ForumKazinaChipstars Casino - opšta diskusija

Chipstars Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 10)

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1...9 10 1112
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pre 4 meseci

Excellent I'm glad. It's always good to chat with support or live chat when you have a question. It prevents various problems that could arise later. I'm pleased that you're aware and didn't, for example, try to choose another country just to register. 

I hope you will do well there and everything will be in order. Let us know then. 😊☘️👍

pre 4 meseci

I can absolutely recommend it - friendly and helpful support, wide range of games, nice, intuitive platform and super win with many attractive bonuses :) And very fast processing of withdrawals. Thanks again.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 meseci
pre 4 meseci

Thank you for the insides. What about writing a review for this casino? You can do so here.

pre 4 meseci

Just to add to my previous comment - my second withdrawal was processed lightning fast, so I absolutely recommend it. Thanks again.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 meseci
pre 4 meseci

Just to add to my previous comment - my second withdrawal was processed lightning fast, so I absolutely recommend it. Thanks again.

pre 4 meseci

Zdravo, najbolje je da svoje ažuriranje uvek pišete koristeći novu objavu, jer se može desiti da igrači neće doći do prethodnog, pa je uvek dobro imati ovako.

Takođe mi je drago što ste uspeli da dobijete drugi izbor, a kada kažete da je bilo brzo, koliko je vremena trebalo? Koji metod selekcije koristite? 😀

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Šteta, odložili su mi isplatu dok nisam izgubio sve

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Oh,... How long has it taken? 🙁

pre 3 meseci

To je stvarno loše, ništa od ovoga ne razumem. Deponovao sam 1000 nedeljno, jednom osvojio 2500 i hteo da ih podignem, ali su onda rekli da će to trajati 2 dana jer je servis loš, onda su rekli sutra je još jedan dan i na kraju je odbijeno.

Samo da uopšte ne dođe do isplate, mrzim ih sve, samo hoće da nas pomuzu, ali bi i oni imali igrače, ali očigledno za sva kazina na Curacao mi smo samo idioti koji mogu da se opljačkaju .

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Nije u pitanju vreme, radi se o da, sve je u redu, obrađuje se i na kraju je odbijeno, navodno sam hteo da platim preko mifiniti-a i nisam uneo svoje podatke, ali to nije tačno, hteo sam potpuno normalan bankovni transfer.

Čipstars je bila moja poslednja nada da imam posla sa nekim ozbiljnim, ali svejedno je to sranje.

Najgore je što možete bez problema deponovati svoju kuću i imovinu, ali kada je u pitanju povlačenje, morate čekati i treba vam to i to. Odvratan

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Yes, I had to urg them a couple of times, but in the end I received the withdrawed money OK. Since it was a weekend and a holiday, it took 4 days - I received the amount in my crypto wallet (litecoin).

pre 3 meseci

Nije u pitanju vreme, radi se o da, sve je u redu, obrađuje se i na kraju je odbijeno, navodno sam hteo da platim preko mifiniti-a i nisam uneo svoje podatke, ali to nije tačno, hteo sam potpuno normalan bankovni transfer.

Čipstars je bila moja poslednja nada da imam posla sa nekim ozbiljnim, ali svejedno je to sranje.

Najgore je što možete bez problema deponovati svoju kuću i imovinu, ali kada je u pitanju povlačenje, morate čekati i treba vam to i to. Odvratan

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Oh, I'm sorry it's come to this. I hate to see players end up losing their money and it's always best to leave everything until the situation is resolved, because it's hard for us to help in situations like this. Of course, if the casino misleads you and you always get different information and then in the end something is not good anyway, it probably speaks for itself and I personally wouldn't want to play in such a casino anymore. I know it won't bring you any winnings, but the only thing you can take from it is the lesson. 😕

pre 3 meseci

Yes, I had to urg them a couple of times, but in the end I received the withdrawed money OK. Since it was a weekend and a holiday, it took 4 days - I received the amount in my crypto wallet (litecoin).

pre 3 meseci

Tako da je to prilično dobro, rekao bih. Da li ste nastavili da igrate ovde ili ne više?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Casino is cheating. Firstly I had problems with withdraw(my account was veryficated but still needed documents which was not possible to send agin), later support repair it but when I did withdrawal they ban me becouse of multiple account. It’s not possible becouse I have only one. Even if this would be true I would be banned when registering or when they veryficate me but ofc they detected multiaccount when I did withdrawal…

pre 3 meseci

Hi, so you're saying you're not aware that you have a second account here yes ? You don't remember if you had an account in this casino sometime ago ? When you sent other documents, were you successfully verified and only when you made a withdrawal were you told that you violated the multiple accounts rule ?

Anyway, I would go ahead and file a complaint because our team will try to help you and find out everything necessary. 

You can start one here on this link 👍

What do you think, you going for it ? 

pre 3 meseci

Da, nažalost to je slučaj sa svim kazinom na Curacao-u i niko nas kao igrače ne štiti.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

O moj Bože, čak i da je to slučaj, zašto bi mu bilo dozvoljeno da uplati?

Da li ste mu možda dozvolili da deponuje bez ikakvog rizika od povlačenja?

Sva kazina na Curacao-u rade ovako, ali svoje usluge nude ilegalno u Evropi.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Mislim da sva kazina na Kurasau rade na sličan način. Pretpostavljam da GSR nisu profitabilni jer jednostavno ima previše otvaranja i jednostavno ih je previše.

Depoziti često rade bez problema, ali ne, uvek kasne jer spekulišu sa pretragom igrača.

Ko nije pažljiv neće uplatiti u tako sumnjive kompanije.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

O moj Bože, čak i da je to slučaj, zašto bi mu bilo dozvoljeno da uplati?

Da li ste mu možda dozvolili da deponuje bez ikakvog rizika od povlačenja?

Sva kazina na Curacao-u rade ovako, ali svoje usluge nude ilegalno u Evropi.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

We didn't let anyone deposit anywhere because we are not a casino. 

You probably don't have much information about how it works when someone has multiple accounts. If it was that simple and players were notified as soon as they created another account with the same personal details then this issue would never arise. However, most of the time it is only when a withdrawal is made that the casino system flags that the player can have another account with all the same information but only the email can be changed. 

So I would study some things before you speak. 

pre 3 meseci

Mislim da sva kazina na Kurasau rade na sličan način. Pretpostavljam da GSR nisu profitabilni jer jednostavno ima previše otvaranja i jednostavno ih je previše.

Depoziti često rade bez problema, ali ne, uvek kasne jer spekulišu sa pretragom igrača.

Ko nije pažljiv neće uplatiti u tako sumnjive kompanije.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

You have to be careful as you say, but I don't think any casino with this license is outright wrong. However, you have to look at where the player is depositing, because often they admit that they didn't look for any information and only when there is a problem they get interested. That would be my message to all players who want to play anywhere. 😉

pre 3 meseci

Nisam mislio na vas lično, ali pod vama sam mislio na službenike kazina.

Pa, ako su greškom otvorena dva računa i niste uradili ništa loše ni na jednom od njih, još uvek možete da izvršite povlačenje.

Automatski prevedeno:
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