pre 3 meseci
Zdravo, htela sam da te pitam da li si ih kontaktirao da bi proverio da li ti na to gledaš drugačije. Da su vam rekli da je u redu, očigledno bih pokušao da poverujem, ali sam siguran da ste snimili sve što su vam napisali u slučaju bilo kakvih problema. Da li ste im rekli da želite da vam se to vrati onako kako ste u nju ušli i da li će se to dogoditi?
Hi, I wanted to ask you if you have contacted them to follow up on the fact that you see it differently. If they told you it was OK, I would obviously try to believe it, but I'm sure you've recorded everything they've written to you in case of any problems. Did you tell them that you wanted it to come back to you as you entered it, and is that what is going to happen?