Vidim, to je već poprilična lista.
Napisali ste i da trenutno postoji jedan dokument koji ne možete nabaviti i kontaktirali ste podršku, zar ne?
Vjerujem da je ovo dokument koji kazino još uvijek čeka. Sada sam dobio ideju: Paysafe kartica koju ste koristili za depozit je prepaid, zar ne? Nije klasična debitna kartica vezana za vaš bankovni račun? U ovom slučaju, takva prepaid kartica je namijenjena samo za sigurne kupovine, a nisam siguran da li je prihvatljiva za isplate iz kazina. Možda je to cijeli problem:

zar ne?
Zamolio bih kazino da se uvjeri da u ovom slučaju ne pokušavate dokazati nepodržanu opciju plaćanja.
I see, it's quite a list already.
You also wrote that there is currently one document you are not able to acquire and you contacted the support, didn't you?
I believe that this is the document the casino is still waiting for. Now I got the idea: the Paysafe card you used for the deposit is the prepaid one, correct? Not the classic debit card bound to your bank account? In this case, such a prepaid card is only meant for safe purchases, not sure if it is acceptable for cashouts from the casino. It may be the whole problem:

Don't you think?
I'd ask the casino to ake sure you are not trying to proof unsupported payment option, in this case.
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