblasti

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Rosarot21, just to be sure: This host and servers problem is an actual problem you are facing now in Locowin casino, please?


Ne, više nije ažuran. Ali nakon što se ovaj problem pojavio, više nisam mogao pobijediti u Locowinu.

Automatski prevedeno:

I see, thank you for your reply. 🙂

Zdravo svima. Imam problem sa Casino Rex-om i to sa verifikacijom. Traže od mene da potvrdim uplatu paysafecard sa jasno vidljivim imenom i prezimenom. Ne postoji takva stvar na mojoj stranici paysafecard. Pisao sam paysafecard podršci prije nekoliko dana i nisam dobio odgovor. Ovo je žalosno, jer je uplata od 520 eura spremna za slanje. molim vas pomozite

Automatski prevedeno:


verification process can be complicated but I would like to point out that this casino is a decent one, so I'd assume there is a way how to solve the issue.

As far as I know, there is only the card serial number + few more codes because this card is meant for secure internet online payments, correct? Is this card associated with your physical debit card and bank account?

I have the same card and I can see the full name on it (if I press the "show details" button and confirm by pin code) and provide printscreen with my visa + full name, bank account, and the Paysafe internet card as well. Are you sure there is no way, please?


Poslao sam im ukupno 8 dokumenata. Dokaz identiteta, e-banking potvrda sa vidljivom adresom, dokaz adrese (komunalije), kopije vozačkih dozvola, kreditnih kartica sa obje strane kao i ekran sa e-mailom, potvrda plaćanja paysafecard. Takođe, ne razumem šta još žele od mene. Daju sve od sebe da ne isplate novac!

Automatski prevedeno:

I see, it's quite a list already.

You also wrote that there is currently one document you are not able to acquire and you contacted the support, didn't you?

I believe that this is the document the casino is still waiting for. Now I got the idea: the Paysafe card you used for the deposit is the prepaid one, correct? Not the classic debit card bound to your bank account? In this case, such a prepaid card is only meant for safe purchases, not sure if it is acceptable for cashouts from the casino. It may be the whole problem:


Don't you think?

I'd ask the casino to ake sure you are not trying to proof unsupported payment option, in this case.


I see, it's quite a list already.

You also wrote that there is currently one document you are not able to acquire and you contacted the support, didn't you?

I believe that this is the document the casino is still waiting for. Now I got the idea: the Paysafe card you used for the deposit is the prepaid one, correct? Not the classic debit card bound to your bank account? In this case, such a prepaid card is only meant for safe purchases, not sure if it is acceptable for cashouts from the casino. It may be the whole problem:


Don't you think?

I'd ask the casino to ake sure you are not trying to proof unsupported payment option, in this case.

I also dig up the similar problem (just different card) answered by an Italian player:


Hteo sam da vam se zahvalim na podršci. Problem je riješen. Verificiran račun, novac poslan.

Automatski prevedeno:

That's great! 🤩

Thank you for sharing. Have you received corresponding support from the casino as well, I wonder?

Do you find their support usefull after all?

Hello Sommer2021!

Did the casino explain further, please? The easiest explanation would be a mistake, but I don't want to speculate. 🤔

Even if the Mastercard would no longer be available for withdrawal, this would be quite a silly way to say that.

I would ask the casino for sure. Can you update us, please?

Pozdrav svima,

Nadam se da mi neko može dalje pomoći.

Deponovao sam 50 € preko Giropai-a u petak, depozit je još uvek „na čekanju". Novac je već oduzet od moje banke. Kontaktirao sam korisničku podršku i rekli su da moraju da provere i da čekam...

da li je neko imao isti problem?

Automatski prevedeno:


be prepared that it can take some time for the casino to investigate, normally these transactions are handled by 3rd party payment provider and the casino has to wait for the update, so they can update you. Sadly, what we called missing deposits is among the top three topics players complain about.


be prepared that it can take some time for the casino to investigate, normally these transactions are handled by 3rd party payment provider and the casino has to wait for the update, so they can update you. Sadly, what we called missing deposits is among the top three topics players complain about.


da, kreditirali su mi novac, trebalo je oko 72 sata.

Hvala puno na pomoći

Automatski prevedeno:

Meaning the problem has been solved. Great. 🙂

I'll notify the Complaint Team right away.

Have a good day. 😉

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