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Chipstars Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

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pre 3 meseci

Hello Radka

Thank you for your question! The difference between the wagering formula and the standard wagering requirement is that the wagering formula doesn't have a fixed wagering number, it depends on the house edge factor. Our formula is bet * house edge * 50%. House edge is a variable factor here, so we can't say how much wager you will need to make, it depends on the games you play.

Of course, let's use this example:

You registered on Chipstars and made your first deposit of 100 EUR. You will get your 100 EUR on the real money balance + you will get your 100% bonus (you can get up to 300%, depending on your deposit, if you deposit more, the bonus will be higher. This is also the good thing about our bonus, you can get large bonuses, up to 73k in total for our welcome pack). So, you have 100 EUR of real money and 100 more which you can unlock by playing. Now you started playing, you won something and now you have 500 EUR on the account, and the wager to unlock locked 100 EUR is at 32% currently, for example. You don't want to play anymore, you want to withdraw your 500 EUR. You are free to do that whenever you want, doesn't matter if you didn't unlock your bonus money. This is the reason we calling our bonus "wager-free", wagering will not bind you to anything, and you will not have any problems until you wager, which you can have on some other platforms. Now, that you made the withdrawal, you still have unlocked 32% of your bonus. After 3 months, you decided to play again, and you made another deposit of 200 EUR. You got a 200% bonus for this (400 EUR locked). Now you have 400 EUR in your account and you started playing. Your first bonus will continue with unlocking again (it will never expire, you have unlimited time to unlock your bonus) and after some time you have unlocked 100% of your bonus for the first deposit. Now 100 EUR is automatically transferred to your real money balance and you can do whatever you want with this money. You can withdraw it, keep playing, or do whatever. Remember that you have a bonus for 2nd deposit too? It will automatically start with unlocking after 1st bonus is unlocked, if you keep playing on Chipstars, you will unlock it for sure at some point, so this bonus is the bonus in the real meaning of this word, You as a player have only benefits from it, there is no single downside for you, nothing like max cashout, expiring, bounding, etc.

Please write if you have anything unclear, we are here to answer 🙂

pre 3 meseci

Ја и даље не разумем... Зашто има лимит од 200% када у сваком тренутку можете да затражите исплату? И оно још важније, бонус новац ми није на располагању ,по уплати депозита ? Морам да га откључам,а ако затражим исплату пре условног обрта, неће ми се рачунати депозит × 200% ?

pre 3 meseci

@jaro ,

Ово је баш оно о чему ми дискутујемо . Нико живи не може да разуме правила бонуса.

pre 3 meseci

Ја и даље не разумем... Зашто има лимит од 200% када у сваком тренутку можете да затражите исплату? И оно још важније, бонус новац ми није на располагању ,по уплати депозита ? Морам да га откључам,а ако затражим исплату пре условног обрта, неће ми се рачунати депозит × 200% ?

pre 3 meseci

If it is okay with you, I would suggest using the replay button, because, in my opinion, the casino representative should hear these questions from you as a player. I think I finally understood after reading it through a few times. 😀

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
Chipstars Casino
pre 3 meseci

I appreciate you providing this example and giving me another chance to follow up on this rather original idea. If my understanding is correct—please correct me if not—it functions similarly to a loyalty program but with the application of cashback. It is quite interesting.

It is wonderful to see that you are open to trying new things. I hope you have a ton of happy players!

pre 3 meseci

Да ли би била љубазна да објасниш и мени? Али тако да могу да разумем. Прво што бих хтео да знам је зашто постоји услов од 200% ,ако бонус новац можете да умете у било ком тренутку?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
pre 3 meseci

@jaro ,

Ово је баш оно о чему ми дискутујемо . Нико живи не може да разуме правила бонуса.

pre 3 meseci

I would attempt to draw a comparison between this feature and the "buy three, get the fourth free" sales offer, for instance.

Simply put, I do not think you have to purchase all three pieces at once. You can walk out of the store and come back to buy the third piece to receive the fourth piece for free. This, in my opinion, is essentially the concept's main idea.

However, as I mentioned, it would be preferable to discuss specifics with the casino representative. Let us make the most of this opportunity, which I am so grateful for. 🙂

pre 3 meseci

Да ли би била љубазна да објасниш и мени? Али тако да могу да разумем. Прво што бих хтео да знам је зашто постоји услов од 200% ,ако бонус новац можете да умете у било ком тренутку?

pre 3 meseci

I think the only time you will be able to access the bonus funds or convert them to real money is when you reach the "bet * house edge * 50%" wagering requirement. However, there are never any limits on your real money. That's the point: despite it being a deposit bonus, I'd say.

"It will automatically start with unlocking after 1st bonus is unlocked, if you keep playing on Chipstars, you will unlock it for sure at some point, so this bonus is the bonus in the real meaning of this word, You as a player have only benefits from it, there is no single downside for you, nothing like max cashout, expiring, bounding, etc."

Thus, "You are free to do that whenever you want, doesn't matter if you didn't unlock your bonus money. "

These 200% refers to the bonus amount rather than the wagering, as being said, "The difference between the wagering formula and the standard wagering requirement is that the wagering formula doesn't have a fixed wagering number, it depends on the house edge factor."

I think it makes sense and appears to be advantageous.

Still, if I were you, I would inquire with the casino representative. 🙂

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
pre 3 meseci

Значи тек после 50% условног обрта откључава бонус средства. Али вероватно не добијам исто и после 50%. И после 200%?

pre 3 meseci

Hello, dancerreddevile and Radka. First of all, I am glad to see that you are interested in learning how our bonus works 🙂

Radka you are right more or less. The whole point of our bonus is that you can play with your real money balance and withdraw your winnings whenever you want. In the meantime, your locked bonus is unlocking and you have a chance to unlock it. That's why I told you that this is the bonus in the real meaning of this word, it's just bonus money that you will get if playing on Chipstars, there are no any terms that can ruin your gaming experience which you can experience with the standard bonus. That's our idea, we just thought like the player and tried to make something better, something which will have only benefits for the player, and this is the product. We know that we will have problems with this system because not all the players will understand our bonus and they will grab regular bonus rather, but from time, they will recognize this concept and see all the benefits of it 🙂

dancerreddevile It was just an example of the bonus money you can get (200%), it can be any number between 100% and 300%, depending on your deposit amount. If anything is not clear, please feel free to write, I am here to help.

pre 3 meseci

No, 50% is just a piece of formula for calculating wagering requirements. If I deposit 100 EUR (image below), in this case for my 2nd deposit, I will have a 100% bonus. So I will get 100 EUR locked on my account. I will play with my real money and bonus money will start unlocking by placing the bets. Once the bonus is fully unlocked, you will get your money on the real money balance. Please write if anything is not clear.


Chipstars Casino
pre 3 meseci

Fantastic, I think I finally understand the formula. For that, you have my sincere gratitude. 😀

I think there should be a lot of appreciation once more players learn about this intriguing idea!

pre 3 meseci

Yes, honestly, we didn't find a simple way to explain to people all the benefits of our bonus, and that's the reason for people having bad feelings at first sight. But most of the players who understood and tried were very satisfied with the system 🙂

And every day, we have more and more players who accept this new system, I am sure that it will be very popular in the future 🙂

Chipstars Casino
pre 3 meseci

Interesting offer and I think after a long time some bonus that looks nice. I hope as many players as possible will understand this system and try to use their luck. ☘️😊

pre 2 meseci

овај казино ме сваким даном све више изненађује, у позитивном смислу... нема много казина који вам дају тек тако 30 спинова, када се жалите оператеру да нисте ништа освојили у последњих неколико десетина окретаја. Другом приликом ми се десио технички квар, и игра блокирала током бонус рунди. И то су ми новчано компензовали.. веома фер и више него коректно.

pre 2 meseci

Hvala puno na lijepim riječima. ☺️ Trudimo se pružiti najbolje moguće iskustvo svakom našem igraču i veoma nam je drago kada pročitamo vaše pozitivne komentare. ☺️

Chipstars Casino
pre 2 meseci

Обично, када се деси тако нешто, скоро сваки казино једноставно прогласи тај спин неважећим, и у најбољем случају играч добије повраћај улога. Али ваши оператери из корисничке службе су на највишем професионалном нивоу, па су ми изашли у сусрет оба пута. Посебно бих похвалио оператера са надимком John. Тај човек заслужује повишицу 💵😊

Chipstars Casino
pre 1 meseca

the positive feedback is only for the operators, and their honesty and sincerity towards the players. it always gives hope to the players, that eventually withdrawing will go smoothly. in some casinos, the customer service deliberately tries to confuse you further(such as,for example,is Galactic Wins Casino). a negative rating would definitely be casino slot games, where some short-term RTP (at approximately 1000 spins) is below any decent limit.It has not happened to me in any casino yet, that after playing 100 spins, I only have a few winning ones.and it's not happened once but several times, even on low volatility games.Big minus going's also on your bonuses and promotions. For some reasons, I can't get any, except Cashback (which is automatically awarded). And T&C bonuses are so complicated, that it takes 2 online casino experts to partially understand them. then how will an average player understand?

pre 1 meseca

Thank you for your feedback and for highlighting both the positives and areas where we can improve. We're sorry to hear that you haven't had the desired luck with the games. We take pride in the fact that our games have a high RTP and are highly regulated by our providers to ensure fairness.

Regarding our bonuses, we understand they might seem confusing at first. We've aimed for something new and different with our bonus structure, which we have explained in detail before. Your feedback is invaluable, and we'll continue to work on making our promotions as clear and player-friendly as possible.

Thank you for being part of our community.

pre 1 meseca

Thank you for your feedback and for highlighting both the positives and areas where we can improve. We're sorry to hear that you haven't had the desired luck with the games. We take pride in the fact that our games have a high RTP and are highly regulated by our providers to ensure fairness.

Regarding our bonuses, we understand they might seem confusing at first. We've aimed for something new and different with our bonus structure, which we have explained in detail before. Your feedback is invaluable, and we'll continue to work on making our promotions as clear and player-friendly as possible.

Thank you for being part of our community.

pre 1 meseca

Нажалост, РТП ваших слот игара уопште није на нивоу, на ком га ви желите представити. Бар у мом случају . Од преко 1000 спинова, колико сам одиграо, једва да је 5% добитник( а у добитне спинова рачунам и оне, где сам добио мање од улога) и то се није десило једном, већ на сваком мом депозиту . Само Погледајте моју историју игре у вашем казину, то је пљачка у сред дана, па то ни они Ривал казина не раде . И сада ви мени овде причате, о РТП??! Колики је РТП за сада? 5%? Онда играм те исте игре у другим казинима, и видим да је тамо тотално другачије,онако како треба да буде. И онда се питам шта ја тражим код вас уопште, шта ми то треба у животу да губим новац, и поврх тога да ме неко прави будалом причама о РТП и слот конфигурацији. Сада разумем шта је @Јаро мислио о алатима које играч може да користи против казина. Само искључивање је најбоља могућа опција овде. Буди ми добро chipstars casino

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