NaslovnaForumKazinaCasoo Casino - opšta diskusija

Casoo Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od micksantoso
9.577 pregleda 36 odgovora |
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Of course, it would be much better experience if you got the warning or if the game couldn't be played at all while you have bonus money on your account. I believe the best casinos should have this implemented. Unfortunately that's not how the online casino business works. It actually possible that you breached the TCs in another casino as well, but since you didn't win there, they didn't check your gaming history and didn't find it there.

I deposit 50€ to play with the first bonus deposit. When I finished the wagering, my balance was 955€. I played only(!) one spin by accident with 2,40€, when my balance was around 850€ and the wagering was near 60-70%. I repeat ONE spin by accident because I played by my phone. (The maximum allowed bet is 2€) When I made a withdrawal after I asked the support to tell me if everything is ok, the next day the withdrawal cancelled and my balance was at first 0€ and then 50€ from 955€.

They told me that I exceeded the maximum allowed bet for the bonus wagering and my last deposit was returned to my gaming balance.

I feel that they stole me. This is so unfair.

I need your help because I made everything right and I can't believe that this one spin really affected something.

(I have screenshots of everything.)


Hi, I'm sorry you got yourself into such an unpleasant situation. As for the max bet, I would clarify how we look at it: The max bet rule is, in fact, an industry standard, just as the fact that a casino has the right to seize the player's winnings from bonus play after breaking this rule. We prefer not to go against industry standards by penalizing casinos that use the maximum bet rule against players from time to time.

On the other hand, we think that this rule should be enforced at software level, i.e., that the casino's software or website shouldn't let players place higher bets than the limit. This is one of our requirements for 'fair and safe casinos'.

If software enforcement is not possible, each case should be judged separately, so that only players who have broken the rule knowingly and systematically to gain an advantage are punished.

In this case, I would recommend you to file a complaint here on this link and our team will try to help you. 

Let me know if you're up for it. 

I registred in januari in this casino, paid out to times 5000euro (5x1000) but then 8 days ago i won 40.000 euro and tried to withdraw then got message that a gamecheck is needed..

in the meantime i won total of 200.000 euros and the casino is still checking the games.. now i get a little bit worried about there intensions.

Are there people who managed to payout large amounts?

They already raised my withdrawallimit from 5k to 7.5k per day and from 15k to 22.5 per week and 30k to 45k per month.

But in the 8 days they didnt proces any withdrawals, before i had a couple of times withdrawn 3 or 4 times 5000euro max withdraw possible per day and the money was within a couple of hours in my bankaccount


to buy a Buy Bonus at maximum bet like 4600euro with a bet per spin of 46euro is that a violation? I guess not because it is possible to do and it is an option.. only thing is i hit in a week time x2200, x1350, x1150, x850, x820, x680, x550. Al with a max bet of 49euro made with a no bonus deposit.. in total i won over a half milion euro but winning and loosing continue until first reached 40k, almost lost until 10k then back up until 60k lost until 23k thus kept going on untill 200k..

i cant imagine this is forbiden, all i know if you deposit with a bonus active than there are rules. But i never choose for bonus always deposit bonus free, for this kind of situations.. once i won with bonus money of 300euro 12.000euro and then received only 900euro


It is not unusual that the casino sometimes needs to do an additional verification, especially when it comes to bigger amounts. How long exactly are you waiting for the withdrawal now, when did you send the request?

If you haven't played with any bonuses, as you said, that should not be any worry then. You can always try to ask the support, if you have any questions about max bet, they should be able to give you all the answers. If you feel, that you need us to intervene, let us know, please, and we will try to do that. I will wait for your reply here.


I send the request 9 days ago, al that time it says first needed a gamecheck an analys. They also told my it wont take longer than 7 days also it is stated in their T&C. I had before succefull withdrawals of 5000euro 2 or 3 times with other wins and where deposited in several hours..

i got a feeling they delayed because usually when i win i end up loosing the money again but this time i kept on winning and winning.. every time i wasnt able to withdraw i tought oke we play with 10.000 and ended up doubling the money untill i reached 200.000.. but i dont understand even if the have to pay isnt it so that the gameprovider pays this in the end and not the casino? Or am i wrong? I played different games most of them of pragmatic play : sweet bonanza, big bass splash, gates of olympus.

and maybe its the best iff casinoguru intervene in this but im afraid that it would slow down the process


Well, 9 days, do not forget not to count the weekend though, right? Usually it is working days, at least in most cases. This time probably they need to do some more additional checks and that is why it is more time consuming, in my opinion.

Just please do not get to any wrong conclusions, it doesn't help your case, really, not talking about your wellbeing. Don't you think so? I am not an expert in how exactly does it work between the casinos and the game providers, in my opinion, though, the casino is the one paying the players.

Also I do not think that by submitting a complaint you will slow down the process, I will leave it all up to you, though. Our team will be ready whenever you'll feel, that our help is really needed. Just, please, keep us updated with any news regarding this issue.🙏


Yes thanks, yeah for now i will just wait and give them the time they needed.. i also stopped playing because if i win again x5000 or over 10k which is easy when you play spins of 4900e. And then the check only extends..

ill keep you up to date


If I may add my point of view, you seem like a high-roller player to me. I'm saying that because casinos tend to be more interested in such gameplays simply because of the higher amounts at stake.

For now, I would not be nervous, this is quite a normal step casinos take in similar situations.

I wish you quick checks, and even quickest withdrawals! If you need anything or have an update, we are here for you.


I understand and that is also what i am thinking but they go to far my first withdrawal is from 11 march i think they say maximum 7 days for a check, that is already past and then they say yes but you won later more and that needs to be checked, oke but what about the winnings before it should have been checked and i should already have an awnser about this if it where correct winnings and pay out my worhdrawals. This is al just bullshit i think


The first 5000 had been deposited in my bankaccount.. it was frustrating to wait but it is starting to look good now.

got email that the gamechecks are done znd correct winnings

The first 5000 had been deposited in my bankaccount.. it was frustrating to wait but it is starting to look good now.

got email that the gamechecks are done znd correct winnings

Great news, you see, sometimes you just have to be a little patient. I am glad that you have some money in your account and I firmly believe that more money will come to you as soon as possible. If you have any trouble, feel free to contact us or update us if you have received everything. 

May it go as fast as possible. 🎉🤗

Zdravo, i ja imam problema sa ovim kazinom.

Već sam podneo žalbu ovde.

Sve se desilo kada sam video ovu dobru recenziju kazina ovde.

Odlučio sam da se registrujem, ali pre nego što napravim depozit, razgovarao sam sa podrškom, uprkos tome što sam pročitao uslove i srca, odlučio sam da lično pitam podršku da li postoje dodatna ograničenja za brazilske igrače i takođe sam pitao koji je minimalni iznos u BRL valuti ovo je moja valuta na kazino nalogu, agent je proverio i rekao ne, a takođe mi je dao koliko treba da uložim u kriptovalutu, a zatim mi je dao bonus u vezi sa depozitom i aktivirao sam depozit sa B deponovan.

Deponovao sam i bonus nije uplaćen, vratio sam se u podršku, prijavio je ovo, agent je rekao da će poslati problem u odeljenje, nakon dugog čekanja dobio sam e-mail da je bonus i plaćanja tada sa problemima u BRL valuti, vratio sam se u kazino rekao mi je o tome, kako ne mogu da igram zbog ove greške, onda me je zamolio da povučem svoj depozit, ok.

Sada počinje problem.

Onda su me zamolili da verifikujem svoj nalog, po prvi put su dokazi kao što su telefonski račun, internet kreditna kartica, poreski izvod sve više puta odbijeni, pa sam pomislio šta ovo znači i ko su ovi ljudi, vratio sam se da podržim, evo diskusija je trajala par dana.

Pošto su spomenuli da su veoma direktna kompanija, odlučio sam da istražim da li je to istina.

Otkrio sam da rade ilegalno u Brazilu, bez ovlašćenja da primaju depozite i traže lične podatke od brazilskih državljana, a izgleda da se čeka i njihova dozvola na Kurasau, tako da ni u Brazilu ni na bilo kojoj drugoj teritoriji ova kompanija nema pravo da postavlja ove zahteve, a kamoli da zadržava moj depozit.

Pa sam im ovo prijavio, agent mi je dao izvod iz uslova, u kojem piše da je odgovornost korisnika da poznaje zakone o igrama u njihovoj nadležnosti, ok, jesam, Brazil dozvoljava kazino igre, ono što trenutno ne dozvoljava su neregularna kazina kao što je njihov slučaj, tako da ako kazino ne zabranjuje korisnika u svojim uslovima i da nudi svoje usluge u regionu i dalje se smatra da je njegov korisnik za takav region i dalje od strane kompanije za igre na sreću, ali je kompanija za igre na sreću kriva za nelegalno poslovanje, uzimanje depozita i prikupljanje ličnih podataka, pošto nije moja dužnost da znam da li su ovlašćeni ili ne, mogu normalno da igram, ako lista ograničenih zemalja u njihovim uslovima to ne zabranjuje, onda je u ovom slučaju deo gde se govori o odgovornosti korisnika u njihovoj nadležnosti, tako da se ne odnosi na moju nadležnost, tako da se ne odnosi na moju nadležnost.

Činjenica da je podrška rekla da su savršeno razumeli ovo obezbedila mi je e-poštu da rešim problem, međutim, uprkos tome što sam dao adresu kriptovalute, fotografije, adresu plus dokumente i Binance profil, nisam dobio nikakvu uplatu niti odgovor.

Međutim, sada su ponovo tražili verifikaciju naloga, a ovoga puta su prihvatili sva dokumenta i moj nalog je u potpunosti verifikovan. Zamolili su me da pokušam da izvršim povlačenje preko kartice za plaćanje u kazinu, ok, ali kako da izvršim povlačenje ako je sve blokirano?

Poruka na platnom sistemu kazina kaže sledeće: NISU MOGUĆA POVLAČANjA, tako da ne mogu da povučem.

Ali sada sam dobio nešto veoma čudno, zahtev iz kazina da zatvorim svoj račun i otvorim novi u drugoj valuti. Dakle, pitao sam za svoje stanje, rekli su mi da kontaktiram novi račun da zatražim svoje stanje, sve će kreditirati na novi račun.

Što se tiče otvaranja novog naloga, jednostavno sam im rekao da mi pošalju ovo ovlašćenje e-poštom, sa detaljima zahteva putem zvaničnog mejla iz kazina, mejla koji se pojavljuje negde u kazinu, to sprečava kazino da me optuži za duplo naplatu i možda kaže da to nikada niste tražili, dajući vam pravo da mi ne platite, ako kazino zaista želi da reši ovaj mejl i da mi samo pošalje ovaj mejl.

Međutim, rekli su da to ne moraju da rade, pa sam ih pitao da ne bi bilo lakše da plate preko detalja koje tamo pošalju u mejlu, nisu prihvatili, a nisu mi ni dali zahtev mejlom.

Tako da mislim da ne nameravaju da mi vrate depozit.

Dobro ocenjen kazino, ali nebezbedan i veoma problematičan, ne preporučujem nikome da igra tamo

Automatski prevedeno:


the situation is pretty complex and certainly not pleasant at all. As far as I can say, the most issues, however, have risen up due to incorrect info provided by the support worker, first of all. I would expect to cover the right currency right from the start, among other things...

If I may speculate, I would guess the casino was not well prepared for the new Brazilian regulations.

Did you perhaps see this post 👈? Of course I may be wrong completely so, I would like to know your opinion on this.

From the Safety Index perspective, this is completely unmeasurable and unpredictable.... The same goes for anything related to custom customer experience. Like payment options availability, KYC procedure, and so on..

Yet, be assured that if my colleagues find anything unfair during the resolution of the complaint, it will be investigated. "Our ratings" as people aim to call the Safety Index, describe measurable aspects only, and I perfectly understand it is not that obvious without reading the details. Hence, thank you for sharing your own struggle with others. This is terrible experience...

Speaking about complaints, feel free to update it further—right here 👈👈

Let's hope the matter will be resolved soon.


Zdravo, upravo sam pročitao objavu vašeg prijatelja i on je u pravu, zato sam pročitao uslove i odredbe kazina.

Preuzeo sam inicijativu da uvek prvo kontaktiram podršku kako bih se uverio da nema problema i dodatnih ograničenja, ako potvrdim da je sve u redu idem tamo i uplatim.

Ali jedina stvar koju kazino može da uradi je da vrati moj depozit na alternativni način, ovo je pošteno, mnogi kazina ovde su to već uradili, evo nedavno rešen slučaj, alternativno plaćanje je trebalo vremena ali je to rešeno sada. Moram da rešim ovo kasnije.

Problem je u tome što je vlada ovlastila mnoga kazina i takođe blokirala mnoge, tako da je vlasnik kazina taj koji treba da zna da li je ovlašćen ili ne, on treba da zna da ako prekrši zakonske barijere i da će biti primenjene kazne, a kao korisnik nisam dužan da istražujem kazino po kazino da vidim njihovo ovlašćenje, pa ako kazino nije za kazino on je za blokiranje korisnika i ne treba samo uslove i ne treba mu samo uslove. ako može da se registruje i deponuje. Kada kazino primi iznos, ako je igrač pobedio ili je imao problema sa klađenjem, kazino mora vratiti ili isplatiti dobitak. Sam PROCON kaže da u slučaju onlajn kazino kockarskih platformi na kojima korisnik može da deponuje, on takođe ima pravo da se povuče ako je pobedio bez kršenja pravila te veb stranice, svi njegovi dobici moraju biti isplaćeni, a to važi i za međunarodne slučajeve, u slučaju kada nadležnost u kojoj kazino ima svoje administrativne sektore ne sarađuje sa istražnim isplatom tada će u tom slučaju sarađivati sa istragom. Drugim rečima, niko ne može uzeti ono što im pripada.

Imaju licencu za Curacao, tako da to nije bezbedno mesto za deponovanje velikih količina novca, a kamoli kriptovaluta, vrednom građaninu neće biti prijatno da moli da primi svoje dobitke ili povrati svoj novac, koliko vidite oni plaćaju samo ako to žele, morate biti dvostruko srećni, jedan da dobijete bilo koju grešku, u kazinu je greška u kazinu.

Ukratko: položio sam, mogu to da dokažem, kazino je napravio grešku, ja to mogu da dokažem, proverio sam svoj račun, mogu to da dokažem, ne mogu da otvorim novi nalog kako traže, a da oni ne daju nešto zvanično, mogu to da dokažem, nisam im naneo štetu, mogu da dokažem. Pa zašto se novac ne može vratiti?

Automatski prevedeno:

Good for you to be that well-informed while registering in a casino. Very inspiring. 👍

I also agree the operators and casino owner should do their best to keep up with every legal change, because if they fail to secure the most important role they have—to pay out the winnings—players won't be very much interested in excuses.

I therefore hope that your complaint will serve as a reminder of the casino's duties and encourage players to exercise caution.

In the complaint, I just spotted an update saying the withdrawal is going to be released. Let us know once you have the money, please. Hopefully, it won't take too long 🙂

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