Naravno, bilo bi bolje iskustvo ako dobijete upozorenje ili ako se igra uopće ne može igrati dok imate bonus novac na računu. Vjerujem da bi najbolji kockarnici trebali ovo implementirati. Nažalost, poslovanje internetskih kazina ne funkcionira tako. Zapravo je moguće da ste prekršili TC -ove i u drugom kazinu, ali budući da tamo niste pobijedili, oni nisu provjerili vašu istoriju igara i nisu je našli.
Of course, it would be much better experience if you got the warning or if the game couldn't be played at all while you have bonus money on your account. I believe the best casinos should have this implemented. Unfortunately that's not how the online casino business works. It actually possible that you breached the TCs in another casino as well, but since you didn't win there, they didn't check your gaming history and didn't find it there.